lazar's page

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The druid died in our last adventure leaving his animal companion. How do I handle the animal companion? Does it continue to act on it's own gaining 3 actions? or does it return to it's previous wild nature, or does it just stand idly by awaiting commands that never come? In the same adventure the alchemist dropped unconscious and he stated his familiar was going to give him a healing potion which it stored on it's person. Are they able to follow such instructions?

Franz Lunzer wrote:
The toolbelt is an item to have your slave-freeing tools with you, without looking suspicious, because you are a 'carpenter' and have your 'carpenter toolbelt' on you.

This makes sense. Thx so much.

Can anyone explain the value of this item. Does it hold multiple kits or something, or just one?

Thank you

I am trying to order a subscription with 4 choices but I notice I don't get the discount unless I choose a 5th. I am choosing the rulebooks, adventure path, accessories, and omen.

Any chance of any of the Pathfinder series being released in 5e format now that the OGL is official? I love 5e but miss the complexity of the Pathfinder modules.

I converted all the skills, and so far it has worked out ok. Here is an example of my acrobatics skill tables

Acrobatics (each foot of movement cost 1 extra foot)
Surface Width DC
1-3 feet wide 5
7-11 inches wide 10
2-6 inches wide 15
1-2 inches wide 20
Up to 1 inch wide 25
Hair-thin 30
Liquid or Fragile 35
Cloud 40
Full Speed (move at normal speed, losing the extra cost per foot) +5

Acrobatics Modifiers DC Modifier
Slightly obstructed (gravel, sand) +2
Severely obstructed (cavern, rubble) +5
Slightly slippery (wet) +2
Severely slippery (icy) +5
Slightly sloped (<45°) +2
Severely sloped (>45°) +5
Slightly unsteady (boat in rough water) +2
Moderately unsteady (boat in a storm) +5
Severely unsteady (earthquake) +10

Task DC
Ignore Fall 10 feet 10
Hop Up (jump waist high); Cost: 10 feet of movement 10
Ignore Fall 20 feet 15
Stand as a Bonus Action 15
Ignore Fall 30 feet 20
Stand as a Free Action 25
Ignore Fall 40 feet 25
Ignore Fall 50 feet 30
Ignore Fall 60 feet 35
Ignore Fall Any Height 40

Restraint DC
Rope/bindings 20 + binder’s acrobatic bonus
Manacles 30
Tight Space 30
Masterwork Manacles 35
Extremely tight space 35
Pass through wall of force, prismatic wall 40

Ignore Fall: When you fall, you can make an acrobatic’s check to reduce the damage taken. Subtract the amount you successfully rolled from the total distance fallen and take damage according to the new number. If you roll high enough to negate the entire fall, you land on your feet unhindered.
Ropes: The DC of your Acrobatic check is equal to the binder's acrobatic modifier +20.
Manacles and Masterwork Manacles: The DC for manacles is set by their construction.
Tight Space: The DC noted is for getting through a space through which your head fits but your shoulders don't. If the space is long, you may need to make multiple checks. You can't squeeze through a space that your head does not fit through.
Extremely Tight Space: This is the DC for getting through a space when one’s head shouldn’t even be able to fit; this can be as small as 2 inches square for Medium-size creatures. Halve this limit for each size category less than Medium-size; double it for each size category greater than Medium-size. If the space is long, such as in a chimney, multiple checks may be called for.
Pass through Wall of Force: This allows a character to find a gap of weakness in a wall of force (or similar force effect) and squeeze through it. Similar walls are also affected (Prismatic Walls) as long as the total wall effect is magical, and not a conjured material.

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Any chance that Paizo has the 4 poster maps from forgotten realms 2nd edition for sale in download (dragon 287-290). I would like to reprint these at my local photo shop, but I cannot find the downloads available anywhere.

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We enjoy the adventure paths, so I am hoping to find a 5th edition version of those classes so I can easily convert characters to 5th edition, if I choose to use this system. I thought I read somewhere that supplements weren't covered under the OGL, you just could not reference the official books (except with page numbers). "Game Supplements" bypassed the OGL, if i understood what I read on another forum.

Any chance that Paizo will publish a 5th edition version of their alternate classes from Advanced Players Guide?

The 4th level ability of the Martial Artist monk archetype is what I am questioning.

Exploit Weakness (Ex): At 4th level, as a swift action, a martial artist can observe a creature or object to find its weak point by making a Wisdom check and adding his monk level against a DC of 10 + the object’s hardness or the target’s CR. If the check succeeds, the martial artist gains a +2 bonus on attack rolls until the end of his turn, and any attacks he makes until the end of his turn ignore the creature or object’s DR or hardness. A martial artist may instead use this ability as a swift action to analyze the movements and expressions of one creature within 30 feet, granting a bonus on Sense Motive checks and Reflex saves and a dodge bonus to AC against that opponent equal to 1/2 his monk level until the start of his next turn.

My player brought out that it over comes DR/epic (as using the mythic rules some summoned critters have DR 5/epic at low levels). I however have a severe problem with a 4th level ability overcoming DR/epic, when nothing in game yet does so. Anyone know for sure if this applies to all damage reduction, or just the normal non-epic ones?

mdt wrote:
As a GM, I adjust spells upward based on size, but not downward. If it's a 10ft spread (antimagic field for example, or fire aura), then the creature extends the field 10 ft in all directions from every square it occupies, as long as it is the target of the spell. If the spell requires a space target, then it follows the rules normally. Small or smaller creatures still affect everything within N ft, as normal (10 from our example).

I like this. I'll have to use it. My players are grumbling because of the losing of range and area for becoming tiny and diminutive. This will solve my problem and work for me also. Thx.

I note that size has a varying effect on weapons, with their damage increasing and decreasing as the creature enlarges or shrinks. But I noticed that spells remain the same even if cast by a Tiny or Diminutive creature. I find this strange that at least the range or area of effect does not change. Is there any official rules regarding size on spell effects?

Been using following:

Fine: one third range and area of effect
Tiny and Dimunitive: one-half range and area of effect
Small, Medium, Large: no change
Huge and Gargantuan: double the range and area of effect
Colossal: triple the range and area of effect

If a spell is cast by a giant or a pixie, does the range and area of effect remain the same or does it adjust to fit the size of the caster? It seems stange that a pixie sized character could cast a fireball and do the same aoe as a large creature. should the spells be based off the size of the caster?

The scaling of damage reduction confuses me. Exactly how is DR 5/epic better than DR 5/-, when the later is no overcome by anything, and the epic can be overcome by an epic weapon?

I've read all the comments on the forum about this Alchemist Discovery, but never heard an official ruling whether this allows a save or not? I find it a pretty potent discovery and very easily exploited. Anyone Know the official ruling on this?