Umber Hulk

Aqua-Thor's page

215 posts (615 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 3 aliases.

If so, is there any plans to release more covenant magic supplemental material. I'd love to see how it might evolve with the release of Occult Adventures, especially their version of the medium. A great class, one that I think would fit into the Psychic world better than the arcane.

All questions and out of character discussions here please.

The interior of the Randy Sasquatch is clean.

At least it's clean.

Chairs made by at least a dozen different craftsmen surround tables made from discarded barrels and scraps of wood. A comfortable spring breeze blows through gaps in the walls and the evening sunset provides a lovely counterpoint with the fire roaring in the hearth. A bubbling stew fills the space with a glorious scent and is being tended over the fire by a young woman in a short dress. The only other people obvious are gathered in a clump at the 'table' farthest from the door.

One sits, obviously over-dressed for the setting, brown hair and bushy beard surrounding a deeply tanned face. No one else could be Lord Alystair. Two men in breastplates stand behind him. At a second table, close, is another Taldan. He leans against a huge hammer and seems distracted, almost absent.

Attention: The good people of Brevoy are in danger! banditry from the South has risen to unacceptable levels.

Wanted: Women and men with the fortitude to carve civilization from the lands stolen from the hoary forces of Nature and Barbarism.

If you are loyal to the People or Coin of Brevoy, bring a letter of introduction and a list of great deeds to Lord Alystair Boehnre, Aldori, who is gathering an expedition to wrench the Greenbelt free from those preying on our good People. Find him within the Randy Sasquatch in the southernmost portion of the city. Impress! His is the sole opinion of merit concerning the makeup of the expedition.

This is a recruitment for the Kingmaker AP. A previous thread lost momentum just as the recruitment process was to conclude. But I was so enamored with the characters presented, I couldn't let it go. I've decided to take on the campaign myself. But I wanted to organize the recruitment a bit differently.

First, I would like only a single post from each applicant in this (Recruitment) thread. All information, crunch and background, should be contained in the profile, edit as needed. If you make only the one post with a new alias, you can re-use it later if you are not selected.

Second, any questions for me about the game and/or character creation should be posted in the Discussion thread, eventually leading to out of character interactions and questions about the game in question when we get started.

Third, I would like in-character introductions based on your arrival at the Randy Sasquatch, followed by interactions with your fellow applicants in the Gameplay thread. A good portion of my decision on who to include will be based on your writing and the chemistry between your characters. I will be honest; posting quantity will be a consideration. I will be watching when and how often you post in gameplay as an indication of what to expect in the game proper. I will provide some NPCs for interaction as well. Everything in Gameplay should be in-character.

Now for the meat and potatoes. Because I liked the characters I saw in the earlier game, I am going to keep basically the same creation guidelines. But please look over them. There are some changes/clarifications, make adjustments as requested.

Char Gen:

Level- Gestalt 1

HP- Maximum 1st level, roll every additional level. Retraining HP from Ultimate Campaigns is available.

Ability Scores- I will be using a 24 point buy, single point scaling method. Basically, each score is set to 10 and it only takes a single point to raise a stat by one. You may also, if you need a few points, subtract up to 2 from a single score to gain that number of points that you can redistribute. No score may be above 18 or below 08 before racial modifiers. You may also 'buy off' a racial penalty to a stat by spending a respective number of points, such as paying 2 points to eliminate a Dwarf's CHA penalty.

Classes- All official Paizo classes are allowed. 3PP material is available if I own the book. Ask away. Auto accept includes Dreamscarred Psionics, Radiance Pact Magic. No Path of War, please. Label any element of your character crunch not from a Paizo hardcover with its source.

Races- All official Paizo races on the SRD, I require at least one Human character in the party, due to the patron which sends the PCs to claim the Stolen Lands. Like classes, etc. I will consider 3PP if I own the book it is from. It can't hurt to ask. I will admit to a prejudice toward humans, but can easily overcome it for a compelling character.

Alignment: I have a preference for non-evil but am willing to entertain all alignments. No loners! Whatever the alignment.

Feat- You gain a Bonus Feat at 1st level. No leadership.

Skill Points- I will be using the background skills option from Unchained.

Traits: You start out with 2 Traits and a Campaign Trait. You may also reflavor Traits, so long as they make sense, and may take an additional Trait if you take a Drawback.

Starting Wealth- 200 GP, plus a single, non-magical, non-royal outfit of your choice, which must make sense with your character. You also have a free, nearly blank map of the Stolen Lands that just basically has it's borders, and small outskirts from other River Kingdoms. Spellcasters with spellbooks may purchase additional spells, but they must pay for a scroll of appropriate level, then the cost of inscribing in your spellbook.

Non-crunch is a bit more involved, but I like to have strings to pull on my characters.


I need a good general background about who your character is and what brought him to Restov, not a novel, but enough to make me interested in working with him or her for (hopefully) many months. This should include an enemy candidate of some sort, someone you care about who I could mess with, and how you came to the attention of some noble (enough for the letter of introduction below.) Do not use Alystair in your background; everyone should be new/untied to him. I want to see your traits evident in your background somewhere, and your other crunch as appropriate

I need a letter of introduction from a noble, high or low, of Brevoy somewhere, OR a damn good reason why not and a damn good reason Lord Alystair would consider you for the position. Write it as the noble; your character can be aware or unaware of the contents as you choose.

I need a set of goals, both yours and your character's, so I know what you hope to gain during the campaign. (no promises.)

As for the game itself, I will be adding/changing a great deal. So those who have played or read the Path will still be surprised. I will also be including lots of NPCs, some of whom will be joining the adventure at times. I do not intend for them to steal the spotlight, but they will be integral to the plot at times.

As for power level. Well, we are playing gestalt. Still, I want characters, not the Pathfinder equivalent of an atom bomb. If you are putting together a great combo, no matter how obvious it may be to you, please let me know about it up front. If I think it is overpowered, I will kill it for the sake of the game. I don't want you to play for days or weeks or months expecting a combo to come through (central to your character concept) only to discover I won't allow it or interpret it differently; RAW or RAI or whatever. If I know what's coming, I can plan for it, and everyone gets to have more fun.

Let's plan for making my choices by Wednesday. Good luck to all!


"Will you be allowing crafting?"

Yes, with a few minor changes. The biggest of which will be splitting craft miscellaneous item into a different feat for each of the body slots and one for unslotted items, so craft magical waist item, craft magical hand item, craft magical neck item, etc. . . If you take a feat with the intention of crafting a specific item, check with me first. I don't want to disappoint you or retcon a feat choice.

"Can I create a race using the rules in the advanced Race Guide?"


"Can I use a monster race or template as one side of my gestalt?
