gundark |
bugleyman wrote:
Charlie D. wrote:Which to me is...somewhat troubling. It should be a no-brainer at this point. Though I'm generally pleased with 5E so far, the silence on PDFs and the OGL is disappointing.P.H. Dungeon wrote:Mike Mearls has said he can't comment on that yet. We don't have an answer.Does anyone know if the core books will be released for sale as pdfs or will they only be available as print copies?
I really like how paizo sells pdfs of their core books for $10, and it would be nice if WotC followed that model.
I suspect we'll see PDFs of the core. I could be mistaken here, but didn't the OGL not come out until something like 6 months after the 3.0 PHB?
I STRONGLY suspect that we'll see an OGL for 5e. Mike Mearls is where he is at now because of it. There is a kickstarter campaign going on for Necromancer games right now using the OGL. I think that WotC realizes that they can't stop it. I think they'll embrace it.