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Organized Play Member. 343 posts (1,532 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 4 Organized Play characters. 7 aliases.

Dark Archive


Dark Archive


Dark Archive

An artifact has been stolen from the city of Caliphas in the country of Ustalav. The prince has personally reached out by letter to adventures to assist in recovering the stolen artifact. You are one of the lucky few chosen to embark to retrieve it.

This is going to be a small home-brewed one-shot I am looking to playtest a bit. This will be my first time running a game through play-by-post so it will be a bit of a learning experience.

Charecter Creation:

Level 7
25 point build
Avearge wealth for a 7th level charecter.
If you takea craft feat, you can craft one item per craft feat for half price.
All races are open but the more broken, the less likely I will accept it.
Paizo products only, no 3rd party.
Fire arms emerging
max HP 1st level, half+1 for the rest.
All Alignments are allowed but play nice and no party killing.

This is designed to be more dealy then usual so be aware that you may have to make a new charecter if you're current one dies.
This game is set to last a couple months tops but I do request our players try to post at least once a day. If you ghost for a day I will usually take over for a post with what seems like the most obvious course of action in combat.
I'm pretty friednly as a DM. Ran shattered star, rise of the rune lords, carrion crown and strange aeons for my real life tables. Been playing since highschool.

I'd like a little back story for each charecter, as much as you would like to write. If you want a novel, go for it. If you want a little blurb about your charecter and why they are a adventuer, thats fine to. Feel free to ask any questions as well. I have 5 spots open.
I will keep requirtment open until Tuesday the 13th at midnight eastern time.

Dark Archive

Our group is going to be playing Way of the Wifked soon. I’ll be playing a necromancer and am looking to get into the soul trade. With soul gem nerfed what are some good ways to trap souls to later use?

So far I have cacodaemons, the talisman from book of the damned, and that’s about it.

Dark Archive

1 person marked this as a favorite.

It seems gravity falls has finally come to a end. The finale was everything that I expected and more. I feel like it was one of the better series finales I have seen in a very long time. I would love to hear everyone's opinion on it.

Dark Archive

I want to build a magus spell dancer/eldritch scion with swashbuckler. It's gonna be a charisma dexterity build. I was also thinking of going into evangelist as a prestige class to. I need some help with the early build though. Any ideas?

Dark Archive

1 person marked this as a favorite.

So in the carrion crown books they mention a legend where Urgathoa had a child that was stolen away from her. In the Inner Sea Gods book it mentions that she has a grudge against Shelyn for a undisclosed reason. I think it makes sense for her to have actually kidnapped the child. Any pieces of evidence I am missing?

Dark Archive

I have been watching alot of Overlord and love the idea of a game that is just all exploration and that I will introduce plot points and challenges as they gather resources, and build up their home base. I was wondering if anyone had advice, if they had done anything like that before, or just any thoughts they would have about it. It would have alot of player input where they would have the chance to design the NPC who would eventually come to serve at the base. Any thoughts?

Dark Archive

I have been watching alot of Overlord and love the idea of a game that is just all exploration and that I will introduce plot points and challenges as they gather resources, and build up their home base. I was wondering if anyone had advice, if they had done anything like that before, or just any thoughts they would have about it. It would have alot of player input where they would have the chance to design the NPC who would eventually come to serve at the base. Any thoughts?