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Covert Operator wrote:
Hey my fast reacting, charming elf with the big shield was one of my most successful characters I'll have you know! ![]()
CBDunkerson wrote:
That'll do bard, that'll do ![]()
Kalindlara wrote: It might be a word count issue - they had to fit a lot in there, what with the Trial, the Chymic Works, and Castle No Handrails. ^_^ Ahah....so that's what Caromarc means eh? Really the Whispering Way are just misunderstood...they were just trying to highlight the Count's flagrant disregard for proper Health and Safety protocol. ![]()
May have hit a slight stumbling block with my players.....their characters are an incredibly law abiding bunch! (who would have thought!) They've successfuly dispersed the lynch mob without causing any death or major mayhem. They spotted the ringleader that Caleb had described to them, and they'd been waiting for something like this since finding that poacher's face in Morast. They also intercepted a note Vorkstag was sending via runner back to the Chymic works informing Grine he was going to try another plan (on indication of what he was planning though) So now they have plenty links and leads pointing at Vorkstag and Grine....but they are balking at getting in to the Chymic works. They're worrying that any evidence they discover could blow their defence of the Beast by being inadmissable.....bless their little lawful cotton socks. Any other GMs have a similar issue? How did you resolve it? At the moment I'm considering having Caleb or Kendra give them a little nudge toward asking Judge Daramid to provide them with a warrant for a search of the premises. I'm a little surprised they haven't thought of that themselves, they've been pretty good at putting things together so far and figuring things out without much hand holding. ![]()
Dropped the first letter on my party at our last session. I actually had it slipped into the backpack of the party's druid while they were all enjoying a fare-thee-well party held in their honour on their last night in Ravengro. They didn't discover it until they were a long way down the road and had encountered the 'Crooked Kin'. They're theorising like mad but at least one of the party was so impressed with the politeness of the letter he wants to become penpals. Think I'll alter Loki's second letter slightly, remove any mention of Vrood by name. I'm hoping that my players might for a while take Vrood to be the author of these missives. ![]()
HoneyBadger92 wrote:
Might be worth speaking to the GM again and asking him if you can use some PVP just not such quite extreme solutions. I mean you only presented him initially with the option of forcing the other player to come up with a new character... Forcibly search the rogue and retrieve your gear, but don't kill him or kick him from the party. If he still says no then looks like he's playing favourites and there's most likely no solution in or out of character. ![]()
Just want to add another thank you for Loki and Scadgrad. My players are about ready to start into Harrowstone itself and after messing around with some very ominous dreams and other spooky happenings they are convinced that there's someone in the vicinity actually orchestrating events, not just a horribly haunted prison. I can't wait to drop the first letter on them and watch them concoct theory after theory about it.... ![]()
Just a quick note to say thanks the helpful replies. Been running the character for a few weeks now, and she's working out very well. (1 level of Inspired Blade and then 7 of Sanctified Slayer). Combat wise she isn't dishing out some of the crazy damage I was in 4e at the time, but with the Studied Target and Bane abilities she hasn't missed much so far and been dishing out respectable damage. Been keeping the other sneaky so and so's in the party on their toes too with Discern lies/Stern Gaze. Cheers ![]()
Not to start an argument or anything greenteagamer.....but was it really necessary when someone asks for advice on building to a Core Rulebook Shadowdancer to answer them with a "10 reasons why the Shadowdancer sucks and is NOT an Optimiser's wet dream" rant? ;P Given that it's a CRB game I'm guessing the party won't be too optimised anyway and I could see the Shadowdancer's 'Hide in Plain Sight' ability being pretty useful. As far as I remember the Shadowdancer doesn't get sneak attack damage to stack with Rogue levels, so I'd be inclined to agree with Ascalaphus and start off as a Ranger. Stealth will be class skill right from the off, and you'll be able to boost damage against certain targets with the 'Favoured Enemies' ability ![]()
I have a friend who used to start describing a hypothetical situation "You awake to find yourself outdoors, in the dark, wearing unfamiliar clothes. Ahead in the distance you can see what appears to be a church.....what do you do?" when anyone asked him to explain D&D or any other RPG. Depending how it went he'd stretch the scenario out longer and longer reacting to their choices.....then he'd tell them they were roleplaying and explain that all the dice and 'mechanics' were for was measuring characters level of competence and success. I usually ask some folks that ask me about it "Did you ever play 'Cops and Robbers' as a kid? Then you've already roleplayed....all the dice do is tell you who was right when someone shouts 'Bang....you're dead'" As Hmm suggests when actually explaining the nuts and bolts of the mechanics I get them started with their character sheets and just explain things in context as they come up. First few sessions will always be slow, but we always learn better in context.......I've tried explaining it all step by step before a game....but I see eyes glazing the same way I do when I try and explain things to students in the library. |