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Organized Play Member. 156 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.

Verdant Wheel

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Today I started the preparations to GM the Adventure Path: Strength of Thousands (I still don't have the book), i'm doing all the prep for the Mwangi Expanse Setting . I already have 6 players (one of than is the Venture Captain of the Pathfinder Society Brazil) i'm excited and ready to embark on this exciting (“Not Exotic”) journey. As a citizen from Brazil, and knowing that the history of my country is deeply intertwined with the history of the African continent, having the opportunity to build, together with my players, an adventure with the elements that the book Mwangi Expanse offers is perhaps the most exciting moment in my life as a GM. I would also like to thank the foundry staff and the pathfinder community who provide such wonderful tools for the game to run smoothly allowing the immersion of the story to be maintained. The classes will start soon !!! Thank you Paizo Sorry for my bad english.

Verdant Wheel

In the page 452 core rule book.
"Bleed Damage
Another special type of physical damage is bleed damage.
This is persistent damage that represents loss of blood.
As such, it has no effect on nonliving creatures or living creatures that don’t need blood to live. Weaknesses and resistances to physical damage apply. Bleed damage ends automatically if you’re healed to your full Hit Points"

The Bleed condition affects only creatures that has blood or i must look on to the stat block of the creature? For example a Zombie shambler or a Mummy Guardian i think this creatures don´t have blood but also dont have the bleed immunity on the stat block. Sorry for my bad english.

Verdant Wheel

Its is up to the GM , will be revealed in next book or i just missed the information?
sorry for my bad english.

Verdant Wheel **

Will Abomination Vaults be Sanctioned?

I am running the AP in the official discord channel of Pathfinder Society Brasil.

By the way the AP is great. thanks Paizo.

Verdant Wheel

Is it the doom of all spellcasters?

Verdant Wheel **

Hi , new gm here , this is my third time as a GM in a society game , and since the first time i can not download the session sheets .... This massage appears ....

"You’ve reached this page due to an error on The web team has been notified and are working to fix the issue."

Sorry for my bad english.

Verdant Wheel

I was complaigning that the spellcasters was underpowered in second edition , but i think i was wrong. When playing , i aways allow the free arquetype variant rule.

So, the build is...

Elf Wizard ( universalist ) - (Free archetype) Sorcerer( dragon )/Halcyon Speaker (primal).

What do you think?

Sorry for my bad english

Verdant Wheel

A situation occurred in my past game. A large monster with improved grab and burrow speed was able to hold to one of the PCs and began to sink into the sand carrying the PC. We were in a desert region with dunes. Due to my carelessness, I did not notice the restrictions between grabbing and moving. The fight continued to be very tense until one of the players alerted me to the mistake I was making. We ended up losing most of the session by discussing rules.

My question is this ...

Even a huge creature, which does not have the ability to swallow, will never be able to grab and carry a small creature?

Verdant Wheel

There was a situation in my game.

A player was using the spells silence and Improved invisibility to ambushed three goblins who were having fun in a lake. The goblins was completely unaware of any threat.

The first goblin had an initiative of 20
The second goblin had an initiative of 15
My player had an initiative of 12
The last goblin had an initiative of 8

Is my player unnoticed for goblins or undetected?

If he is unnoticed, what to do with the first two goblins?

Do they lose the round?

Or they have the right to delay action?

Sorry for my bad english.

Verdant Wheel

How much healing the lay on hands abillity can do? ...

Just 6 hp?

Heightened (+1) is this means if i use 3 FOCUS POINTS, it will heal 18 HP?

that is it?

Please someone can clarify this to me?

Seens a little to low for high levels

Am I reading the rules wrong?

Sorry for my bad english.