![]() With those stats, you're looking all right to move into melee, and if you want to focus a bit more on buffing, you can always grab moment of clarity so that you can spellcast in combat, and then pick up antagonize or a similar spell and have the enemies run at you - 3 levels of barb gets you some extra hp on top of rage abilities, and you can melee hard enough to be a threat. Also, I could be wrong on this, but it doesn't seem like there's anything saying you can't channel while raging. It doesn't require a concentration check, or anything, but it's been a while since I played a cleric so I can't be sure, so if you pick up alignment channel+channel smite you can seriously bring the hurt on an evil person, or whatever common alignment you fight against. You're probably not going to lose much as a healer, especially if you can help stop the hate on all of your party-mates. 2d6 isn't going to make or break a clutch heal at this level, and you can easily grab higher-level scrolls if you really have to. Losing out on miracle & 9th level spells is going to hurt a bit, but that's only if you're going to late-game. ![]()
![]() CripDyke wrote: ... Oh my gosh, thank you so much for the in-depth critique! It's sure to help me push my item over the edge next year (I hope!). I am also just super happy that I made it onto someone's top 32! I was roughing a house split in half by an earthquake for round 2 that I was excited about... but maybe next year. :) Wolin wrote:
Thanks a lot for the critique - that is a good way to look at it, from the flat modifier bonus vs what the item gives, crunch-wise. I'll have to keep that in mind for future pricing snafus. ![]()
![]() Crossbow of the Embracing Vine
As long as the crossbow is wielded in two hands, a red vine with golden leaves grows from the weapon and wraps comfortably around both of the wielder’s hands, giving the wielder an additional +1 on attack rolls with the weapon. At will, the wielder can extend the grip and plant it into solid terrain. Taking root, the vines grasp the wielder’s arms and legs, stabilizing them. This whole process takes 1 minute of concentration without moving from the starting position to complete. The user can crouch or lie prone while using this ability. When this is done, the crossbow’s range increment increases by 25 feet, the bonus to attack rolls increases to +3, and the crossbow gains a bonus to damage equal to half of the wielder's dexterity modifier. The wielder also gains a +2 bonus to their CMD against bull rush attempts. Finally, the wielder cannot move and loses their dexterity bonus to armor class. As a full-round action, the wielder can unroot the crossbow, returning the vines and grip to their normal position without affecting the terrain in any way.
I know I messed up the dang price/cost again this year, but any critique would be fantastic! ![]()
![]() Mesmerist makes a lot of sense, but I'd definitely be interested in seeing a paladin villain pitch, myself. I think I had about half of those classes represented in some way, but most of my villains are multi-classing monsters! Plus I had a villain using the bloatmage/bloodmage prestige class, which I love, until I realized that that class is not on the approved list of materials. Much sad :( ![]()
![]() Uh-oh, here I come again with another advice thread.
Details on the campaign: We are playing an undead/Ustalav focused campaign, a big modification of the carrion crown adventure path. We just got out of the shadow plane after about 10 sessions or so and we fought a lot of fetchlings, undead, zon-kuthon clerics, and wizards. We are level 8 and are almost at level 9. 20-pb. The party has a skill-monkey rogue who does both melee and ranged in combat (usually invisibility until they can hit with ranged then moves in), a synthesist summoner who has wings, four arms, and a fair amount of HP (obviously), a Wizard who debuffs and blasts (he likes lightning a lot), and a witch who is pretending to be a cleric (took the channeling archetype and heals and buffs a lot). I was playing an inquisitor/shadowdancer with a polearm, which I intended to eventually use shadow dashing stuff to get to the backlines and kill casters. unfortunately, I only have so much HP (about 58), about a 20 AC, and even my to-hit is a little sub-par (+11 or so with a judgement, but no iterative attacks yet)). I hit pretty hard, but between a few bad rolls and the character's general fragility, I spend most (maybe 75% at least) of the fights feared, unconscious, or with 10 str damage while only being able to take down a mook or two while the rest of the party lays into them. If it weren't for our healer, a lot of the time I wouldn't even be able to get one of the mooks. So, what would you suggest putting into this party? Or am I just being whiny about it and need to suck it up? Thanks for reading and any help you could give. ![]()
![]() Hey all, I'm interested in making a Mystic Theurge, but since the errata that "a spell-like ability is not a qualifier" for prestige classes anymore, I feel like I'm kinda out of luck. I read in some statement or something that people who were disappointed by this change would be happier once Pathfinder unchained was released - I expected it to be variant multiclassing giving spell levels, but no luck - I read through them and it looks like the most anyone every gets is cantrips. Is there something I missed or is the best way to go into it now back to "Take 3 levels in cleric and 3 in wizard"? Thanks for the help. (E: I realized that this might be better for rules questions, but I am just too used to posting in advice, and I'm not sure which one to stick with, sorry >_>) ![]()
![]() the David wrote:
Neither of us are, actually. I wanted to go into a sort of mobile anti-caster character (the shadow step is what I'm really after here), and they wanted to play a dedicated healer who has a lot of problems with death and the dying. As we developed we just sort of fell into this situation. It's fun, and neither of us mind too much, but I was just totally drawing a blank on how to rp my way out of this. ![]()
![]() So I'm playing an inquisitor/shadowdancer that doesn't much care for arcane magic users. I'm only level seven, but next level I get my rad Shadow Companion that'll be my flanking buddy and my confidant, I guess. However, this shadow companion feels like it could bring about a whole mess of trouble: 1: We are currently hunting a necromancer and have been f@+%ed over by shadows before, so I don't know how they will feel about having one of them hanging around. I feel like this can be explained to them that I will ALWAYS have the shadow under my control, but the bigger problem is... 2: Our healer is a worshipper of pharasma (a witch, but channels and heals like a cleric) and is getting a nosoi familiar at 7th level. Obviously both of which have no love for undead, but the nosoi is particularly bad as it will refuse to work around any undead or anybody who uses undead. Our characters are already thematically opposed, and this isn't likely to end well between them. so I guess my question is how we can get past this. My character hates necromancers as well, and I'm not sure exactly what the fluff of the shadow is - why you even have access to it, why it's undead, etc (though I guess it saves paizo from making a new stat block, but you know). I guess I'm looking for a way to fluff my way out of "one of these two people is going to leave the party because they can't be in it because of religious reasons". ![]()
![]() Riftcarver Bow
When an arrow is pulled back in this bow, the rock limbs give out a low groan and easily stretch backwards, and the user can feel small tremors building in the projectile. As a standard action, the wielder of a riftcarver bow can choose to make a ranged trip attempt against a single target using any arrow. The user can make up to 5 successful trips per day (failed trip attempts do not count against this number). Alternatively, 3 times per day the wielder can use the ground breaker barbarian rage power (APG 76) (DC 14 Reflex) by attacking a square with the riftcarver bow. This ability creates roughly carved chasms in the ground, with protruding vicious spikes of stone, causing 2d6 piercing damage to any who fall on the difficult terrain (DC 14 Reflex for half damage).
Spoiler: Admittedly now, I see a TON wrong with this, but since it's my first year I'll just tuck that away in my pocket for the next 11 months! ![]()
![]() Myself and another friend just moved to PDX from Eugene and we're looking to start up a new pathfinder group. We are both experienced players and we welcome all experience levels. We are looking for players that are in college or around that age category. Either one of us is willing to DM, my friend would be willing to run Paizo's "Iron Gods" campaign, and I tend to run more homebrew campaigns set in Golarion. Anyone who is interested, feel free to message me or post here! We live close to Guardian Games and would likely want to meet there. ![]()
![]() I have been talking to the party about what roles they are doing, and the wizard actually mentioned that he is going to be aiming in a much more summoning based in comba, along with control on the backside, so that actually opens up debuffing a bit more for me, and is definitely more a role I am interested in (I was recently a huge blaster as I played a 1-20 campaign as an arcane trickster, so I've had my fill of that style for a little bit). On that, I have to say I've never heard the term "party anchor", what does that mean? ![]()
![]() I doubt I can get that deity, my character being from Iobaria, and sort of shackled to the prevelent religions there. I think in terms of straight stats, the scimitar critical hit chance would be the best - grabbing a guided keen grayflame scimitar (enchanted in that order, most likely) would probably get the most damage, though I doubt I'll ever come close to the fighter, who is an oversized bastard sword specialist. ![]()
![]() So, tank planning would be, for earlier levels, to go into combat with only the shield and buff up/debuff. Then later with magical knack I will have spells last long enough to pre-combat, when I can afford a guiding weapon (my Dm should let that one through). By then holy vindicator attack debuffs could come into play. However, isn't the cleric spell requirement for hands to gesture my holy symbol? I could put it on my shield, or use the weapon of my goddess, yes? ![]()
![]() So, I am into the oracle, and am considering it, but I really like my tanky aura concept and might ask for some advice on that. I feel like with guided hand on sarenrae's scimitar and the holy vindicator crit buffs (debuff every time you threaten a critical hit) it could still be very effective. Since the feat guided hand works well with my high wisdom, and I will get the channeling smite feat for free from holy vindicator, is there a way to get WIS to AC as well, or should I dip the lore oracle to get the CHA to AC? Or should I keep up CON and just HP tank with my improved self-healing and heavy armor proficiency? As well, are there any particular spells you might suggest for the aura buff/debuff? Along with the aura of heroism from the heroism domain (delivering a constant buff), what other stuff can I stack on? Spells like archon's aura and stuff that debuffs the enemy would be desirable, since I'm planning to be up in their faces anyway. Also, would tower shield proficiency be worth the feat, or should I stick with a heavy shield? ![]()
![]() Yeah, I'm not married to the Cleric, I just think the utility is great - they get a lot of spells I'm sure we'll need later on. However, my party is one of those that could fall into the pit of thinking of my cleric/life oracle as a band-aid, and I'd prefer that to not be my only trick. I do really like that lore revelation of cha to AC (more than the nature one because it adds to reflex as well) ![]()
![]() Woah, I was not aware of the guided hand feat! Now that looks pretty interesting... Prereqs are a bit meh, but might be useful. The bard is a very buffing character, unfortunately, but does it very well. My DM is pretty much adamant on sticking to my God's domains, although cleric of a cause is an option if I can come up with a really good reason for it. (Also, the other option is elf, but since the stat boosts and minuses are terrible in this array, I feel like it isn't worth considering) ![]()
![]() Hello again,
Here's the deal: I'm building a cleric, but I'm not sure how to do so. I know that they would be good for the party, and I have stats to support it, but most of the roles I attempt to take, are already taken by the party.
The second issue is the stat and race restriction: we do randomly assigned rolls for stats, and I ended up with a decent base for a casting/channeling based cleric: STR: 9
...And I have ended up a half-elf, which, admittedly, isn't the best race for a cleric.
So, what would you build with those stats and this party? As of now, I am looking at a tanky crusader cleric going into Holy Vindicator to take advantage of all that channeling, with an emphasis on auras, but I'm looking for suggestions because I'm not sure how to fit in with the party dynamic. (Also, I'm coming in at level 8, so I have a lot of room to play with. We are in the middle of the Reign of Winter path, and my last character left fairly unceremoniously) Thanks for any help as always, guys. ![]()
![]() So, a bit of context - Shadow demon magic jars me. DM allows my character (since NO ONE in my team was able to realize I wasn't me) that I am basically trapped in my own body - I can perceive the world and what goes on, but not control my body beyond that. Certain evil characters in my party know I am possessed, but, being evil, could care less, and me being possessed helps him. My character is, understandably, fairly angry about this, but there is nothing they can do, for obvious reasons. She is currently only a level 5 alchemist, with a focus on bombing/knowledges (mindchimest), for some context, and is from Cheliax. She wants to somehow get herself out of this situation/ruin this evil guy's day for being a bit of a dick, if possible. She is fairly patient, luckily, and will wait for her moment if necessary, but I was wondering if anyone had any bright ideas to deal with this (in-game). Other party members include the evil cleric, a ranger who couldn't really give a care, and my character's well-meaning but sort of dopey best friend. I don't mind as a player being possessed, it's something that happens, but I'm simply not sure if there's anything my character can do about it. Cheers! ![]()
![]() I actually really enjoyed my time in the Viking archetype, but partially because my stats were randomly generated and I ended up with only a "decent" str and dex. Once I got shield slam, I was bull-rushing people all over the field, and with my high charisma, I was able to debuff everyone on the battlefield, before raging and using cornugun smash and shatter defenses, I could always hit and help everyone else hit better, too. Plus, with the sword and board bonuses, no one could ever hit me too - it turned me into an effective battlefield control tank, and was a lot of fun! ![]()
![]() ...Man, I post a lot of threads looking for build advice. Sorry :P Anyway, I'm looking at creating a new character for the party I am currently in, which has a very solid setup already - conjuration wizard, archer bard, and two-handed fighter. This fighter isset up for the sole purpose of doing TONS of damage (Read: oversized bastard sword and +25 damage at level 6), and everyone can basically take on most of the roles we need in the party - bard buffs, and arches, wizard debuffs and controls, and fighter kills things. So, I'm pretty much free to play whatever I want. One of the ideas I'd like to look into is a character that sets the fighter up for dealing all her damage, as the only real issue for them is getting to the enemy before she kills it. This would also help take the pressure off the bard and wizard, who are obviously squishier. What would be a good way to do this? I was considering a drag/reposition build, but was wondering what other ideas or advice there might be, for this build or something that might work well in this party. Thanks! ![]()
![]() I'm interested in that idea, Redcelt, a more anti-magic build? I could still grab cornugun smash with that and just be all over the spellcaster in the back. Though I'd be less control-y, I'd be a better tank if I went invulnerable rager and beast totem. Then I could focus a little on overrunning and stomping down people as I moved through them. ![]()
![]() "Highly Charismatic Executioner". I could probably just get returning on throwing axes and go twf, then into shot on the run. EDIT:
1: Weapon Focus (Guisarme), Dazzling Display, Performance Weapon Mastery
![]() OK, so the progression I'm looking at right now - a mobile fighter archetype with trip specialization. While he has less of a bonus than cross's build, once he reaches level 10 he will be a wall of trips. 1: Weapon Focus (Guisarme), Power Attack
Let me know what you think! It is a little less focused on bonuses than getting off those trip and intimidates as much as possible. ![]()
![]() Nah, just a combination of a player roleplaying a little TOO well when chastising the party (He had our sorcerer put a geas on my character to follow his paladin vows when he was feeling especially cocky and showed little remorse for putting the party in danger, he thought everyone felt good because no one got seriously hurt in the high CR encounter) and a more chaotic campaign this time around makes it likely that a paladin can REALLY muck things up for the party. ![]()
![]() Sorry, the modifiers from my race have already been applied to my stats! The race is also unchangeable. Don't take this as my DM being cruel, our party is just in its third continuitous adventure – I'm playing one of our previous character's children.
![]() Hey all,
NOTE: These stat's can't be changed, and I am fairly committed to my character concept. I know I could pull off a spellcaster much better with these stats. STR: 14
Anyway, I am looking to create a fighter who can really utilize his high CHA - in the beginning I am going to be building a performance combat intimidate build (dazzling display into hero's performance, so I can intimidate as a swift action), but I am not sure where to go at that point. The character's personality is very narcissistic, and believes their skills are far beyond anyone else's, and I'd like to give them the opportunity to steal that glory. I know the order of the cockatrice cavalier has a feature like what I'm looking for (when an ally scores a critical hit, you get an attack of opportunity), though I wouldn't like to play one for obvious reasons (dungeon crawling campaign). As well we do have a dedicated DPS machine, so I'm not really looking to fill that roll either. Any help would be awesome, thanks! ![]()
![]() Robe of the Archmagi are generally pretty good for most arcane casters, as long as you can keep your alignment. ![]()
![]() doc the grey wrote: Now for the bigger question, "How did you end up with a Barbarian with a 6-7 Con?" It's a long story, filled with lots of RP, but essentially, my character was revived from an alchemist at an early level, and I knew she was going to become an undead, so I dumped con in favor of charisma because I had the opportunity, so she could still be effective (my dm ruled I could use CHA and it would be affected by my rage). A few sessions later, she multiclassed into barbarian, as it made sense for her character, and had some fun exploiting the rage cycling, but she was later torn from her mortal body and imprisoned. When she came out, she was a regular living human again, as well as having her connection to her deity severed (she was an inquisitor of urgathoa). It was a fun session (and no, this didn't happen just because my character began to get a smidgen overpowered in later levels). Thanks for the help! ![]()
![]() OK, so I think I've come up with a good concept for my undead lord! Nini Micheals, the undead NE Soracle:
Nini was once a young adventurer of just 17, setting out in the world to learn about her new-found sorcerer abilities and make her fortune! ...Until she fell down a pit trap in the first room of the first dungeon, leaving her leg broken and her companions unable to get to her, for they had no rogue or rope. So, they simply left her to starve! Fortunately, she was soon found by a friendly wizard who had come into the dungeon on his own, seeking the treasures that lay within. UNfortunately, he was a high-level necromancer looking for a new cohort, and made her sign a few papers before getting her out of the pit trap. She was much too excited about finding such a handsome savior, and a possible new party member, to actually read what he wrote.
So was birthed the cross-blooded lame soracle that is Nini. She served at her master's side for a good 50 years before he was killed and eaten by a gelatinous cube. Then she decided to wander the earth looking for her old party members for some good old-fashioned revenge. After taking care of that plot point, she wasn't sure what she wanted to do with herself. For the first hundred years, she was angry. For the next, she was disappointed. Finally, she found her calling. To throw the biggest undead party the earth has ever known. Nini is very eccentric and knowledgable from her huge stretch of time in the world, and her confusing magical properties. She has experienced a lot in her time, and now all she wants to do is have a good time, and let others have a good time as well*! She actually really enjoys being an undead at this point and wonders why everyone doesn't do it. Her city is built as a massive two-level crypt, filled with any and all undead that want to live there. There are always bards playing music and creating entertainment, and anything fun to do, you can do there. Even eat real food! She lives in a very tall citadel with each floor dedicated to a specific vice. *By "let" I mean "turn others into undead so they don't have to sleep and can party all the time". ![]()
![]() Hmmm, I have the feeling this campaign might be in need of some neutral evil love.
Or alternatively, the character is just really into undead stuff and carries a demi-lich around on their belt as a cohort who doesn't really do much, just complain about how things were much better in his day and how he would be doing the action that's taking place? I'd be thinking some sort of undead lord/juju oracle for EXTREME UNDEAD CASTING. Or Undead Lord/Fighter of some sort. ![]()
![]() I would definitely be interested in this, it sounds like a TON of fun! Plus it would give me a chance to finally play either a bloodmage or a pain taster... Or, a refined goblin soul eater with a white suit, who enjoys eating soul gems in creative ways; pureeing them, smoking or snorting, injection... He's a bit of a drug addict. ![]()
![]() Part of the reason is that our points were rolled and assigned randomly, so that there were no huge spikes or dips. I got lucky that I had a charisma bonus at all! I'm essentially done with the first half of my character, which was being able to get anywhere, which, in this campaign, has proved very useful so far, as I have a +19 to acrobatics and a +20 to climb, which I can always take a 10 on. Now I'm trying to focus a bit on blasting, and being able to actually hit someone with a mind-affecting spell every once in a while. I'm putting all my stat bonuses into charisma, and plan on getting a headband. As well we are also using mythic power playtest, so I intend to put a +2 into my casting stat as well. We don't get into combat a ton, so being able to use those mind-effecting utility spells has come up quite a bit. Though I do understand some of the stuff I take is less than fantastic. ![]()
![]() So, I'm playing a rogue/sorcerer with the intent to become an arcane trickster (I am at level 7 now, so I will be going into it next leve). However, the DC for my spells is horridly low. I only have a 13 cha (boosting to 14 next level) and this makes most of my first/second level spells 12 or 13 DC, something most monsters shrug off no problem. For the most part this isn't an issue, as I'm a selective blaster first, rolling to-hits rather than reflex saves, but as I get up in levels, I like to detect thoughts or simple command with SOME possibility of success. So, is there a way to drastically improve my DCs? What feats should I take from here on out? I am planning on taking intensify spell at 9th or 11th, but other than that, I don't have much of a feat plan. I don't have spell focus or any metamagic feats. Here is my current build: Elf Rogue (roof runner) 3/Sorcerer (sanguine bloodline) 4
Rogue Talent: Ninja trick (Wall Climber) Thanks for any help. ![]()
![]() OK, I am dying trying to find an answer to this, I can't seem to find a firm ruling anywhere, and it's causing me great character issues: Can spells cause sneak attack damage? My impression was spells with a ranged or melee touch attack roll can, but I can't find any concrete ruling or wording specifically saying this in RAW, which seems to be what my DM needs. I am building towards an arcane trickster, which doesn't have any ruling itself about the spells/sneak attack (other than its capstone ability, which is VERY far off), so is there a written rule somewhere that can confirm this? Thanks. ![]()
![]() The good part is that his motivations as we know them are going to keep him from attacking us for a while. The bad part means that we might be hosed if we can't handle ourselves. His dad (a red wyrm, most likely) is looking to kill him when he wakes up from his sleep, and the old dragon wants to build an army with us to kill him. The Wyrm will most likely attack us anyway, as our land used to be under his domain when he first went to sleep, so he will likely be wanting it back. And those are some fantastic ideas, Turin, thanks a ton!