Sajan Gadadvara

markisonlin3's page

** Pathfinder Society GM. 2 posts (9 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist. 19 Organized Play characters. 1 alias.


Dark Archive

My party have decided to frame Linton Demeer as the perpetrator for all the events in Kantaria such as the market disruption and the supply wagon going missing. I'm not sure why my party hate Linton Demeer so much, I didn't portray him as suspiscious or anything but for some reason they have decided he is the fall guy.

This obviously will change his normal attitude towards the party as potential allies. I'm a bit torn about whether Linton will approach the party and be like "Hey we got off on the wrong foot" or will just attack them when the time is right. Basically the PCs are directly sabotaging his part in the Kantaria community and are indirectly threatening the unguthol community.

Dark Archive 2/5

Michael Brock wrote:
Has anyone out there played or GMed these at a participating store? If so, do you have any feedback or comments? We really would like to make this program special and improve upon it, but can only do so with the community's help. Thanks in advance.

I did Fane of Fangs at Gatekeeper Games. The quest was short and sweet and ran well for me, no complaints there. Though I feel it would be better in future if players got XP, PP and gold for playing these store exclusives. I feel like people at my table were a bit disappointed when they learned that they got none.

If I could suggest something to make the program better I'd include something special. To draw the players into playing at the store and buying a book I feel like the chronicle sheet should have something like a special boon that makes the player think "The book is worth buying just for this!" The items, like the Legacy arrow and spear of the huntmaster were nice but didn't really have a wow factor.