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![]() My turn to run the campaign for a year; any observations on whether or not an Urgathoan cult as PCs would be able to get past low level with the Hellknights looking over there shoulders? All the PCs are experienced DMs. We have a cleric, rogue, necromancer, fighter, and possibly an anti paladin. Another question: one of the players wants to run an Anti Paladin. Does the PC need to begin play as a paladin and fall from grace, or could she just begin play as an A-P? We ran a campaign like this in 1st edition decades ago when the Anti Paladin article came out in Dragon Magazine; it was a biker gang style campaign that ended up in a TPK on the way to the White Plume Mountain, but was running out of steam long before that. My idea is to have the higher echelon of the Cult send them there to screw with the Hellknights as much as explore the tower. Thoughts and suggestions, please. Thanks ![]()
![]() I just found out from my attorney that my divorce negotiation just went south and subsequently have to sell my restaurant. I am forced to cancel all my subscriptions for the time being. I have played DnD since the '70s and can say I've never seen a system and world as excellent and continually amazing as Pathfinder. I hate not being able to continue, but as soon as I can clear up my situation, I will be back.
![]() This probably should go in the Savage Tide discussions since the group has just finished "The Bullywug Gambit", but the question is more concerned with power levels of multiclassed characters. This is our 2nd campaign with the 3.5 rules & our first time allowing multi-classed characters. All 4 players have taken a 2nd class:
When they get to higher levels, 7 or 8 in each class, will they be able to take on the challeges that a party of 4 single classed PCs with 14 or 15 levels could? ![]()
![]() Our group is early in our 2nd attempt at a 3.5 edition campaign. We didnt allow multiclassing or prestige classes in the 1st; for the Savage Tide we're gonna try out multiclassing. Our human wizard has enough XPs to go to 3rd level and has chosen to add fighter as her 2nd class. How many feats does her character get? ![]()
![]() My group is still toying with the idea of running a 3.5 campaign in Greyhawk around 596 cy. We were discussing the system of multiclassing & prestige classes. Can anyone explain how a character with one or two classes could later take up the barbarian class? It isnt really a profession as much as a way of life one is born into. It doesnt make any sense that a mage or cleric could suddenly become "barbaric". Did I miss something in the fine print that prohibits taking the barbarain class as a 2nd or 3rd class? I dont even understand how it can be class? ![]()
![]() My gaming group has been together since 1980 & i've been running the campaign since '82 (based in Greyhawk). The core group has remained constant, though 60 some odd other players have participated. My questions:
How easy is it for old time player to grasp the new system? Is the 3rd Edition clearly superior to the 2nd? thanks for any input. |