lightsenshi6's page

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I was going to edit but I'll just make a new post instead.

As I've been playing on and off since red box (original D&D), I've come to recognize that there's a large amount of "always been done this way" built into our thinking. Custom magic items weren't even a thing (other than possibly intelligent ones) until 3.0....

So yes, I'm trying to think outside the box a bit and figure it out.

What healer in their right mind wouldn't want something like this?

Personally, I don't see the existence of such magic items to be game breaking. Do you then prohibit the party from taking rest periods because they want to go into encounters at full strength?

Aside: True Strike has a duration measured in rounds, so it'd use a 4x multiplier.

I'm reworking some of the material in my Homebrew Campaign, and I'm trying to figure out the actual cost of an infinite use Cure Light Wounds item.

Now.... Command word: Spell level x caster level x 1,800 gp

Straightforward enough, and here's the however (that confuses me)
If item is continuous or unlimited, not charged, determine cost as if it had 100 charges. If it has some daily limit, determine as if it had 50 charges.

Does this mean that I use the Special:Charges per day, Spell Effect:50 charges, spell trigger, or something else entirely? Because honestly, my gut reaction is to simply multiply by 5 and be done with it.

Sysryke wrote:

Love pretty much everything I'm seeing, but if you're using the Pixie Hollow from Disney, you need to check your source material. There are plenty of boy/male faeries/pixies. You're right that they don't biologically procreate, but please don't cut out us boyos from the faerie fun. :)

I'm aware that there are plenty of Sparrow Man out there. I'm simply opting to make things on the simpler side by making them all girls; and there's plenty of Fey out there that are single gender.

Of course, feel free to have both genders flying around. ^_^

Fairy (revised)
-2 Strength, +2 Dexterity, +2 Charisma

Fairies are tiny sized Fey creatures. Tiny creatures gain a +2 size bonus to Dexterity and a –2 size penalty to Strength. Tiny races gain a +2 size bonus to their AC, a +2 size bonus on attack rolls, a –2 penalty on combat maneuver checks and to their CMD, and a +8 size bonus on Stealth checks. Tiny characters take up a space of 2-1/2 feet by 2-1/2 feet, so up to four of these characters can fit into a single square. Tiny races typically have a natural reach of 0 feet, meaning they can't reach into adjacent squares. They must enter an opponent's square to attack it in melee. This provokes an attack of opportunity from the opponent. Since they have no natural reach, they do not threaten the squares around them. Other creatures can move through those squares without provoking attacks of opportunity. Tiny creatures typically cannot flank an enemy.

Frost Fairies fly at a speed of 70 feet with perfect maneuverability.

Low-Light Vision
Frost Fairies have low-light vision to 60 feet.

When on the Material Plane or the First World, a Fairy may always find her way back home; though doing so requires several hours of flight. She must use normal modes of planar travel if not on either of those two planes and wants to return home.

Fairies start with only their own racial languages (i.e. Fairy); and Fairies with a high intelligence may select from the following list: Common, Auran, Draconic, Sylvan.

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Pixie Hollow

While there's perhaps debate as where and what Pixie Hollow is, it's worth noting that even the Fairies themselves don't understand everything about their home.

Pixie Hollow itself seems to be a Demiplane that connects the First World to the Material Plane. It's even been speculated that Pixie Hollow appeared before the Material Plane itself. Fairies also seem to always know their way home, and can travel back and forth without the use of spells like Plane Shift.

Perhaps the most remarkable thing is that all the Fairies appear, and apparently are, female. Fairies don't (and can't) procreate and no instances of a male gender Fairy has ever appeared. They do have a Queen (who's advised by several other Fairies of varying talents), who appears to deal with disputes and keep things functioning smoothly.

It's also noteworthy that Fairies don't appear to age. They come into being fully mature; for game purposes with a class level. It's commonly believed that the Hollow itself has some process that allows for the creation of new Fairies, and new Fairies typically appear once or twice a decade. While the exact number isn't known for certain, it's held that the number of Fairies are small; ranging between one hundred and two hundred, a few of which are often away on either of the two connecting planes.

Almost all Fairies use magic in some form and tend to be spontaneous casters; with sorcerers and oracles being the most common to appear. More marital minded Fairies are often rangers or bards; which often depends on their role in their society.

The only known wizards have been Lore-talent fairies who manage the extensive library that the Fairies have been accumulating since nearly their first beginning. There are no known clerics or paladins, as Fairies don't seem to have a deity of any kind; and even Fairies that travel on either of the two connected planes have never adopted one.

Unlike virtually every other culture known, Fairies do not use a form of currency in their daily lives; though they do understand the concept. They simply do according to their particular "talent" without thought of reward or merit.

As I've somehow managed to loose my original log in information, I've had to set up a new one. I'm going to go ahead and post the information that I've put together on how Pixie Hollow might work in Pathfinder.

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I've completed up to version 4. I'm posting links to it (for everyone to use as they desire in their own campaigns) for reference; I'm not expecting to make further revisions as this time.

Race Guide.

Class Guide.

Rules Supplement.

Magic Supplement.