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Next month we're going to be starting 'The Curse of the Crimson Throne' adventure path. There's 5 players in our party. The other 4 are all much newer to RPGs and Pathfinder in general than I am, so I'm working on the basis of letting those guys pick their characters and classes first, then building something to cover any areas we might be weak on. This AP is going to be a bit different for the guys as they had 25 points to build their characters and the homebrew extra skill points for Wicked. This time round the DM has given us to 20 points to build our characters (slightly more than the standard AP 15 points) but specified no dump stats. What the party has so far - 1. A bard (female Lashunta I believe) to be a party face, buffer and skill monkey. 2. A Psychic- From Occult Adventures, (either Human, Half-Elf or Elf), don't know too much bout the class 3. A Hunter - (Oread, building round his Teamwork feats and Animal Companion, concentrating on melee combat) 4. A martial of some description as yet undecided....a 'Tank' build was mentioned, but this player changed character a couple times in Wicked, and changed their mind several times about what they would play before Wicked even started.....so may find out he's gone with a Grippli grapple based monk by time we start. I don't know too much about Crimson Throne, but the DM has mentioned he'll be tweaking the AP slightly ad has suggested having a second character in the party capable of being a 'face' might be useful. Wouldn't need to be mega optimised as the DM doesn't intend tweaking the combat side of things too much. I've been considering going with a Divine Caster, probably a Cleric of some form, or if the 4th player does change his mind we may still need a martial of some form so possibly a Daring Champion Cavalier. (I'd quite like to give the Cayden Cailean blade and tankard combat style a whirl at some point) Any ideas or suggestions as to where we need some extra cover gratefully received. I've got a couple weeks to mull things over before I definitely have to finalise anything. ![]()
Currently playing though a Way of the Wicked campaign and we recently got beaten to a horde of dragon loot by a sneaky Brine Dragon. We've managed to scry their whereabouts and located their lovely, stylish Fortress/Cathedral (dedicated to their own worship) and a couple hundred minions.....all of it on the sea bed of course. Our party currently consist of: A human rogue/shadowdancer with some great skills, but an unfortunate tendency to roll horribly at key moments (you've never seen a rogue faceplant through so many traps) A freaky little Goblin Magus who spends most of his time either talking to or licking his sword or this skull in a jar he found. An Elven Alchemist who recently became a Vampire and horribly fond of his new dominate ability A human Cleric who has become the new High Priestess of Asmodeus, very Wis/Cha focused and primarily a caster rather than combatant. An Aasimar Antipaladin. My character and provides most of the muscle and intimidation for the party (and somehow most of the common sense as well) As it stands we're not best suited to just plunging under the water and making a fist of it relying on a few spells from the Cleric or Magus and trying to bulldoze our way through the enemies and I've never actually had a prolonged session in a game where we had to be underwater (think closest I got was playing part of Baldur's Gate 2). So I'm looking for a few useful suggestions of useful magic items, scrolls, potions or other alchemical products that could help us level the playing field somewhat. potions, scrolls ![]()
I've been creating an NPC villain for a game using PCGen and built a 1th level character 5 Levels of Crossblooded Bloodrager and 10 of Dragon Disciple. Looking at the character sheet his breath Weapon seems somewhat excessive and was showing up as 3 times per day for 30d6 damage with a DC of 43..... Assuming I'm working it out correctly I'm thinking his max damage should actually be 15d6....any BR/DD experts confirm? Thanks ![]()
Hi folks, friend of mine is playing a Rogue in Way of the Wicked and has the Sap Adept, Sap Master feats. He's been very effective so far with a lot of sneaking up on distracted opponents or getting into flanking positions courtesy of my Antipaladin. However we're fairly sure that there's plenty enemies coming up where getting off sneak attacks is going to be a lot more difficult for him. I'm looking for a few suggestions for those fights where he's not going to be able to score big non-lethal damage on our targets. Any useful suggestions gratefully accepted....but please no posts about 'Play a Bard/Ninja/Inquisitor/Investigator instead' he's really enjoying this character so far, especially from an rp point of view and doesn't want to mess about switching classes. ![]()
So first off I'd best say that my players and any other players currently playing the Trial of the Beast should really stay out of this thread. Go on.....scoot. So my players have now investigated the scenes of the Beast's alleged crimes at Morast, Hergstag and Karb Isle. Due in no small part to the Druid's crazy perception bonus, they have found pretty much every piece of physical evidence there is to be found. They've also been pretty good at putting 2 and 2 together and working out the significance of the evidence. My players have gotten pretty invested in the fate of the Beast and the trial's outcome, so I'm looking to make this part of the adventure even more exciting for them and work up some more paranoia. They're also quite attached to Gustav...despite his limitations as a Barrister. To make things a little more challenging for them I decided to have the villains responsible for the crimes at Morast and Karb Isle interefere and try to either throw the party off the scent or sabotage their chances of proving the Beast (or Hank Merrick as one of them now refers to him) innocent. The players spent the morning of the first day of the trial trying to figure out who the surgeon's tools found in Morast belonged to. As it closer to time for the trial to actually start two of them kept chasing down leads, while the Bard and Ranger headed back to the Courthouse with the evidence they'd gathered so far. I had the villains track those two and take an opportunity to use some sleight of hand as the PCs pushed their way through the busy crowd outside the Courthouse. The surgeon's tools have now been lost. The villains are also taking steps make sure the one person who could actually link them to the tools won't be around to be called as a witness. At this point my players are fairly convinced that someone connected to the Trial (one of the Court officials probably) is passing information to the real culprits. I'm thinking of playing with this suspicion a little. I'm considering having Vorkstag the skin stealer use his abilities to replace either a possible witness, or a more risky move and try and replace Gustav Kaple to bodge the cross-examinations. Would the Holy Sister of Justice detect the presence of the skin stealer with her constant use of 'Detect Magic'? Would be rather anti-climactic to have him tripped up by a simple cantrip. Anyone else who ran the game think Vorkstag could pull something like that off? Or have him interfere in similar fashion? ![]()
Apologies if this question was already answered elsewhere. I'm currently at work and haven't had the time to search through the threads to double check. I'm about to start the first day of the Beast's trial for my group tonight and was reading over the trial setup last night. TotB states "Only one PC can make the check for a
I presume that it can be the same PC who makes the single check for each piece of evidence? My party want to leave their Bard at the courthouse to impress the judges with his diplomacy and oratory while they hustle off to finish tracking down clues. ![]()
We've not long finished the first part of the campaign and our characters have hit level 5. I'm playing an Antipaladin, the party bruiser and (so far at least) the party's voice of reason. As it stands I already have Power Attack, Improved initiative & Intimidating Prowess as feats. I've gone pure Antipaldin for the first 5 levels to get to the fiendish boon ability but I haven't quite decided if I'm that impressed by the classes' capstone that I'll stick with it for the whole adventure path. Multiclass options I've been considering so far are:- Oracle for a level with Lore mystery and the Side-Step secret (nice boost to AC and my reflex saves since my CHA is much better than my DEX). 2 level dip into Order of the Cockatrice Cavalier mainly for the Tactician ability and the bonus of Dazzling Display at 2nd level. (think this is the one I'm leaning toward at the moment) 2 levels of Barbarian for extra 'AM SMASH!' in combat. Final option I was considering would be to maybe go into the Evangelist prestige class. ![]()
or I should probably ask can he stab it as I'm looking at playing the Inspired blade archetype most likely... We're going to be finishing up our current campaign in a couple weeks and the DM has decided he's going to run Rise next. We're going to have a 5 man party and the only two confirmed characters so far are a Dwarven Stonelord Paladin and a Wizard (race to be confirmed). I've been looking for a chance to play a Swashbuckler for ages now and just wondered how they tend to cope in Rise? I'll probably be looking to have half decent INT & CHA for the Panache and also to potentially help fill in as the party face. I'm also thinking I might pick up 'Antagonize' to try pull enemies away from the party wizard (should they go after him of course). ![]()
Not sure if this is for this forum or the rules forum really, but anyway here goes. I've been playing about with a build for one of the somewhat more honourable villains my players will face, one of the local nobility a highly skilled swordsman. Obviously I'm planning a fairly martial build, most likely a Cavalier or Swashbuckler. His family have a strong connection to dragons, they feature on their crest, they tell legends of their ancestors being dragonriders, some even claim dragon blood flows in their veins. As a bit of flavour for the character I'd like that last bit to be true to some extent for him. My question is given that certain SLAs can qualify a character for access to a prestige class is there a legitimate way for a human, martial character to become a Dragon Disciple without a level of Bard or Sorceror? Being the GM I could just handwave it I suppose but prefer to build the major NPCs with same restrictions (or opportunities) my players have. ![]()
My players are about to find a holy symbol belonging to a cult they're investigating. My plan is that the symbol has been left deliberately by one of the villains in the hope that the party will keep it about them and enable him to keep tabs on them in some way. I don't play casters often so I'm looking for some ideas on what combination of spells he could use to eavesdrop on the players, but also conceal the fact. I'd like to have the symbol detect as either non-magical, or as something reasonably useful that a player might feel like hanging on to. The concealment should be able to stand up to fairly rigorous inspection, but not impossible for the characters to discover it if they're astute enough. The players will be around 2nd/3rd level when they find it and include and Sorceror and a Bard, but they do have access to a slightly higher level contact, a diviner wizard. ![]()
Hello, little background first. I'm about to start running a second game from next week with a party consisting of three players very new to Pathfinder (and RPGs in general) and one epxperienced player. We've had a few get togethers going over the basics and discussing what sort of adventure they wanted to try out. In the end it was the @Carrion Crown' AP that tickled their fancy. As the majority of the party are new players we've settled on 20 point builds instead of 15. The guys were a little overwhelmed by all the options available so we settled on Core rulebook classes and races only for now. I have told them that once they hit 4th level or thereabouts, and they're more familiar with the system, I will allow them a free rebuild of their character with expanded options of class and archetype available. Now one of the new guys has gone for Druid as his class and that's one class I've never really tried out. He definitely wants to go with the animal companion, and he's very keen on teaming up with his pet in combat. I'm just looking for a few suggestions on useful feats for him to pick up early on and ways for him to develop the Druid/Pet tag team tactics. Also any useful tips to help a Druid and his best friend in a game that will involve lots of undead and spooky critters? ![]()
Have a Swashbuckler character I'll be playing in Runelords after christmas and I've been having a think about how I might develop him. As he's a Dex based character I was wondering if the following would be worthwhile dips for him, with the aim of providing boosts to his key attribute (and thus enhancing his damage with Fencing/Slashing Grace)? 1. Barbarian with the Urban Barbarian archetype for Controlled Rage 2. Alchemist for the Mutagen Or would I be losing out on too many goodies and be better off sticking with Swash all the way? ![]()
Hi all, I've been playing in a 4e campaign for a little while and the DM is considering switching to Pathfinder. For some of the players it's a relatively straightforward swap, my character is an Assassin/Avenger hybrid and I'm not quite sure how to go about switching her over. Her background is someone trained to be an effective killer of the enemies of her faith. From a mechanical point of view she's been built to be very stealthy, mobile and capable of inflicting large amounts of damage quickly to a single target. My initial thoughts was probably a ninja build...but not sure where the religious part of the build would come from. We'd be 8th level when we swap over, not 100% how many points I have to build with as yet. ![]()
Sorry for yet another thread on the age old question.....but relatively new to running PF and wouldn't mind a little advice from the more experienced. I'm currently running one AP (Second Darkness) for a group of 6 players, with rolled attributes (quite high). Due to circumstances the players didn't start the AP till their characters were already level 5 (took them through a couple of modules first to get them used to Pathfinder) so I've been doing a lot of work tweaking and rejigging the encounters to provide some challenge to them. I've now provisionally agreed to run a second group through an AP or set of modules. I just don't have the freetime to be doing a lot of extra work to adapt another AP so I'd like to run this one as written really. Now I know the APs are written with 4 characters in mind, built with 15 points. My new party is going to consist of 2 players new to Pathfinder and tabletop RPGs in general (they've both played some MMO/CRPG and listened to some relevvant podcasts), 1 player new to Pathfinder but a veteran of other tabletop systems and 1 player very familiar with 3.5/Pathfinder who is always looking to build the optimal character(be it tabletop or MMO he'll look up as many builds as he can to get the very most out his class...but he'll always abide by any restrictions I place in terms of available classes and the like) Given all that do you think I'd be best sticking to the 15 points....or allow them 20 points but no dropping stat to 8 or lower? As two of the players are so new and I don't want to overwhelm them with options I'm considering restricting the character gen to Core Rulebook classes and races for now. Also if we do go with 20 points, may just ask if they want to pick one of the PFS iconics. (I generally prefer to let them build their own character to an extent....just think you get more attached to them as opposed to pregens) ![]()
For the last few weeks I've been running 'Shadow in the Sky' for a party of 6 players. They have just finished the adventure and are currently enjoying some downtime before heading into 'Children of the Void'. I already heavily tweaked 'Shadow' as the party started the AP as Lvl 5 after some earlier adventures we did introducing them to Pathfinder (and RPGs in general as they are mostly very new to tabletop gaming). There's two NPC builds I'm looking for some advice on moving ahead. I'll include some spoilered background for each situation.....just in case some of my players are viewing the forums. 1. I've already tweaked a particular NPC enemy the party encountered at the end of 'Shadow' and the encounter ended up in a draw. A couple of the party were knocked out but the NPC was on perilously low health. Given the party's attitude and desire for some revenge I want to make this NPC a recurring villain and they will have levelled up slightly by the time the party meet them again. I want to give them a henchman/sidekick/fall guy and I'm looking for a possible bodyguard character with a bit of suitable flavour. Background: Spoiler:
The NPC is Depora Azrinae who I tweaked from a straight forward Drow fighter to a Fighter(Cavern Fighter)/Magus(Kensai). She was masked and hooded during the fight so as yet the party don't know that there are Drow involved.
For her minion in any future encounter I was considering a possible build for a Drow Pain Taster prestige class, possibly starting with an Anti-Paladin or Inquisitor. However any suggestions for a Drow flavoured divine caster or ranged fighter could be good too (the party haven't had to face a really decent ranged enemy yet) 2. The party may well come into conflict with the head of the local mages as there have been a couple of rather antagonistic social encounters and the players have taken a rather strong dislike to him. I almost never play pure casters so I'd like a little advice on a decent build. Background: Spoiler:
One of the other tweaks I've made to the adventure so far is that Depora wasn't only in Riddleport to harvest stone from the Cyphergate or witness the test firing of the Drow weapon from a safe distance. She was also overseeing the infiltration of Riddleport by Drow agents (my players mentioned they liked some intrigue and backstabbing so I felt having the Drow maipulating the political situation in Riddleport to their own ends could add some fun)
As part of this Depora has made a tentative alliance with Elias Tammerhawk the head of the Cyphermages, promising Drow aid in his attempt to become Overlord of Riddleport and possible revelations of Drow knowledge concerning the Cyphergate (Tammerhawk sounds like a pretty nasty piece of work from what's written in the AP so felt it was a logical alliance). Of course neither side trusts the other which will hopefully add to the fun for my players. Tammerhawk is a Human Diviner and beyond that I'm open to suggestions. He's listed as being 9th level, but I'm considering bumping him to 11th as I doubt any direct conflict will happen till after the party has levelled up a little more. The players have just hit 6th level and have very decent attributes, the party consists of Human Barbarian/Alchemist
Thanks in advance for any good ideas. ![]()
Apologies in advance for a wordy first post here. I've been a payer and a GM since the dim and distant days of 1983 and my first AD&D player's handbook. After a fairly lengthy break away from the hobby, I recently introduced a bunch of friends to the delights of RPGs. One of them has since discovered Pathfinder and decided to take his first stab at being a GM himself. (I've tried to warn him what he's letting himself in for....) I've decided to play a fairly swashbuckler type character. I'm aware there's an actual Swashbuckler class in the playtest material, but my friend only has the core rulebooks at moment, so I'll be sticking with the classes and feats from those. I was planning to play the character as sort of a mix between one of the Musketeers and Inigo Montoya from 'The Princess Bride' but a bit rougher round the edges. He wouldn't be adverse to smashing a barstool over someone's head and if someone slaps him in the face with a glove to challenge him to a duel they're likely to get a knee in the groin as a response (or a return slap with a glove stuffed with some brass knuckles perhaps). I also want a fairly broad selection of skills to cover some eventualities that might not be covered by the more inexperienced players. So taking human as my race for the extra feat and skill points, I'm thinking probably either a Rogue/Fighter or Rogue/Ranger and maybe aim to pick up Duellist later on. I'm totally new to Pathfinder but obviously I've got a fair bit of experience with other systems. I'd welcome any advice on possible feats or other class combos to consider. I'm not looking for the best maths or min/maxing options really, just some good ideas to enhance survivability and usefulness in both combat and non-combat situations. Ok, I'll stop waffling now |