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At Least the Grid Aligns


The grid aligns so... that's nice and earns a singular star by itself. But the PDF version doesn't have any toggles or anything to indicate what room corresponds to what in the adventure. It contains the singular map not contained in the adventure itself--a practice I find downright deceitful, frankly. It also does NOT contain one of the maps in the adventure. You need both of these products in order to run Shadows at Sundown and neither is wholly complete.

Our Price: $8.99

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While I really liked the layout, creepy horror vibes, and similar, I don't really like the ending at all. If they wanted to make it a choice on if this would be a silly or dread-filled adventure, then there should have been two endings to reflect that. But everything else about it is very well crafted. Especially loved Peaches.

Our Price: $5.99

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I feel like the skill challenge in this one is adequately daunting to give players pause, which is a bonus in my book. The combat is well balanced--difficult enough that sloppy and unlucky players will be hard pressed but not so hard that it's going to be a wipe out easily. I did drop down to 4 stars only because the conclusion wasn't exactly satisfying in my opinion.