
kayman's page

Organized Play Member. 156 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.


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Verdant Wheel

keftiu wrote:

With this drawing nearer by the day, I'm curious - has anyone started chewing on character ideas for this? I'm eager to see what advice the Player's Guide has for Ancestries; I expect a lot of Humans and Orcs, mostly.

An evil part of me is thinking about an Android who fled west, rejecting all of this technology nonsense outright...


Human Cleric / Horizon Walker

Verdant Wheel

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It is sad that he has that kind of views because i bought the PDF and the book is amazing.

Verdant Wheel

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Great news . I am so happy.

Verdant Wheel

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So happy with this news that i will make an effort and buy the Grand Bazar Book right now (this month was hard ... G&G , Book 3 and 4 Strength of Thousands). But i want to support Paizo, especially the Workers.

Verdant Wheel


Verdant Wheel

Yoshua wrote:
kayman wrote:
Yoshua wrote:
kayman wrote:
RexAliquid wrote:
The-Magic-Sword wrote:
thejeff wrote:
The-Magic-Sword wrote:
I trust Erik Mona's statements about his own hobbies and that he isn't a Nazi, and that leads me into noting that Jessica in particular seems to have a tendency of trying to play things up in order to strengthen her position once she's decided her opposition 'deserves it' for opposing her, which is a major red flag for me

My read on Jessica's tweets there was not that she was saying he was a Nazi, but that he was oblivious that people might be bothered by the Nazi-adjacent symbols and occult ideas. And didn't respond well when it was brought up.

It's part of the lousy management complaint more than anything.

Remember she still portrays him as the "good one" among the leadership.

I think she worded it intentionally the way she did, to have plausible deniability, while still managing to imply it. That's a common tactic for people who gaslight others, and she does it with a handful of things we know about in that statement, like the 'Paizo indebted to the Mob' bit. Its consistent with her behavior re: Arenanet, which we also have the receipts for in terms of how she described something we saw happen firsthand.
You must not be familiar with Jessica's twitter profile. She is not shy about calling people out for their anti-Semitism, intentional or not. If she thinks someone leans toward white nationalism, she'll say so. Her whole thread was examples of management not listening or taking feedback seriously. The occult images are just one more example of that.
Having an Image of Saint German is not same as been a white Nationalist. Her intention was to create doubt on Erik Monas ideas. This is a low move on her part.

I get it, you only see what you see here.

No. Her point was that when they pointed out that the image was problematic he didn't respond with inclusion in mind according to


I am all for the workers. I don't know Sara or Diego, as I only buy Paizo PDFs due to shipping costs for physical books, but I trust the community (you) when they express that they were both unfairly fired.

Verdant Wheel

3 people marked this as a favorite.

I remember someone posting about the issue of creating a union. I believe that this must be the path that Paizo and the workers must follow. In addition to taking legal action against JP's possible false accusations.

Verdant Wheel

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Yoshua wrote:
kayman wrote:
RexAliquid wrote:
The-Magic-Sword wrote:
thejeff wrote:
The-Magic-Sword wrote:
I trust Erik Mona's statements about his own hobbies and that he isn't a Nazi, and that leads me into noting that Jessica in particular seems to have a tendency of trying to play things up in order to strengthen her position once she's decided her opposition 'deserves it' for opposing her, which is a major red flag for me

My read on Jessica's tweets there was not that she was saying he was a Nazi, but that he was oblivious that people might be bothered by the Nazi-adjacent symbols and occult ideas. And didn't respond well when it was brought up.

It's part of the lousy management complaint more than anything.

Remember she still portrays him as the "good one" among the leadership.

I think she worded it intentionally the way she did, to have plausible deniability, while still managing to imply it. That's a common tactic for people who gaslight others, and she does it with a handful of things we know about in that statement, like the 'Paizo indebted to the Mob' bit. Its consistent with her behavior re: Arenanet, which we also have the receipts for in terms of how she described something we saw happen firsthand.
You must not be familiar with Jessica's twitter profile. She is not shy about calling people out for their anti-Semitism, intentional or not. If she thinks someone leans toward white nationalism, she'll say so. Her whole thread was examples of management not listening or taking feedback seriously. The occult images are just one more example of that.
Having an Image of Saint German is not same as been a white Nationalist. Her intention was to create doubt on Erik Monas ideas. This is a low move on her part.

I get it, you only see what you see here.

No. Her point was that when they pointed out that the image was problematic he didn't respond with inclusion in mind according to her. According to him it wasn't a big deal and it is...

Wait. When she points out the connection between Nazism and Theosophy in her post, it is clear that her intention is to create doubts regarding Erik Mona's ideas. only a very cruel or stupid person can believe that the Publisher of Páizo can have any kind of connection with these ideas. You remembered the fact that she has a right to be annoyed, great but where is the right of a person studying the occult to have an image of Saint German? Shall we now forbid people from being able to express their passions due to the ignorance of others? Should I then ask my boss to remove her crucifix as it represents the extermination of my indigenous ancestors?

Verdant Wheel

4 people marked this as a favorite.
RexAliquid wrote:
The-Magic-Sword wrote:
thejeff wrote:
The-Magic-Sword wrote:
I trust Erik Mona's statements about his own hobbies and that he isn't a Nazi, and that leads me into noting that Jessica in particular seems to have a tendency of trying to play things up in order to strengthen her position once she's decided her opposition 'deserves it' for opposing her, which is a major red flag for me

My read on Jessica's tweets there was not that she was saying he was a Nazi, but that he was oblivious that people might be bothered by the Nazi-adjacent symbols and occult ideas. And didn't respond well when it was brought up.

It's part of the lousy management complaint more than anything.

Remember she still portrays him as the "good one" among the leadership.

I think she worded it intentionally the way she did, to have plausible deniability, while still managing to imply it. That's a common tactic for people who gaslight others, and she does it with a handful of things we know about in that statement, like the 'Paizo indebted to the Mob' bit. Its consistent with her behavior re: Arenanet, which we also have the receipts for in terms of how she described something we saw happen firsthand.
You must not be familiar with Jessica's twitter profile. She is not shy about calling people out for their anti-Semitism, intentional or not. If she thinks someone leans toward white nationalism, she'll say so. Her whole thread was examples of management not listening or taking feedback seriously. The occult images are just one more example of that.

Having an Image of Saint German is not same as been a white Nationalist. Her intention was to create doubt on Erik Monas ideas. This is a low move on her part.

Verdant Wheel

I , in my ignorance , believe Paizo should offer the jobs back to Sara and Diego and make a public apology while working to improve the condition of their employees . In relation to JP, if the accusations are not true, Paizo must take the necessary legal measures. This woman's statements are hurting the company. Another thing, I would very much like to hear the position of LIsa Stevens. A woman I've admired since the days of White Wolf.

Verdant Wheel

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dirtypool wrote:
kayman wrote:
Unbelievable. A lady who hasn't worked for Paizo for years takes advantage of an unfair dismissal (which unfortunately occurs in many private companies) and starts a series of posts accusing people like Erik Mona, Tonya, Jeff and Jason without any kind of proof. In the end this lady will be responsible for destroying a company that in my humble opinion has always been helping to defend the causes of minorities. Something that in the toxic environment of TTRPG is of extreme importance. If what this lady is saying is true, as a Latin Americam (Brazilian) I consider myself an idiot to have narrated Age of Worms, Kingmaker, Age of Ashes, Abomination Vaults and 14 PFS scenarios. All products of a company where the President is a Homophobe, the Publisher is a Nazi, and the Director of Game Design is a stalker of women.

I see that you are flatly rejecting yesterdays suggestion of being patient and letting things unfold a bit so that we get a clearer picture of what has been going on.

If patience isn't your thing, and I get that, let's at least throttle back on the claims a bit. The twitter thread alleges that Jeff has made some homophobic comments, that Erik owns questionable art and didn't care if it offended anyone, and that Jason sends inappropriate photos and hits on all the female employees. These are serious allegations, but in your fervor you have ramped them up to their most extreme statements, which were never made by the poster.

You're asking me to be patient, ok maybe I'm being rushed into my statments . But isn't it the least bit strange that the same lady who made these accusations works as a consultant in the company that competes directly with Paizo?

Verdant Wheel

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Filthy Lucre wrote:
kayman wrote:
Unbelievable. A lady who hasn't worked for Paizo for years takes advantage of an unfair dismissal (which unfortunately occurs in many private companies) and starts a series of posts accusing people like Erik Mona, Tonya, Jeff and Jason without any kind of proof. In the end this lady will be responsible for destroying a company that in my humble opinion has always been helping to defend the causes of minorities. Something that in the toxic environment of TTRPG is of extreme importance. If what this lady is saying is true, as a Latin Americam (Brazilian) I consider myself an idiot to have narrated Age of Worms, Kingmaker, Age of Ashes, Abomination Vaults and 14 PFS scenarios. All products of a company where the President is a Homophobe, the Publisher is a Nazi, and the Director of Game Design is a stalker of women.
Learn to separate the art from the artist.

Please teach me how to separate things. For example I already spent weeks preparing the first SoT book. Perhaps the most exciting moment in my life as a GM. Being able to narrate an adventure that dialogues almost perfectly and responsibly with countless elements of my country's culture.

Verdant Wheel

7 people marked this as a favorite.

Unbelievable. A lady who hasn't worked for Paizo for years takes advantage of an unfair dismissal (which unfortunately occurs in many private companies) and starts a series of posts accusing people like Erik Mona, Tonya, Jeff and Jason without any kind of proof. In the end this lady will be responsible for destroying a company that in my humble opinion has always been helping to defend the causes of minorities. Something that in the toxic environment of TTRPG is of extreme importance. If what this lady is saying is true, as a Latin Americam (Brazilian) I consider myself an idiot to have narrated Age of Worms, Kingmaker, Age of Ashes, Abomination Vaults and 14 PFS scenarios. All products of a company where the President is a Homophobe, the Publisher is a Nazi, and the Director of Game Design is a stalker of women.


Verdant Wheel

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dirtypool wrote:
kayman wrote:
I saw both statements . But i must insist. Why should i trust Jessica Price?

Because Mona’s refutation denies charges she didn’t actually make and jibes pretty cleanly with what she did say. She charged that he was interested in Victorian Occult and Theosophy and was somewhat clueless about the implications of its symbology and why people were offended or put off by it. His own statements almost exactly corroborate that. The charges that he, himself, is racist is a dot that was never connected in her tweets.

“kaynan” wrote:
By the way, To associate Theosophy with Nazism is an evil move on the part of this lady.
Pointing out that past associations make her, a Jewish woman, uncomfortable is in no way evil.

Sorry but i am not naive and i think you should not be too. In the context in which she cited the case of Saint German's painting, it is obvious that her aim was to create doubt about Erik Mona's intentions.

Verdant Wheel

Cthulhusquatch wrote:
kayman wrote:
Cthulhusquatch wrote:

There are a ton of white nationalists now that study theosophy.

kayman wrote:
Cthulhusquatch wrote:

There are a lot of links between Theosophy and white nationalism.... though I stand by what I said earlier... Erik Mona doesn't smack of that type to me... a former white nationalist recruiter and Stormfront moderator.

kayman wrote:
Guntermench wrote:
kayman wrote:

I understand the sadness of seeing such a dear employee get fired in this way. This is one of the reasons why I chose the public service (In Brazil, civil servants have job stability) . But unfortunately this situation is inherent in the capitalist mode of production. That said, what amazed me about this whole situation is Jessica Price's statements regarding Erik Mona, Jason Bulhman, etc.

I ask again.
Is it true that Paizo's Publisher is a Nazi? (Yes that was her intention in associating, in 2021, Theosophy with Nazism).
Is Paizo's President a Homophobe?
If these accusations are true I can't continue playing Pathfinder. But what if they aren't? Are we not committing a terrible injustice?

Erik Mona has a statement on Reddit, I think on the 2e sub. I don't have a link because I'm on my phone and incredibly lazy.

Jason Buhlman put out what was basically a "no comment" on a Discord server, that can also be found on the 2e sub.

I saw both statements . But i must insist. Why should i trust Jessica Price?

By the way, To associate Theosophy with Nazism is an evil move on the part of this lady.

You would be right if we were in the 1930s but in 2021 I guarantee that the Waldorf schools (using principles of Theosophy) that I know in Brazil have absolutely no relationship with Nazism.

Erik Moma is one of then ?
Did you not read ALL of my post? Or just the part where I posted about links? I suggest you go up and take a look.

I saw your post and I believe you don't think Erik Mona is a Nazi. But there maybe is the real purpose of this lady's post. Generate a doubt regarding the character of a person who has nothing to do with Nazism. If that is this lady's real goal, that in my humble opinion is a vile act on her part.

Verdant Wheel

Cthulhusquatch wrote:

There are a ton of white nationalists now that study theosophy.

kayman wrote:
Cthulhusquatch wrote:

There are a lot of links between Theosophy and white nationalism.... though I stand by what I said earlier... Erik Mona doesn't smack of that type to me... a former white nationalist recruiter and Stormfront moderator.

kayman wrote:
Guntermench wrote:
kayman wrote:

I understand the sadness of seeing such a dear employee get fired in this way. This is one of the reasons why I chose the public service (In Brazil, civil servants have job stability) . But unfortunately this situation is inherent in the capitalist mode of production. That said, what amazed me about this whole situation is Jessica Price's statements regarding Erik Mona, Jason Bulhman, etc.

I ask again.
Is it true that Paizo's Publisher is a Nazi? (Yes that was her intention in associating, in 2021, Theosophy with Nazism).
Is Paizo's President a Homophobe?
If these accusations are true I can't continue playing Pathfinder. But what if they aren't? Are we not committing a terrible injustice?

Erik Mona has a statement on Reddit, I think on the 2e sub. I don't have a link because I'm on my phone and incredibly lazy.

Jason Buhlman put out what was basically a "no comment" on a Discord server, that can also be found on the 2e sub.

I saw both statements . But i must insist. Why should i trust Jessica Price?

By the way, To associate Theosophy with Nazism is an evil move on the part of this lady.

You would be right if we were in the 1930s but in 2021 I guarantee that the Waldorf schools (using principles of Theosophy) that I know in Brazil have absolutely no relationship with Nazism.

Erik Moma is one of then ?

Verdant Wheel

Darkluc wrote:
But let's be fair, 2e is awesome.

That's the absude of this situation. I have to believe that a "Nazi" gave the green light to publish a book like the Mwangi Expanse. One of the best roleplaying books I've read in my entire life.

Verdant Wheel

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Cthulhusquatch wrote:

There are a lot of links between Theosophy and white nationalism.... though I stand by what I said earlier... Erik Mona doesn't smack of that type to me... a former white nationalist recruiter and Stormfront moderator.

kayman wrote:
Guntermench wrote:
kayman wrote:

I understand the sadness of seeing such a dear employee get fired in this way. This is one of the reasons why I chose the public service (In Brazil, civil servants have job stability) . But unfortunately this situation is inherent in the capitalist mode of production. That said, what amazed me about this whole situation is Jessica Price's statements regarding Erik Mona, Jason Bulhman, etc.

I ask again.
Is it true that Paizo's Publisher is a Nazi? (Yes that was her intention in associating, in 2021, Theosophy with Nazism).
Is Paizo's President a Homophobe?
If these accusations are true I can't continue playing Pathfinder. But what if they aren't? Are we not committing a terrible injustice?

Erik Mona has a statement on Reddit, I think on the 2e sub. I don't have a link because I'm on my phone and incredibly lazy.

Jason Buhlman put out what was basically a "no comment" on a Discord server, that can also be found on the 2e sub.

I saw both statements . But i must insist. Why should i trust Jessica Price?

By the way, To associate Theosophy with Nazism is an evil move on the part of this lady.

You would be right if we were in the 1930s but in 2021 I guarantee that the Waldorf schools (using principles of Theosophy) that I know in Brazil have absolutely no relationship with Nazism.

Verdant Wheel

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Guntermench wrote:
kayman wrote:

I understand the sadness of seeing such a dear employee get fired in this way. This is one of the reasons why I chose the public service (In Brazil, civil servants have job stability) . But unfortunately this situation is inherent in the capitalist mode of production. That said, what amazed me about this whole situation is Jessica Price's statements regarding Erik Mona, Jason Bulhman, etc.

I ask again.
Is it true that Paizo's Publisher is a Nazi? (Yes that was her intention in associating, in 2021, Theosophy with Nazism).
Is Paizo's President a Homophobe?
If these accusations are true I can't continue playing Pathfinder. But what if they aren't? Are we not committing a terrible injustice?

Erik Mona has a statement on Reddit, I think on the 2e sub. I don't have a link because I'm on my phone and incredibly lazy.

Jason Buhlman put out what was basically a "no comment" on a Discord server, that can also be found on the 2e sub.

I saw both statements . But i must insist. Why should i trust Jessica Price?

By the way, To associate Theosophy with Nazism is an evil move on the part of this lady.

Verdant Wheel

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I understand the sadness of seeing such a dear employee get fired in this way. This is one of the reasons why I chose the public service (In Brazil, civil servants have job stability) . But unfortunately this situation is inherent in the capitalist mode of production. That said, what amazed me about this whole situation is Jessica Price's statements regarding Erik Mona, Jason Bulhman, etc.
I ask again.
Is it true that Paizo's Publisher is a Nazi? (Yes that was her intention in associating, in 2021, Theosophy with Nazism).
Is Paizo's President a Homophobe?
If these accusations are true I can't continue playing Pathfinder. But what if they aren't? Are we not committing a terrible injustice?

Verdant Wheel

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I must ask again.

What is the end goal?

Put paizo out of business.

Verdant Wheel

3 people marked this as a favorite.

What is the the end goal of all of this?

Shut down Paizo?

Should i belive in what Jessica Price is saying ?

I am so exited to begin GM SoT(as a Brazilian i was so happy with the Mwangi Book).

But if what that women said is truth, in a moral princible , i can no longer play Pathfinder .

What if she is a liar? Just a vindict person.

I must admit that i am complety confused with this whole situation.

I am not a subscriber but i have bought 70% of the digital books of second edition and for a highschooll teacher in brazil i spent a lot of money in pdf.

Sorry for my bad english.

Verdant Wheel

Great Book. Thank you Paizo.

Verdant Wheel

Ravingdork wrote:

I can't even collapse many of the menus in the sidebar. I'm forced to scroll past a bunch of libraries I rarely use.

Foundry has a TON of goodies, and the community support is BEYOND AMAZONG, but it needs help in the UI department.

Among many other issues, everything is SO small. Makes it hard to read on some screens.

Fair criticism .. But things are improving fast.

Verdant Wheel

I dont want to be bold in my statement but I think foundry saved PF2. I love Paizo and I love PF2 but the system sometimes becomes a bit complex . But with the automation that foundry provides everything works perfect (multiple enemies with different conditions for example). I trully think that paizo should invest on a partnerrship with the foundry people and mod community.

Verdant Wheel

IcedMik wrote:

SoT Book 1 looks amazing! Looks like it really brings RP to the forefront. Beginning with Teacher Ot giving a character interview, almost creating a Session Zero. There seems like a lot of value in just letting your PCs explore and interact with the university and city at large, perfect for players wanting to interact with NPCs and long-term goals without skimping too much from traditional adventuring.

Unfortunately, there's a few drawbacks. Limited page counts and different authors per chapter means a lot gets left unsaid. The book implies a lot about the next chapter and school as a whole with precious few details. Things that PCs could interact with, like more teachers or locations, are listed in Key Names and the campus map, without description. Normally, these can be improvised, but the adventure text occasionally has important information explained later. For example, if the Tree Stump Library wasn't described until book 2, you wouldn't know that it's abandoned and your improv might ruin a major part of the adventure.

While the NPCs are very well fleshed out, and the downtime studying subsystem is pretty cool looking, there isn't much guidance on how to describe it. It seems easy to hand-wave over what is ostensibly the point of this AP - to experience a magical university! This post is my notes for extra content I'd like to include in my game, since I'm terrible at adlibbing descriptions. None of this is actually tested, and including too much might slow the pacing too much, so grain of salt!

Downtime Revisited
The downtime rules are fairly loose and open-ended, allowing you to work into the story as you see fit. But I'm playing Pathfinder; I want crunch. Here's my thoughts for a bit more of a regimented system.

A year is broken into three terms, which are broken into four month-long segments. The general flow of the game is a month-by-month telling. Most of the month is dedicated to attending classes, working on perquisites, and other day-to-day activities (including NPC vignettes...

This is gold thank you . With your permission i would like to use .

Verdant Wheel

What Jatembe was doing between –3502 to 4455?

Verdant Wheel

August 4 here in Rio de Janeiro (Brasil) . But I think Paizo uses the Pacific Daylight Time (PDT), UTC -7, so... Four more hours.

Verdant Wheel


Verdant Wheel

4 people marked this as a favorite.

I think this has been already mentioned but the scale presented in the map of the Mwangi Expanse is wrong. Its 300 miles not 150 miles.

To see this , read the description of lake Ocota.

Verdant Wheel

2 people marked this as a favorite.
keftiu wrote:
I love reading this! Please tell us all about your PCs :)

Thank you ... For sure , when the players are ready i will post here.

Verdant Wheel

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Lonesomechunk wrote:
Anyone got any ideas for music choices?

Hi, check the Pathfinder 2e on reddit . There is a post on the subject . I recommended some african folk songs.

Verdant Wheel

5 people marked this as a favorite.

Books about the other regions of Golarion (like the Mwangi Expanse) For example ... A saga Lands Book (written by russian and nordic culture specialists )

Verdant Wheel

5 more days .... I want this AP so much !!!

Verdant Wheel

Aaron Shanks wrote:
kayman wrote:
CrusaderWolf wrote:

I absolutely adore this book but I do have one quibble: why doesn't the map of the overall Expanse include the new locations? Where in the Terwa Uplands is Cloudspire? What about Matakali?

And the Mbe'ke are fighting their Corsair War with the pirates, but...where are their ports? There's the Shackles to the west/northwest and Bloodcove to the southwest, I don't see where the Mbe'ke would be fitting their ports/shipyards.

The new lore is magnificent, the artwork is excellent, but a little more detail on the region map to reflect these new sites would be appreciated.

I agree 100% with your post . I went completely mad trying to find some of the locations that you mentioned on the map
Fair enough. But read the opening paragraph again. ;) I tease.

Good answer. For me, this is one of the best RPG books that i ever read. But i would love a highly detailed map of the Mwangi Ezpanse. .

Verdant Wheel

CrusaderWolf wrote:

I absolutely adore this book but I do have one quibble: why doesn't the map of the overall Expanse include the new locations? Where in the Terwa Uplands is Cloudspire? What about Matakali?

And the Mbe'ke are fighting their Corsair War with the pirates, but...where are their ports? There's the Shackles to the west/northwest and Bloodcove to the southwest, I don't see where the Mbe'ke would be fitting their ports/shipyards.

The new lore is magnificent, the artwork is excellent, but a little more detail on the region map to reflect these new sites would be appreciated.

I agree 100% with your post . I went completely mad trying to find some of the locations that you mentioned on the map

Verdant Wheel

7 people marked this as a favorite.

Today I started the preparations to GM the Adventure Path: Strength of Thousands (I still don't have the book), i'm doing all the prep for the Mwangi Expanse Setting . I already have 6 players (one of than is the Venture Captain of the Pathfinder Society Brazil) i'm excited and ready to embark on this exciting (“Not Exotic”) journey. As a citizen from Brazil, and knowing that the history of my country is deeply intertwined with the history of the African continent, having the opportunity to build, together with my players, an adventure with the elements that the book Mwangi Expanse offers is perhaps the most exciting moment in my life as a GM. I would also like to thank the foundry staff and the pathfinder community who provide such wonderful tools for the game to run smoothly allowing the immersion of the story to be maintained. The classes will start soon !!! Thank you Paizo Sorry for my bad english.

Verdant Wheel

Aaron Shanks wrote:
kayman wrote:
Tea4Goblins wrote:
kayman wrote:
Michelle A.J. wrote:
kayman wrote:
What are the thoughts on the way that SoT presents the free archetype? I found it a bit restrictive. For example, if my goal is to become a wizard halcyon speaker, why do I have to choose the druid archetype on the second level?
I'm not sure I understand what you mean. The way it works, you can still take the halcyon speaker dedication at the second level in place of your wizard feat. The free druid archetype is going to be in addition to your regular feat choices.

But this would be bad for my PC in all aspects ... as a Halcyon speaker I already gain a lot of feats that are very similar to the druid archetype feats. And I will lose wizard feats ...

Halycon Speaker is only available at the 6th level *at the earliest*. I have a feeling that the prereqs will only be met later in the storyline.

Also, the feats look similar but function vastly differently. Druid spells for instance *don't* get added to your spellbook and can get heightened as per normal. Halcyon spells *do* get added to your spellbook and have heightening restrictions on them.

The way I see it, the main reason a wizard would be interested in the Magaambya would be the connection between Arcane and Primal magic. So I can easily see them dipping their toe into the more Primal magics.

At the same time, when I run SoT, I'll probably expand it to the Arcane/Primal Witch and perhaps the Sorc as well.

Valid point . I wil run Sot too. I am finishing AV(GM) and i think I will just use the free archetype rule as it is presented in the GMG ... I will only try to influence my players to choose some class or archetype that involves magic.
** spoiler omitted **...

THat explains a lot ... Thanks .

Verdant Wheel

Tea4Goblins wrote:
kayman wrote:
Michelle A.J. wrote:
kayman wrote:
What are the thoughts on the way that SoT presents the free archetype? I found it a bit restrictive. For example, if my goal is to become a wizard halcyon speaker, why do I have to choose the druid archetype on the second level?
I'm not sure I understand what you mean. The way it works, you can still take the halcyon speaker dedication at the second level in place of your wizard feat. The free druid archetype is going to be in addition to your regular feat choices.

But this would be bad for my PC in all aspects ... as a Halcyon speaker I already gain a lot of feats that are very similar to the druid archetype feats. And I will lose wizard feats ...

Halycon Speaker is only available at the 6th level *at the earliest*. I have a feeling that the prereqs will only be met later in the storyline.

Also, the feats look similar but function vastly differently. Druid spells for instance *don't* get added to your spellbook and can get heightened as per normal. Halcyon spells *do* get added to your spellbook and have heightening restrictions on them.

The way I see it, the main reason a wizard would be interested in the Magaambya would be the connection between Arcane and Primal magic. So I can easily see them dipping their toe into the more Primal magics.

At the same time, when I run SoT, I'll probably expand it to the Arcane/Primal Witch and perhaps the Sorc as well.

Valid point . I wil run Sot too. I am finishing AV(GM) and i think I will just use the free archetype rule as it is presented in the GMG ... I will only try to influence my players to choose some class or archetype that involves magic.

Verdant Wheel

1 person marked this as a favorite.

The logical progression would be ...

Wizard(or druid) - Class Feats .

Free Archetype - Magaambya attendant, Mark Familiar , Halcyon Speaker

Why should i want to take a druid or wizard dedication from a build or narrative perpective?

Verdant Wheel

Michelle A.J. wrote:
kayman wrote:
What are the thoughts on the way that SoT presents the free archetype? I found a bit restrictive . For example , if my goal is to become a wizard halcyon speaker , why i have to choose the druid archetype on the second level ?
I'm not sure I understand what you mean. The way it works, you can still take the halcyon speaker dedication at second level in place of your wizard feat. The free druid archetype is going to be in addition to your regular feat choices.

But this would be bad for my PC in all aspects ... as a Halcyon speaker I already gain a lot of feats that are very similar to the druid archtype feats. And i will loose wizard feats ...

Verdant Wheel

1 person marked this as a favorite.

What are the thoughts on the way that SoT presents the free archetype? I found a bit restrictive . For example , if my goal is to become a wizard halcyon speaker , why i have to choose the druid archetype on the second level ?

Verdant Wheel

Thank you!!!

Verdant Wheel

Just bought the PDF .... a bit expensive but what a book ... thank you paizo.

Verdant Wheel


Verdant Wheel

mikeawmids wrote:
Fixed, maybe? I was just able to complete my transaction and download file.


Verdant Wheel

The problem persist...nooooooooooooooooooooooo.

Verdant Wheel

OilyTrout wrote:

I hav the same problem

It's alsmost like people really want a new bestiary or something...

Abomination Vaults - Eyes of Empty Death for me.

Verdant Wheel

Same here... Cart is broken

Verdant Wheel

Same here!!!

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