meta4one's page
Organized Play Member. 32 posts. 1 review. 3 lists. 1 wishlist. 5 Organized Play characters.
Skeletal Crocodile CR 1
XP 400
NE medium undead
Init +6; Senses Darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +0
AC 14, touch 12, flat-footed 12 (+2 Dex, +2 natural)
HP 9 (2d8)
Fort +0, Ref +0, Will +2
Defensive Abilities: DR 5/Bludgeoning; Immune: Cold, Undead traits
Speed 20 ft., swim 30 ft
Melee bite +4 (1d8+4 plus grab) and tail slap -1 (1d6+2)
Space 10 ft.; <b>Reach 5 ft.
Str 19, Dex 14, Con -, Int -, Wis 10, Cha 10
Base Atk +0; CMB +4 (+11 grapple); CMD 16
Feats Improved Initiative
Environment warm rivers and marshes
Organization solitary, pair, or colony (3–12)
Treasure none
Alkenstar, Jalmeray, and something about the Shoanti!
Edit: and I too would love a Kindle update! :)
As a player and GM, I think this is an awesome idea. I too love PFS, but a few of its flaws have really taken their toll on me/my group.
Primarily, group size and replay-for-credit-ability.
I'd love to see some organized play modules that can scale in two ways - not just for level, but possibly also for table size. It would be a lot of fun to run and play in some 2-player scenarios, or 3-player w/out the GM having to play an NPC to make a table "legal."
I understand there's a lot of discussion and disagreement over replay issues. I for one wish replay were an option, even if it meant an alloted time limit (no replay with 1 year's time) or character penalty (you can only replay scenarios from a retired, deceased, or "sacrificed" character - in any case, that character is no longer a viable play option).
If either one or both of those ideas were involved, that would greatly increase my interest.
Congrats to all! And an extra-big thanks from this Indiana-native to Kyle Pratt, who ran our table of Blood Under Absalom at GC -- it was a fantastic time!
Three cheers for all the new VCs!!
Does this mod use any GameMastery maps or map packs? I am considering running this for an upcoming convention, and would like to cut down on prep time if I can.
meta4one wrote:
Does Quickdraw in the case of slings apply?
Do the Quickdraw/ Warslinger/ Ammo Drop-Juggle Load options apply to the Staff Sling?
Do feats such as Rapid Shot apply to Slings/Staff Slings?
Please Help!
Looking to see if Quickdraw applies to loading sling ammunition.
Also looking for an explanation on if a Staff Sling counts as a Sling for purposes of Warslinger/Ammo Drop/Juggle Load.

1 person marked this as FAQ candidate.
Halfling race considered for PFS play. Thoughts on using sling or sling-staff as weapon considered (with my handy-dandy Cleric of Chaldira on the way). Went to message boards to find answers on slow-as-molasses load times on sling/staff sling.
http://paizo.com/search?q=sling&x.x=0&x.y=0&includeUnrated=true &includeUnavailable=true&node=v5748dmtz1gek
And now: MIND BLOWN.
So, I looked through half a dozen threads on this topic. Not one thread included an official Paizo or PFS answer - lots of house rules suggestions, no concrete answers.
The best I got was:
1.) Warslinger lets you reload faster, but you take AoOs and it requires two hands. (must trade-in sure-footed racial ability)
2.) Ammo Drop and Juggle Load feats get you loading your sling as a free action with 1 hand and no AoO. (but it costs two feats)
3.) Rapid Reload is suggested to be allowed for slings/staff slings AND crossbows. (house rule)
4.) Quickdraw applies because sling can be considered a thrown weapon. (no concrete "yes!" from paizo, so house rule?)
So my mind-blowing questions are as follows:
Does Quickdraw in the case of slings apply?
Do the Quickdraw/ Warslinger/ Ammo Drop-Juggle Load options apply to the Staff Sling?
Do feats such as Rapid Shot apply to Slings/Staff Slings?
Please Help!
What is this wool you speak of? OOOHHH... you mean Sheep. As in, the resource that the creepy Sheepmaster holds dear to his chest. Please, beware the Sheepmaster's barn... and when he asks to trade clay for wood.
1 person marked this as FAQ candidate.
OK, after searching across the forums, I still am wondering: does Weapon Focus: Ray include/cover all ranged touch attacks, or just rays?
If not, can I take Weapon Focus: Touch Attack or Ranged Touch Attack?
And if not, why doesn't Ray include all RTAs? Is there some way to increase the chance to hit with a TA/RTA that doesn't involve raising STR or DEX and Base Attack Bonus - something like a feat or ability?
Also, the threads have a LOT of home rule advice, but nothing really definitive from Paizo/Pathfinder. A definitive answer (so I can apply to my PFS character) would be greatly appreciated.
hogarth wrote: Note that most sundered items (including magic items, to a point) can be repaired with a Make Whole spell. So it's not the end of the world. You can use Mending to a certain extent, too, right?
Sniggevert wrote: meta4one wrote: Can you "split" your magic item purchase for 2 PA?
For instance... could I buy 13 level 1 potions for 2 PA? (I know it would be dumb to buy 13 CLW potions when I could just buy the wand and get 50 charges, but say someone wanted to mix and match potions)
Can you buy mundane gear with the PA - like a masterwork mighty composite bow, for instance? It's a single item worth up to 750GP for the 2 PA. So, no on the first, but yes on the second. OK, thank you good sir!
Can you "split" your magic item purchase for 2 PA?
For instance... could I buy 13 level 1 potions for 2 PA? (I know it would be dumb to buy 13 CLW potions when I could just buy the wand and get 50 charges, but say someone wanted to mix and match potions)
Can you buy mundane gear with the PA - like a masterwork mighty composite bow, for instance?
meta4one wrote: Along these same lines, can a character buy more than one item with his PA?
Is there a good list of what characters CAN buy with PA? I know there's a list of spells and the cost in the Guide, but not sure about other items, or the quantity of items we can buy.
Never mind... I searched around and read some posts, I think I have a handle on this one now :)
Along these same lines, can a character buy more than one item with his PA?
Is there a good list of what characters CAN buy with PA? I know there's a list of spells and the cost in the Guide, but not sure about other items, or the quantity of items we can buy.
Sean K Reynolds wrote: meta4one wrote: I'm still a little rusty on my "mm" scale... how do these look, size-wise, next to plastic minis?
If I've got a normal looking, medium sized elf warrior, and wanted to throw some hobgoblins or a wererat at him... would there be much size difference?
I'm interested in picking some of these up, they look awesome.
The werebear is a head taller than my Jozan plastic mini.
The wereboar is as tall as Jozan.
Jozan is a head taller than the wererats.
Jozan and the werewolf would be the same height if the werewolf weren't lunging forward. This strikes me as the greatest use of Jozan, the figure, as a reference. EVER.
I'm still a little rusty on my "mm" scale... how do these look, size-wise, next to plastic minis?
If I've got a normal looking, medium sized elf warrior, and wanted to throw some hobgoblins or a wererat at him... would there be much size difference?
I'm interested in picking some of these up, they look awesome.
Mark Moreland wrote: Repairing sundered gear (or throwing it away if it's completely destroyed) would be noted on the "items bought/conditions cleared" section of a player's Chronicle. If you choose not to fix the broken equipment, you'd denote that your scimitar now has the "broken" condition in the "items sold/conditions gained" section of the Chronicle.
In general, though, sundering people's gear is something that should be reserved for NPCs who specifically call for that in their tactics.
Very good sir, thank you for the quick reply!
*Hefts axe, off to adventure...*
OK, I was lucky enough to have a great GM explain some of the PFS Sunder rules to me (thanks Ziz!), but alas, I was wondering...
Can a PCs gear be sundered in PFS play, and assuming the answer is yes, what happens to that gear?
I read in an earlier thread that gear found during a scenario ends up on the sheet at the end of the adventure, regardless of whether or not it was sundered during the scenario. But what about gear the PC has on him, that may get sundered by an enemy during an encounter?
I know some GMs don't particularly like things like sunder, so before I go around breaking things, I was wondering what might happen to my own broken stuff!
Austin Morgan wrote: Lathiira wrote: meta4one wrote: Another touch attack related question - in one of the VERY early 3.0 D&D splat books (Tome and Magic I believe - I don't own it anymore and it's been a while since I did), there was a feat that let you "stretch" a melee touch attack spell into a ranged touch attack spell.
Does anyone know if there's a similar feat anywhere in Pathfinder? I think the Reach Spell metamagic feat might work. Yep. +1
It's in the APG. Awesome, thank you! I figured it was somewhere, just didn't know where to look.
Another touch attack related question - in one of the VERY early 3.0 D&D splat books (Tome and Magic I believe - I don't own it anymore and it's been a while since I did), there was a feat that let you "stretch" a melee touch attack spell into a ranged touch attack spell.
Does anyone know if there's a similar feat anywhere in Pathfinder?
Sean K Reynolds wrote: Absalom's getting 4 pages in the new campaign setting (same as the current campaign setting). Much less info than the 64 pages in the Guide to Absalom. :) Thank you sir! Any thoughts on the gazetteer? Will that be a part of the upcoming CS?
This or the Gazetteer? I am planning on buying the new Campaign Guide when it comes out in February?
I'd like to get something, but I like maps, and I'm weighing this product and gazetteer - but it seems like much of these things would be included in the Campaign Setting book.
Zizazat wrote: meta4one wrote: Races - ok, I searched the forums to see if someone was talking about this, but I am new, so I probably missed it.
Are Bestiary races (Tieflings, Tengu, etc.) available for Pathfinder Society play?
Thanks in advance for your patience with the noob! Nope. They'd be listed in Chapter 13 of the Guide if they were. Damn. I had visions of a Tengu Cleric with a bastard sword, because that's just fun. Alas, it's not to be.
Races - ok, I searched the forums to see if someone was talking about this, but I am new, so I probably missed it.
Are Bestiary races (Tieflings, Tengu, etc.) available for Pathfinder Society play?
Thanks in advance for your patience with the noob!
Love this book, but quick question - any way to tell what printing I have (w/out having to check against the errata)? Is the printing denoted anywhere in the rulebook?
My group just played this last night and had a blast (an Orc Fighter with a strength of 22 and a Tengu cleric of weather will do that for a group), and I GMed it a few weekends before that with a smaller group. This was our first foray into Pathfinder, so...
What adventure/module would make a good follow up to this? We're a diverse group and not everyone can meet weekly, so I'd prefer somethings more one-shot oriented. (I have looked over the Adventure Paths, and while I love them, they may not work for our group because character continuity between adventures/weeks is hard for us to maintain.)
So yeah, babble-on notwithstanding, what's a great lv1/lv2 module to follow up with?
Is there still room available? I would love to play some PFS games! I am a DM in my own group but have really been wanting to play lately, and I am just now getting familiar with Pathfinder. I live on the west side of Indy, willing to drive to play!
The Blue Spirit wrote: meta4one wrote: Does anyone know - are the PDFs searchable and do they contain bookmarks?
I've tried to reach Paizo via email and via Twitter, but no one has sent me a response. I'm beginning to wonder if it's GenCon hangover or bad customer service.
Searchable - Yes
Bookmarks - Yes Thank you!!
Does anyone know - are the PDFs searchable and do they contain bookmarks?
I've tried to reach Paizo via email and via Twitter, but no one has sent me a response. I'm beginning to wonder if it's GenCon hangover or bad customer service.