eye_of_sauron's page

Organized Play Member. 3 posts (4 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 16 Organized Play characters.


I'm hopeful that this will help me and my daughter to create better characters. I'm an old school AD&D player and we've been playing off and on for about a year now. We're still learning as we don't have a ton of time to digest all the rules, options and so on. We use hero lab, but it's nice to have it more streamlined and laid out instead of having to depend on that.

By any chance can someone point me to where to find the ACG pregens? Are they hidden away where I can't find them? Seems to be that way. Thanks!

So let's suppose my 1/2 orc barbarian has an orc double axe that's masterwork cold iron that I want to get +1 to both ends.

The description of cold iron is "an addition 2000 GP when first enchanted."

So +1 is 2000 times 2 for each end bringing it to 4000GP.

The argument on FB is if the "first time it's enchanted" is all encompasing for the weapon or if it's for each end.

Am I paying 6000 or 8000? My thought is the usual policy for double weapon and the full 8K, but I'd like some sort of offical ruling to clear it up once and for all.

Sure I want to save myself 2K GP, but I also don't want the GM to audit my character and decide that only one end of my axe is +1 since he's a TWF kind of guy.

Thanks in advance!!!