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As this is a gestalt character, I will also have:

Wizard Discovery - Arcane Builder:
You have an exceptional understanding of the theory behind creating magical items. Select one type of magic item (potions, wondrous items, and so on). You create items of this type 25% faster than normal, and gain a +4 bonus on Spellcraft checks (or other checks, as appropriate) to craft items of this type. You may select this discovery multiple times; its effects do not stack. Each time you select this discovery, it applies to a different type of magic item.

Dwarf Favored class option:
Select one item creation feat known by the wizard. Whenever he crafts an item using that feat, the amount of progress he makes in an 8-hour period increases by 200 gp (50 gp if crafting while adventuring). This does not reduce the cost of the item; it just increases the rate at which the item is crafted.

Ah yes… I’m thinking of mundane crafting rules aren’t I? Sorry and thanks anyway! Yeah I’m totally with the Valet familiar though!

No particular DC. Just looking at getting my Craft(Alchemy) as high as possible for faster construct crafting. The +1 per level would be sweet.

Would the Promethean Alchemist‘s crafted constructs receive the bonus from the Alchemy class feature?

“...When using Craft (alchemy) to create an alchemical item, an alchemist gains a competence bonus equal to his class level on the Craft (alchemy) check…”

Promethean Disciple:
“ An alchemist with this discovery learns how to craft constructs by way of alchemical research rather than arcane magic. The alchemist gains Craft Construct as a bonus feat without needing to meet its requirements. The alchemist substitutes his number of ranks in Craft (alchemy) for his total caster level and must use Craft (alchemy) to create the construct. The DC to create the construct still increases for any necessary spells that the alchemist does not have access to. However, the alchemist can use extracts in place of spells as spell prerequisites.”

I’m guessing no… but it seems like it could be RAI.


Derklord wrote:

Sadly, yes.

Ah, that’s okay! Still a cool touch to my build.

Derklord wrote:
A Teisatsu's only ninja trick is going to be Vanishign Trick, and one has to think hard about which Ki Power to take: Empty Body for sheer power and versatility? Ki Leech for infinite ki? Freedom of Movement for swift action get-out-of-imparements? Tough choice!

Do you mean Vanishing trick is just the best? Or some limitation I’m missing? Yeah haven’t even looked at the all yet, tricks or powers. Infinite Ki sounds nice for sure!

Hello! I am designing a vigilante and I’m wondering about the Teisatsu Talents. It appears that they can take a Ki Power or a non-master Ninja Trick in place of a Vigilante Talent, but it is stated in Vigilante Talents that: “Unless otherwise noted, a talent can be selected only once.

Does this mean that a Teisatsu Vigilante can only have one Ki Power and one Ninja Trick from the Teisatsu archetype?

Thank you!

After reading the Splintersoul archetype, I actually really like it. I think it fits the character, and I don’t mind the drawback, especially getting early access to Quick/Immediate Change.

As for having a two different alignments(well three once I have a mundane identity from the Many Guises talent), I think it’s a really cool feature of the vigilante in general, and now this archetype in particular. I don’t think that having differing alignments is all that outlandish, when compared to casting spells that control the weather or bring back the dead or travel between planes, etc. But mainly, I just think it sounds interesting and fun.

Thanks for the comments and happy adventuring!

Matthew Morris wrote:
Only thing I found from Paizo is the Splintersoul archetype, but it has its own drawbacks.

Ah, yup. This isn’t perfect, as I was going to use the Serial Killer archetype(which doesn’t stack with Splintersoul) to have sort of a Boondocks Saints/Dexter type who kills bad guys in terrifying displays for the greater good, but maybe SL archetype isn’t necessary.

Thank you!

Hello! I am writing a vigilante character and I’m wondering if there is a feat or something that allows your two alignments to be two steps away, particularly the Good and Evil axis. I don’t expect that there is, but if there is, hopefully one of you knows about it and can share!


Well the example I'm thinking of is from Ultimate Psionics. The slam attack is from the Aegis War Hulk Archetype and the claws are from the Soulknife Feral Heart Archetype.

Hah, yeah not two limbs. Two sets of limbs. Playing a double amputee... that could be... interesting?


Hello community! I have a pretty simple question(I think). If you have a slam attack and two claw attacks, do you get all three of those attacks? Do you have to pick one if you have only two limbs?


avr wrote:

In gestalt two spellcasting classes often isn't the best. You can generally only cast one spell per round after all. Gun chemist // eldritch archer may be an exception because you can combine alchemical ordnance with the eldritch archer's spell combat, but something like (siege gunner gunslinger or trench fighter) // (eldritch archer or gun chemist) might work as well.

If you were going to go all out for spellcasting then spellslinger wizard // eldritch archer could be great once you get the broad study magus arcana. Spellslinger wizard // gun chemist wouldn't ever get that synergy OTOH.

Ah yeah. I've thought about dropping Magus and picking up Gunslinger. I'm not too worried about needing to switch the grit from wisdom to int, we're using I think 84 point allocation, min 6 max 18 before racial, so we have room for plenty high ability scores. Wisdom was going to be 16 or 18 anyway, as I'm dropping Str and Cha for effect and character.

I really like the idea of mixing alchemical and magic gunshots, but the deeds and some of the archetypes for Gunslinger sure are hard to ignore!

Yeah, I came to the same conclusion with wizard.


Meirril wrote:
If you want to ask about a different psionic healing, mention the specific ability. The more specific you are the easier it is to answer questions.

Only using psionic healing, myself. No Cure Wounds spells or the like.

Natural Healing is the most often used psionic power. I have redistributed the healing from others drinking Cure Wounds potions, but not to the Dhampir, as I am aware that would damage him.

Natural Healing (1st level Vitalist power):
https://www.d20pfsrd.com/alternative-rule-systems/psionics-unleashed/psioni c-powers/n/natural-healing

I'm not trying to over-complicate things, but the people I play with are definitely sticklers about the rules, which is fine by me.

Seems as worded that is isn't positive.

Thank you!

I am playing a vitalist and we have a Dhampir in the party. I can't find anything classifying my psionic healing powers as positive energy...

Am I safe to direct my healing to the Dhampir?


If psionics are on the table, there is the Inquisitor feat. Also, in universal psionic items there are Shards that give a competence bonus to a skill, if you don't already have a competence bonus. They are one-use, though.

I'm wondering if there is any clarification on the Reach Evolution. It seems like most of the other evolutions that are natural attack related specifically say "natural attacks".

"Reach (Ex) (Advanced Player's Guide pg. 61): One of an eidolon's attacks is capable of striking at foes at a distance. Pick one attack. The eidolon's reach with that attack increases by 5 feet."

Am I able to use a weapon attack with this evolution? Or is it only for natural attacks from evolutions or base forms?


First time posting on here. I am playing Pathfinder for the first time; the last time I role played was when D&D 3.5 was fairly new.
I am a little less concerned with power play, but I'm not against any suggestions in character synergy.
That being said, I'm playing like a possessed and mutated batman-ish Master of Many Styles Monk/Vigilante character and I am thinking of delving into Phantom Blade Spiritualist and focus on harboring the Phantom Weapon and fighting unarmed.

I have two questions regarding the Phantom Blade:

1. It doesn't seem like there is a limit to what weapon you can choose, beyond being one that you are proficient with. Can I choose anything? It doesn't have to be a slashing or rapier or whatever like the Bladebound Magus Black Blades? I like the idea of a Chakram. I just think they are cool.

2. Two part question: Reading the rules for harboring the Phantom Weapon, it seems as though it is a full-round action, without regard for the distance between the Spiritualist and the Phantom Weapon. Is this true? Could I throw the Phantom Chakram and take a full-round action to harbor it again? Also, to make this quicker and more effective, am I missing a way to make harboring it quicker? I see that there is Quick Manifesting to bring out the Chakram as a swift action, but not finding anything to harbor it faster.

Anyone have any insight on either of these questions? And what do you think of this character idea?
