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Thanks for the help everybody! however, i wont be needing this for a while, the maneuver master i threw together last week (based on AoO and tripping, literally a trip monkey because it is vanaran) turns out to be amazingly powerful, rarely misses, and gives more AoO opportunities to the entire party.
Gorbacz wrote: Play a Commoner and MAKE THEM CRY. ROFL

KaptainKrunch wrote: To answer your question on how to make an effective character... Well it all depends on the party dynamics, hence why people have been asking for more details.
Instead of trying to compete with the Summoner (And his Eidolon) try to compliment him.
I'm personally attracted to Casters because they have ample opportunity to help the party without trying to replace other players. My favorite class, the Wizard, is all about dropping Battlefield Control and organizing the situation into your favor.
I'm currently working on a Bard that effectively doubles the party's damage through Inspire Courage, Good Hope, Haste, and Tactical Acumen.
If you really don't like casters, make a Cavalier and be a good flanking buddy with the Eidolon, sharing your Teamwork feats. Play a Paladin and focus on defending the Summoner from the DM being a jerk and focus firing him. Be a switch-hitter Ranger and give long range support and have your pet be the flanking buddy.
There are lots of things you can do.
Actually we already have a support guy, but he is somewhat selfish(...i think, haven't seen the summoner rules...) and the only spells he uses on anyone but his eidilon are haste.
Dabbler wrote: *insert-name-here* wrote: At level 7, and i want to focus on either damage or ability to hit on most attacks. Either a fighter or a paladin, then.
Sword & board fighter using TWF with a shield is pretty busted, or if you REALLY want to throw the DM and the whole party for a loop, a pole fighter with a tripping reach weapon like a halberd can be pure mayhem. A free hand fighter can be awesome at general maneuvers if you want to go that route.
Paladins just rock. A high-crit weapon and smite evil are just a recipe for a calculator for the damage, it really is. With a high charisma you will get a great bonus to hit on top of all your other awesomeness. The more feat-intensive builds are not so easy to do, but otherwise you can follow any formula the fighter uses, but with Smite Evil. Actually, i've grown quite attatched to the monk class (gotta love +6 misc AC), it would be really helpful if someone knew a broken monk build.

KaptainKrunch wrote: *insert-name-here* wrote: KaptainKrunch wrote: Mercurial wrote: KaptainKrunch wrote: I'm currently working on a Bard that effectively doubles the party's damage through Inspire Courage, Good Hope, Haste, and Tactical Acumen. I build most of the characters for our party and we just had a fifth member join up - a girl - and I made for her a Bard (Geisha) patterned after Inara Serra from Firefly... she's a pure support character who focuses on skills, buffs, healing and enchantments which was ideal considering that the current four were more optimized damage dealers, and her influence has been VERY significant without her ever making a single attack. Bards are simply the best support class in the game, period. They have SO MUCH they can lay down.
Their only weakness is their longevity. While I can double the party's damage for any given combat, I'm not likely going to be able to do that more than a couple of encounters a day. That's why Treantmonk recommends giving them something else to do, even if what you choose is not as optimal as other classes.
I've finally settled on giving him a Greatsword for which he has a 75% chance of hitting with dealing 2d6+15 damage on the first attack at level 8. The point of having him on the front line though is to give that +2 to hit to the BSF through Flanking. NO. SUPPORT. I HATE PLAYING SUPPORT CLASSES. *ahem*
My dear sir, I was merely responding to Mercurial.
Anyway, I'm a bad person for damage builds. Even when I consider playing melee builds I'm all about combat maneuvers or other control options. sorry...
Mercurial wrote: Tryn wrote: Be a summoner... Eidolon = total broken I like my Master Summoner >:) First summoner i met was a D-bag. Once again, sorry, but do no want.
Tryn wrote: Be a summoner... Eidolon = total broken That's what my friend already does. sorry, but do not want.

Mercurial wrote: *insert-name-here* wrote: Mercurial wrote: *insert-name-here* wrote: Mercurial wrote: *insert-name-here* wrote: I'm kind of bad at making characters, and I have the worst character in the party. I need help making a broken character to get on the same level as the broken summoner in my party. I want to know good builds (preferably not spellcasters), but also advice on making characters in the future. I've put together 3 great non-spellcasting melee characters that I'd be happy to share with you... the question is do you want 'cool' broken, 'straight-up' broken or 'ridiculously absurd' broken? THE LAST ONE =D What level do you want to introduce the character in at, and are you dead set against his ability to cast spells or do you just not want that to be what he's all about? At level 7, and i want to focus on either damage or ability to hit on most attacks. I'll put something up here for you tonight, or maybe in mail. How high a level do you expect the characters to get up to? we'll be leveling up kind of slow, but our campaign is very long. probably
level 9-12.

KaptainKrunch wrote: Mercurial wrote: KaptainKrunch wrote: I'm currently working on a Bard that effectively doubles the party's damage through Inspire Courage, Good Hope, Haste, and Tactical Acumen. I build most of the characters for our party and we just had a fifth member join up - a girl - and I made for her a Bard (Geisha) patterned after Inara Serra from Firefly... she's a pure support character who focuses on skills, buffs, healing and enchantments which was ideal considering that the current four were more optimized damage dealers, and her influence has been VERY significant without her ever making a single attack. Bards are simply the best support class in the game, period. They have SO MUCH they can lay down.
Their only weakness is their longevity. While I can double the party's damage for any given combat, I'm not likely going to be able to do that more than a couple of encounters a day. That's why Treantmonk recommends giving them something else to do, even if what you choose is not as optimal as other classes.
I've finally settled on giving him a Greatsword for which he has a 75% chance of hitting with dealing 2d6+15 damage on the first attack at level 8. The point of having him on the front line though is to give that +2 to hit to the BSF through Flanking. NO. SUPPORT. I HATE PLAYING SUPPORT CLASSES.
Mercurial wrote: *insert-name-here* wrote: Mercurial wrote: *insert-name-here* wrote: I'm kind of bad at making characters, and I have the worst character in the party. I need help making a broken character to get on the same level as the broken summoner in my party. I want to know good builds (preferably not spellcasters), but also advice on making characters in the future. I've put together 3 great non-spellcasting melee characters that I'd be happy to share with you... the question is do you want 'cool' broken, 'straight-up' broken or 'ridiculously absurd' broken? THE LAST ONE =D What level do you want to introduce the character in at, and are you dead set against his ability to cast spells or do you just not want that to be what he's all about? At level 7, and i want to focus on either damage or ability to hit on most attacks.
Mercurial wrote: *insert-name-here* wrote: I'm kind of bad at making characters, and I have the worst character in the party. I need help making a broken character to get on the same level as the broken summoner in my party. I want to know good builds (preferably not spellcasters), but also advice on making characters in the future. I've put together 3 great non-spellcasting melee characters that I'd be happy to share with you... the question is do you want 'cool' broken, 'straight-up' broken or 'ridiculously absurd' broken? THE LAST ONE =D
Mercurial wrote: If an Eidolon attacks a BBEG while his Summoner sits the battle out, invisible and stationary, the DM shouldn't go out of his way to meta-game against him. That's exactly what the summoner does, except he also uses support spells like Enlarge Person.
I'm kind of bad at making characters, and I have the worst character in the party. I need help making a broken character to get on the same level as the broken summoner in my party. I want to know good builds (preferably not spellcasters), but also advice on making characters in the future.
manplant wrote: The monk's always been my favorite class!
Sensei (in real life i'm a karate instructor! whoa! also, I get to yell at party members for a mechanical reason)
Lobolusk wrote: I once played a Vanaran monk who was named monkey monk he could climb and make acrobatics checks in the 30's! Vanaran monks are fun, but not when your ally's large eidilon picks you up and thinks you're a pet monkey, and then it's summoner teases you with a banana.
Ross Byers wrote: I removed a couple offensive posts. ...?
If i can't get a black blade UAS, can someone please find a way to get an intelligent fist for me? With the benefits i have for my unarmed strike, i probably won't be as good with any weapon as i will with my UAS.
blackbloodtroll wrote: A Klar can have shield enchantments as well. Um... if i use a klar as armor, i get horrible negatives to basically everything, and with a klar as a weapon, im not proficient. for my character, the klar sucks.
JAF0 wrote: the double chicken saber and the nine ring broadsword (from UC) are both 1-handed slashing weapons that monks can use, and therefore flurry with. And Temple sword, which i think i like better, but i like to stick with my unarmed strike for all occasions except for making ranged attacks. bladebound (unless i can get a black blade UAS) is just not for my character.
blackbloodtroll wrote: A Klar makes a good Blackblade. For me, Kama would be the most effective because it is the only Flurry of blows weapon that has slashing damage that a monk can use.
Edit: dammit thats not onehanded!
mdt wrote: Why does this remind me of the thread where someone wanted RAW that let him have his monk chop off his hands and replace them with enchantable clockwork hands? THATS EXACTLY WHAT I WANT!
1 person marked this as a favorite.
JAF0 wrote: Which is exactly what some of us have been saying from the beginning of the thread. Thank you Paladin for making it sink in at last. We sorta all knew that, we were just wasting ur time.
Paladin of Baha-who? wrote: Happy to help. Have a nice day! =P
i'll just go and ask my GM next time i see him.

karlbadmanners wrote: Hey all. I'm loathe to use the term "tank" (mostly because the concept of a party member generating a level of "aggression" to defend the other players is non-existant in d20) but really it's the best term to get the idea across. At any rate I am looking to make an optimized build for a melee character who has high durability and/or the ability to protect his allies as much as possible in fights, in general as much of a "tank" build as I can get. I have toyed with a fighter, barb, and pally builds. I must say I truly hate the barb, my reasons for hatred are not good ones so I will not get into it lol. Any advice on some general build concepts, rare defensive feats, homebrew classes, rules, etc on how to create a "tank" character, I would prefer to use a paladin-like build but I am open to other class themes as well. Thanks all :) I wouldn't do that. I tried a tank, and despite an experienced DM helping me build my character, i was mostly unable to be there to protect my allies because of my low speed, and never dealt any damage or really made that much of a difference. being a tank sucks.
Paladin of Baha-who? wrote: Only by FM fiat which would be required for this thing to even e ist. I would say no, it's a weapon equivalent to a brass knuckles or a cestus.
A Magus black blade cannot be a monk's unarmed strike, period, unless your DM just decides it can.
you just rendered this entire thread useless. thank you very much.
Paladin of Baha-who? wrote: Create an intelligent item that takes the form of a mechanical gauntlet a la Army of Darkness. Graft this to your character's wrist after cutting off hir hand. That's kinda what i said before, but would this still be considered an UNARMED strike?
EDIT: yes, it would make me classified as a cyborg, making mechanical body attachments 'natural weapons'. at least that's what i would decide if i were the DM.
ANOTHER EDIT: cyborg monk 8D .
So as an overview, the current reasons i can't have a black blade hand are:
A) Tiger Style isn't (technically) permanent
B) UAS not a One-Handed Weapon
C) Having a body part that isn't FULLY under my control(i think this doesn't matter very much, though)
If this won't work, are there other ways to get an intelligent fist?

Archaeik wrote: No, but a black blade, as any other intelligent item, has it's own will and agenda... it's highly unusual for a body part to not be fully in your control.
Another point I thought of is that Tiger Style
A) takes a swift action to activate (so your uas isn't always a slashing weapon)
B)assuming you hand wave that portion, you should only ever be able to deal slashing damage with your uas after that point (and/or even only uas with the fist that is the intelligent weapon after you gain it)
"Although you cannot use a style feat before combat begins, the style you are in persists until you spend a swift action to switch to a different combat style."
Tiger Style basically becomes permanent once i use it, id only lose it if i shut it off as a swift action.
"A black blade is independently conscious but features some personality traits reflecting its wielder. A black blade always has the same alignment as its wielder and even changes its alignment if its wielder does. The blade typically works toward its wielder’s goals"
The black blade would probably be friendly towards me, in any case, and as a weapon i control, would probably let me use it in combat. So i lose a hand...BFD, the black blade REPLACES my hand.
Archaeik wrote: Agreed with Grick, barring extreme unusual circumstances, your own hand should not have(or gain) a mind of its own...
UAS is not just fists, Tiger Style allows any UAS to be slashing, so it's not just like saying your fist has a mind of it's own, but your body :/
It would only be one fist or unarmed strike that would become the black blade though. there can only be one black blade for every person. also, only monks get to use body parts other than their feet to make unarmed strikes.

Grick wrote: *insert-name-here* wrote: So basically now this is just about the unarmed strike being one-handed Incorrect. Your hand is not an intelligent item. It's also not a weapon for these purposes, as shown upthread. In addition, it's not a one-handed weapon.
*insert-name-here* wrote: One handed weapons Vs. weapons that you use in one hand. big difference? Light, One-Handed, and Two-Handed Melee Weapons: "This designation is a measure of how much effort it takes to wield a weapon in combat. It indicates whether a melee weapon, when wielded by a character of the weapon's size category, is considered a light weapon, a one-handed weapon, or a two-handed weapon."
Even if you create house rules that (inexplicably) remove the category of light weapons from the game, your hand is still not an intelligent item.
If you want to come up with a reasonable house rule to propose to your DM, the Suggestions/House Rules/Homebrew section of the forums may be able to help you with that.
I probably will need to see if my GM will house rule this one anyway.
Oh, and my hand doesn't need to be already intelligent for it to become a black blade.
Grick wrote: *insert-name-here* wrote: so i could just cut off my hand and get a new one as a black blade with tiger style..right? Your hand is not an intelligent one-handed slashing weapon, nor is it a a rapier or a sword cane.
So basically now this is just about the unarmed strike being one-handed, which i think doesn't matter because of how a light weapon is used in one hand and cannot be used in 2 hands.
I mean, just think about it. One handed weapons Vs. weapons that you use in one hand. big difference? i don't think so.
Grick wrote: *insert-name-here* wrote: No, i meant that the ABILITY 'black blade' was an effect, as in the ability that all bladebound magi get at level 3. Black Blade (Ex): "At 3rd level, the bladebound magus' gains a powerful sentient weapon called a black blade, whose weapon type is chosen by the magus."
The ability grants you a black blade. The black blade itself is an intelligent weapon. It is not an effect that that enhances or improves a weapon, so monk unarmed strike does not apply.
so i could just cut off my hand and get a new one as a black blade with tiger style..right?
Grick wrote: *insert-name-here* wrote: Black Blade is an effect. It's not an effect, it's an item. An Intelligent item.
No, i meant that the ABILITY 'black blade' was an effect, as in the ability that all bladebound magi get at level 3.
blackbloodtroll wrote: My understanding is that one-handed is a specific category of weapon, and things like daggers, though wielded with one hand, are not one-handed weapons. "A light weapon is used in one hand."
Personally, i think light weapons should count as one-handed weapons for this. Also, if it makes a different, only ONE of my character's hands would be the black blade, so it would not be two weapons or be two-handed.
EDIT: in any case, i'd have to see if my DM would let me do this, he should be the judge of this.
mdt wrote: That one I'd probably disallow. Although I guess I might allow something like a cestus that slides over his claws and acts like a natural attack (kind of like the claw-sheath from Thundercats that Lion-o uses). "A monk's unarmed strike is treated as both a manufactured weapon and a natural weapon for the purpose of spells and effects that enhance or improve either manufactured weapons or natural weapons."
Black Blade is an effect. The fact that it's not actually a manufactured weapon wouldn't change anything.
Some of you may have seen my other thread about a talking fist, which i don't think i learned anything from.
But, i found a feat on the PFSRD called Tiger Style that makes unarmed strikes do slashing damage. with levels in monk unarmed strike counts as a manufactured weapon.
I am thinking of taking a level in bladebound magus with tiger style, and pick my unarmed strike as a black blade.
i want to know if this will work, why or why not, and how i can use this new class to my advantage.
Irulesmost wrote: Now I do like that specific hodge-podge. Keep enough booze on hand and you'll have tons of ki, and between the archetypes and vanilla monk, just...LOADS of ways to spend it. That is true, and drunken master is also very fun to RP, but the rules and mechanics of drinking beer are very annoying.
bigkilla wrote: Go Dwarven Monk of the 4 Winds in the Sacred Mountain who is a Drunken Master and let the good times roll. I didn't know you could take multiple archtypes when i made my drunken master (now lvl 7). is it too late to take more? monk of the four winds looks pretty awesome.
James B. Cline wrote: Talk in third person That's always fun, but it just annoys EVERYBODY.
The last bard who was in my party just stood around, flanked things, and used inspire courage. kinda helpful, but he never dealt any notable amount of damage.
pobbes wrote: I don't know why we got to escalate to killing in this situation. You'd think the drunk would just lose his temper and throw one-good punch, maybe for subdual damage and stunning fist, with a firm. "shut up." The witch would probably get the point or go buck wild like like snooki. At the very least, it's very likely she won't b%$@$ at him so much. She'd just sleep hex me. i'd probably have to roll a good intimidate score (at least i have +7) against her or roll a good will save against her hex. luckily, i have the highest will save in the party.
My Character follows the local law for the lawful part of his alignment (He is LN). but there is no official local law, and maybe some backqround info about our campaign would help you understand what the authorities are like:
The mayor of town has an infernal contract to make his life more convenient E.G. he uses pit-fiends to flush toilets. he has killed many people and is oppressive to the citizens of town. and this is the guy who writes the laws.
Oh, and the weak, easily scared guards laughed at us because two of our party members got frightened WHEN THE F**KED-UP LOOKING FOUR-ARMED EIDILON THAT IS 18 FEET TALL WAS WITH US, as if they were more strong than that thing.
in short, there is no fair law or good law enforcement.
"You might be able to plea with your dm that is was insanity."
my character might already be insane LOL.
"EDIT: You can always stop leveling as a monk and start on the monk/barbarian build"
http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/core-classes/monk/archetypes/paizo---monk-a rchetypes/drunken-master
Starcoffin wrote: Killing someone in cold blood, at the very least you would be come NE, if not CE That's definitely going to be a problem. maybe i'll just take more ranks in intimidate to get her to stop being a jerk.
EDIT: that would prevent my character from leveling up in monk. that puts killing out of the question, i really like my monk character.
Bigtuna wrote: So he hates people - then tell them they are idiots like normal people.
Or break the witches legs - killing is big thing - even in a setting where people can be brought back. Seriously the cost of a raise dead is like years and years of a commoners income.
What aligment are your drunken guy? Some kind of evil? If people allowed one of their co-players to be evil i guess they wanted these kinds of intriqes, if you didn't talk about it before play - then do that before next session.
If he isn't evil then your char could be thinking about killing without doing anything about it. Consider just making drunken remarks about time for a bonfire, whenever the witch is around. It's give more RP and fun - instead of just ending the story/conflict with a kill.
I'm LN. and i'll probably try to RP as best as possible when (if) i kill the witch.
Elinor Knutsdottir wrote:
If you're determine to try to kill her, best kill the summoner first - a CDG while he sleeps should do it - then you can kill the witch too.
Then we'd ALL be screwed in my party. we'd get killed so easily.

"Talk to the GM - 'GM-favourite NPCs' is a flaw in my own GMing I know."
-"Elinor Knutsdottir"
My GM already has a similar witch character in another campaign , so that will probably make the NPC witch expendable to him. He was obviously careless when he made this NPC; it's alignment is 'democratic', it's age is 'old enough', it's height is 'tall enough', and it's weight is 'now that's just rude'. and i told him that i was asking for advice on this already, he obviously doesn't give a s***.
"It sounds like the problem is some of the stuff in the game is ticking you off and I would suggest that this, rather than the witch, is the issue to tackle."
-"Elinor Knutsdottir"
"my character is an angry drunk (drunken master monk lvl 7) so he basically hates anyone who is slightly annoying"
Between my avatar name and that quote, i'd say you're way off there. I DO CRAZY S*** WHEN I RP.
Either way, my character is LN so i probably won't kill the witch anyway.
Odraude wrote: I feel like this is going to probably end terribly... LOL totally
DrDeth wrote: Is it you, the player who doesn't want a NPC running with the party, or your PC that hates the witch? In other words, is this OOC or IC? sort of both. she acts like a b*$+@ to my character and once she used her sleep hex on me in combat (thanks natural 1's you make my life so much better!).
Austin Morgan wrote: Also, any damage to the target wakes it up. We one-shot it with a sneak attack CDG while it was asleep.