Help please. Two of my players are only level 4 and they have already broken the Pact of Thorns. I cant find anywhere that states the consequences for breaking the pact. Can anyone help me
We fixed the dead PC gear by saying that they must be buried with all there gear except loot found during adventure. We had a player in a pervious game die a lot so they would come back with +5 this and +6 to that stat. So everyone had + 6 star bumps and +5 weapon and armour. That what I'm trying to avoid the power curve that makes new PC strong then old PCs
Hey guys I've having problems with new characters joining my game after the players old ones have died. Since the old characters don't have cherry picked items where the new characters do it comes across as very unfair for the alive old characters. Does anyone have any ideas?
Hi I have a PC who is a sorcerer with dragon disciple he has the robes of arcane heritage and is 14 th lvl. How how do I deal with this player who always says "I'm flying 2 inches off the ground. And every combat I fly 30 feet up so I can't be attacked exept by ranged attackers and spell, or I take a 5 foot step stright up. It's getting frustrating! I also have a player that says I cast overland flight and do the same thing, but during a game he was parylised and said that overland flight is a purely mental ability so I fly away. Can he??? How do you deal with stuff like that???
Can a character mounted on a horse use its masters step up feat. Or does the horse need the feat or does both master and mount need the feat. A player has the step up feat and wanted to fight an opponent. The horse doesn't. Can he make the horse do the step up?
hey guys any way of optimizing this build Klorel
During kingdom build does the kingdom have to pay for the food with bp? So if it has 20 farms that produce 20 food and 19 hexes with 1 city (1district) making 20. Is it auto payed or do the leaders need to spend 20 bp for the food?
no the monk is human. He is going a maneuver monk . from APG i think. It allows him to do combat maneuvers like normal attack and with whirlwind he can grab 8 foes. I have looked through the book and cant find anything to show him that hes WRONG. There are monsters in the beasterys that can grapple multiplus enemys but they take a -20 to rolls.
I have 5 other players in my group. I dont like PvP but at the same time i like the intergue part of it too.
I not trying to foster PVP. So the ruler has asked that restov send out an assassin to kill the ruler wanabe. I know its a fine line. Just i can see so much happening with this game. A coup from other members of the kingdom. A civil war. All these great chances for some real role play. The oricle of nature who is the ruler is playing very muturely most of the time. same with the sorcerer.
I have two players that are going to make this game very hard for me soon. One player (the magister) is power hungry and wants to take the throne. But the current ruler is not about to let that happen. So they have made an allience with Restov in that the ruler would marry one of the swordlord (they are both playing chicks) but they annonced that they would be form a lesbian monarchy. So Restov is angry because they had a agreement with the kingdom that the ruler would marry a swordlord. So the ruler went back to restov in secret and agreed to the marrage between the ruler and a swordlord but the swordlord would have to assassinate the magister. Now the Magister has intimated to me that he/she wants to take out the current ruler so that he would be but in as ruler. Now how the *&^ do i deal with this??? Has anyone else had this crop up in there kingmaker game??? Any Advice would be great Thanks guys
Well i was looking over the encounter and V and his guardian have ACs of around 30. The will save are low 20s.
In the second time around they used a corridor to fight them in but the skelton champion used overrun and noone avoided him so he knocked everyone down. That cost the life of the witch. Phantsmal killer got a cohort of the oricle of nature. (which i forgot to add in a monk/cleric) THe devisation the champion has with its sword of 3d6+17 damage and 3d6 fire damage. Its high attacks just batter them down.
I told my players that is a cheap keep from the 3.5 stronghold builders guide. THat if they wish to imporve it then in the city improvment phase then they can use one of there city build option then they can. The 3.5 stronghold builders guide book. It has different options like a Fancy throne room. Castle barraks. Fancy rooms, servant quarters. that sort of stuff. Try using that. My players have plans to make their castle a flying one which i think i worked it out to be something like 2000 bp or something like that
THere is also a Bard but he hasnt shown up for a few weeks. They buff them selfs with spells before the group when in the first time. Cast blessing of fartor, Haste, Stoneskin on the fighter, mage armour on the eidlon. Bless. They used a lot of buff spells to get themselfes powerful but just got hammered.
Hi guys need some advice. See my kingmaker game has stalled due to the lich in the vanhold vanashing. Since i have 8 total players in my game i have been using the 6 player conversion that one of the forum members has posted up. But the party have challenged the Lich twice now and on both occasions that got mopped by the lich and its Skeletal guardian. My players are a Sorcerer (dragon deciple), Witch, Ranger (crossbow man) Oricle of nature, Oricle of life, Inqusitor and a rogue. THe party lost a Fighter (now playing a oricle of life), cleric (now playing the Inquisitor) and summoner (now playing the witch) last week trying to kill the lich. Is the partys dynamics all wrong or am i useing to powerful creatures. Last week the fighter got dominated and left for dead. so the PCs were fighting a Lich, Guardian and a PC. any advice of what to do? i am thinking that when they try again to go see this lich that he will have buggered off having returned to full power so we can contiune the game
So i know now they are going to bring their army to the above location due to last weeks disaster where they lost a PC in an attack. So you all think i should turn this into an army V Army. Pcs army v BBEG army. that could be fun. but in the future how is it best to deal with the army fighing a single monster or a small group of monsters
They did this thing once before and it upset a nation to their south. The other nation sent an emesary with a message saying "stay out of our kingdom with your army, if you do it again then we will retelliate with our army." Spoiler bellow (if playing do not click show!) Now they want to send in the army use a corp of engineers to level *something* ( : plot related story event). the lich cyclops lair
Hey guys in my game tonight one of the players died and they want to raise dead him beause they cant afford res or true res. Now how do i deal with them wanting to buy diamonds??? I dont know any rules on selling gems and other diamonds to players. and since they need 5000 gp worth of them, im not sure how they would go about doing that. do you have any advice??? How do you deal with this problem in your own home game??? thanks in advance
Hey guys i need some more advice. My PCs in kingmaker have got a standing army of 700 soliders and what to take them to an encounter in the third book. They got a bloody nose from it and now they want to bring with them either the entire army or just 200 men to take out that encounter. Any advice on dealing with this??? They know the price of marching the troops and can afford it and still want to do it. need some help.
Hi guys I have this new player who joined my group for a campagin that i am running. He is playing a Bard, he has taken the Lingering song feat, so what his bard does is he uses his standard action to sing, stops as an imedeate action and the effects linger for 2 rounds. Then after the 3 rounds have gone he does it again. Now as far as i understand that RAW (rules as written) this is legal, but i dont feel that it is in spirit of the game. The player never come to me and asked if this would be alright to do either. Is this Right? is my player right and i am bing over zealous? what?
Gday guys i need some advice. My players have a mobile redoubt from Arms and Equpment guide. It weights about 8,000 pounds + 1000 pounds of cargo and 1,000 pounds of characters. Now they have hvy war horses with horse shoes of speed and enhanced str (due to magic) so they have 4 horses with 28 str and a movement speed of 80 foot. i did some maths and come to the conculsion that a large horse with 28 str can carry a max load of 2403 and 3600 pounds each as a heavy load am i right???
My Players had met a tribe of "Orc" and they distrust humans and the like. They start out as hostile when in the tribe and need to get on there good side. So i was wanting to be fair but at the same time unfair. As a GM i wanted to be fair to my players but as the Orc tribe leader i wanted to be ruthless in getting what i want. The lines for these roles sometimes blurr. ( not in a psyich way).
How do other GMS do negotiations. Everytime i try and do it, it never works out right. I am either to easy on it or to hard on it. How do you other gm put your mind set. I was thinking about having a friend of mine who is not in the game to use them as my mode of thinking. someone Impartial. Can you guys offer any advice
Hey guys one of my players come to me asking if he could build an Iron horse. Since they are on the third book they keep encountering Rocs. In stead of attacking the characters in armour the rocs go for horses. (look at the Pic in the beastry why)
Can you give me some advice on this please?
In my Kingmaker game my players have built a big kingdom and we have been plodding along for a year now with it but my question is this. In the first phase of the kingdom building phase you have determin stability then you have Pay comsuption. When you pay comsuption do they take money out of the tresery to pay for it or not. They start the month with say 156bp, they have 54 hexes, and 27 farms. When they pay for comsuption do they have to pay 54 bp for food or do they pay 0 (beacause the 27 farms produce 54 food for them). it jsut accorded to me and i wanted to check you the forum here to get the right answer.
When your running a game do you roleplay your events out or do you just read what happens then get the PCs to make the appropirate stability, economey or loyalty roll where appropirate. I try and do both but some events are great to make continues and the ramifications can be fun. like fueding nobles.
I am not trying to screw over my player. But the way it was put to me was that he was going to exicute testicle attack number 43. Attack from under the ground and only need to expose his arm to hit the enemy with the slam attack combined with amulte of mighty fist and spring attack. I dont pull theose stunts on my players as a GM. Sure i could have a wright attack them from walls and ensure that it cant be hurt and get a TPK. but i dont. i just need to talk to some others with a clear head. I havnt ruled anything yet.
Ok this is a real hot subject you have all given me some great ideas. I will admit that it was a knee jerk reaction when i heard my player wants to use earth glide and still attack without putting himself in harms way. 1) Are we sure that the druid dosent get tremorsence??? I can see this being a massive argument on my table. 2) about moving through the ground. I was thinking about treating it like flying, that it cost double the move up and half to move down. what do you think. 3) i see the earth elemental spring attack druid the most broken. Since a monster can "see" or even "attack" a creature underground it makes them invincible. a fire, water and air elementals are still able to be attacked. (air elementals can be shot with bows so can water elementals). levitation only allows you to float up or down thats it. even a character with fly can be peppered full of arrows. "Enforce that the druid can't communicate with the rest of the party, or benefit from their tactical knowledge, unless he has some means of telepathic communication." Dont the druid gain the ability to talk in the laugage of the form they take. Aka if they take an animal form then they can only talk to animals so if they take elemental form they can only talk elemental.
I have a player who is playing a druid and wants to use wild shape and turn into an earth elemental then glide under the gound and attack from underneath the enemy. Is this even legal. I then heard he wants to use spring attack with it too. Spring from under ground and attack the enemy and then move back under ground. Has anyone come across this yet? If so how do you deal with it. I think its total chesse and i dont like it at all. some advice please Thanks guys
Yeah theres are the same players even though the characteres are different due to some deaths with trolls and masterdons. They have found the magic item economy too but i was able to place a firm restriction on it. Only 1 (one) major item maybe be sold per city. to stop that from railroading me. But it happened anyway. So i withdrawing the sword privlige. 1) Ok Yes the only protection they have on the gold was a stone shape to make a large hole put the gold in it and then do a second one to cover it up with. They then said we mark it with an X marks the spot. 2) they are all now level 8 3) they are a variety of alignments but the sorceror is they only character with evil (he is the one that trapped me with making sure its a natural 20). The Paladin how was in the party watched it happen and encouraged it. (his character died last night)
4) we are about half way through module 3.
"Advice on how to draw your own map (so you can use the rules for different locations/environments) Pre-stated towns and villages (for your PCs to take over, etc) Details for additional nations Pitax, Brevoy and Drelev aren't the only nations around, there's one just past the greenbelt that they can interact with." The maps would be very helpful in expanding the advenutre also developing additonal nations for them to interact with. These are what we need.
Hey guys i need some help. In my kingmaker game i have a little reward for my players, I have a MVP each week. I enforce it to only to players that do cool stunts and great roleplaying.
Well this week they withdrew 100 bp from the kingdom tresurey and used the sword to pass the stability check. Since a nat 20 is an auto pass. I didnt like it but they cornored me. thats 200,000 gold pieces from the tresurey then they used spells like stone shape to hide it under ground. I know i can be a dick back and have someone steal it, but i dont want to be a dick DM. Any ideas?
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