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![]() Asberdies Lives wrote: I don't have the magazine in front of me, but might the stats assume a Power Attack? Is the damage juiced 6 hp? Good point. I had overlooked that, but it's only a five-point power attack. Still need a point. I guess it's the same mysterious point that's missing from the ranged attack. ![]()
![]() Most likely there's something I'm missing, but I can't figure out why KOTR's Vercinabex Tor has the attack bonuses he does. What I mean is, his BAB is 18 and his STR bonus is +10 and he's using a +4 warmace. Doesn't this add up to +32/+27/+21/+16? Why does his stat block have it listed 6 points lower than this? Also, his rock-throwing AB is listed as +18. But if 18 is his BAB and his DEX bonus is +1, shouldn't that be +19? Is it me? Any help appreciated. ![]()
![]() I'm prepping to play Kings of the Rift and I'm seriously considering just leaving the Event Two encounter with the "ominous fabler" out entirely. It doesn't seem to do much but make busy work for the DM, as far as I can see. On top of that, my players absolutely HATED Prince of Redhand (unlike every other episode, which they've loved) and I can't see how reviving an NPC from there in the middle of the dragon siege is going to enhance their experience. My only worry is that I may be overlooking some way in which this spriggan is plot essential. Am I going to pay for this cut later in some way I haven't foreseen? Has anyone else cut this plot thread? With what results? Problems? Comments? Anything is appreciated. ![]()
![]() Under the tactics for the night twist, the author indicates that it will use Circle of Death v. the PCs. But, if one reads that spell description in the PH one finds that it is completely useless v. 9 HD or greater creatures. Of course, this would include any PC likely to be playing the LOLR. Has anyone else noticed this? Am I missing something? Is there some other comparable power I could give this night twist if, indeed, it won't be able to use this spell on my PCs? Any help is greatly appreciated. Scott ![]()
![]() I suppose this is a general rules issue, but it's come up for me in connection with LOLR. I'm unclear on whether or not the improved evasion ability of the rogue in the party I'm DMing applies to the Reflex save against cave-ins and collapses (DMG 66). Krathanos can knock over the towers and walls of his "fortress" to bury the PCs. When the rogue passes her reflex save, what is the result? If she were saving v. a fireball spell, she would take no damage, and maybe in the case of the collapse/cave-in it's the same. But . . . is she still buried like everyone else in the collapsed area? Am I making this too complex? Can anyone offer me a general principle which helps me discern when the rogue evasion advantage is relevant? Thanks. ![]()
![]() Kirth Gersen wrote: If your party is not using heroes' feast and resist acid spells by the time they reach the lair, they deserve whatever they get. That's like fighting the froghemoth in CB without freedom of action (which my group did, resulting in half of them dead), or venturing into SoLS without death ward. The whole AP is like a big showcase for the absolute indispensability of certain spells. Hey, that's a swell observation, but what I'm looking for is a number. They list the Fort. save DC for those who come within 5' of the pool, but not the DC that the PCs have to make every round. Any suggestions for how I should set this? ![]()
![]() I feel foolish arguing with Mr. Jacobs, but . . . the description of area B10, "The top of the Spire of Long Shadows is a hundred-foot wide circular platform . . ." seems like it would dictate a 10 ft. per square scale for the map. Area B10 as depicted on the map is approx. 10 squares in diameter. Where have I gone wrong? ![]()
![]() I would GLADLY pay the current prices if only they would stop the stupid randomization. I know it's been said already in the thread, but this has been driving me nuts. I'm not twelve. I don't want to collect minis like baseball cards. I don't want to trade little Billy 5 orcs and 3 dire badgers for his beholder. I want to use them in my tabletop game and I want to know what I'm buying. The current not-so-subtle attempt to turn the minis into something like the card games really burns me, not least because it insults my intelligence. Like I don't KNOW they're trying to manipulate me into buying more and more until I get the ones I want (obviously I don't do this, but I'm sure lots of others do). Those plastic minis could be really handy and I would buy lots of them if only they would stop putting me in the "is this finally the pack with Pete Rose? I've just been dying to get a Pete Rose!" position that I haven't enjoyed since Little League. |