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I started running this yesterday for my group and I noticed that it seems that the cadet's EAC and KAC are off. They are wearing troop ceremonial armour (+1 EAC, +3 EAC) and have a +2 Dex bonus. But the listed values for the cadets are 11 EAC, 13 EAC and don't seem to include the dex bonus. Am I missing something or is this a mistake? ![]()
Garrick Williams wrote: The plush guardian was the best joke item I've ever seen. It was really well done. So much that I actually kind of wish it wasn't a joke item. I think it could have been written to be something we can take more seriously. I have a cute kitsune witch who does make and cuddle plushies, and even she wouldn't take this item seriously. I never really intended it to be a joke item, but I can certainly see how it was taken as such, especially with the name I gave it, which is my biggest regret with the item. I think the cutesy nature of the item, of a teddy bear for a child, leaked through a little too much into the description of the item. If I could do it again, I'd dial back on the 'cuddles' in the description, add an attunement component to the item and change the name to CripDyke's excellent suggestion of Mama's Bear. ![]()
CripDyke wrote:
CripDyke, where were you when I was trying to come up with a name? That is perfect! I sincerely wish I had thought of it. I am in awe of your "perfect taste in item names". And thank you for your kind words. ![]()
Kiel Howell wrote:
I had a feeling the name was a bit off-putting but was having trouble coming up with anything better (also with a 8 month old child I don't get much sleep so I may have been more inclined towards silliness). I did remember to italicize calm emotions when I submitted it, but not this time. As for the higher DC, I was using sorcerer/wizard level for suggestion. While I realized that a bard could cast all the spells necessary, animate objects is a 6 level bard spell so I felt that would put the caster level of the item, and the overall gold cost, a little too high. So I stuck with the sorcerer/wizard levels when I was able. I do agree, looking back, that maybe I should have pulled back of the 'cuddles' part of it and maybe stuck with holding or hugging. Thanks for the criticisms. ![]()
Okay, my item got a few callouts in the Praise thread so I'm a bit curious as to what critiques might help me out next time with really wowing people with a top notch item. Plush Guardian of Cuddles
As long as the plush guardian of cuddles has one charge remaining, it radiates a 20 ft. aura that quells a creatures aggressive or violent emotions, as calm emotions, unless they succeed at a DC 13 Will save. The aura can be suppressed or activated as a standard action. By spending one charge the bearer can compel a target within 30 ft. to pick up the bear. The target must succeed on a DC 14 Will save or be compelled to pick up the stuffed bear and do nothing but cuddle it. This effect lasts for 1 minute or until the target is attacked. Finally, by spending a charge, the stuffed bear can grow to large size and animate in order to defend the bearer from danger. The stuffed bear is treated in all ways as a normal dire bear while animated. The bear will not attack young creatures and has an attitude of friendly towards any such creatures. The summoned bear lasts for 1 minute before vanishing. The stuffed bear can also be recharged by being held and cuddled. If cuddled for an hour or more, it regenerates charges at a rate of 1 per hour. Any and all abilities of the plush guardian of cuddles can be activated or deactivated with a master command word. Construction
Covent wrote:
Thank you. I wanted to take a cute and cuddly item that is traditionally geared towards children and try and turn it into an item that could still be useful to an adventurer. And I have to say to Wolin, who submitted the Security Blanket, that I now can't help but picture a child clutching the Blanket and the Guardian, wandering lost in a dungeon. And I kind of want to design an adventure based around that. ![]()
pH unbalanced wrote:
That one was mine. Thank you very much for the kudos. I was pretty proud of it and my wife (also an avid player) loved it. I wasn't too happy with the name, but I couldn't think of anything better and I wanted something that stood out. I was mostly inspired by my nine month old son playing with a teddy bear. My thanks to everyone who voted for my item, and congratulations to everyone who made it! ![]()
Back before I started playing Pathfinder, I did actually convert Return to the Tomb of Horrors to 3.5. It would be fairly easy to convert to Pathfinder from there. That being said, it was the one and only adventure I ever did convert, so god only knows if it was any good, but my party did seem to enjoy it, even the guy that got killed, raised as undead and then possessed by Acererak. If I can find it again amongst my old files, I can post a link to the Word file if anyone is interested. If I remember correctly, I built it for a 4 player 13-15 level party. ![]()
Thanks for the critiques for my Desperado. I have to give some credit to my wife for some of the names, otherwise I think Shoot 'Em Up would have been a stupid pun based off of flurry of blows. Reckless Gunfighter: I didn't think to type the bonus to attacks, but I'd likely make it a circumstance bonus if anything. And while I admittedly don't have tons of experience with playing the gunfighter, it always seemed to me to be a mid range class because of the low range increment on most firearms, so I figured that the AC penalty would offset the bonus to attack. Should also have a line mentioning that activating it is part of an attack and that the penalties and bonuses last until the start of her next turn. Return Fire: The intention with the wording of Return Fire wasn't that you had to sacrifice all your AoO. I just wanted to make sure that people didn't think they could get any other long range AoO. But I could have worded it better. Shoot 'Em Up: In retrospect, perhaps just trying to limit the number of shots by limiting the range is not sufficient. I do like the suggestion to get additional shots equal to your Dex modifier. My original thought was simply that you generally don't have that many targets in most fights, but that has been only my experience and I should account for what might come up in other encounters than what I am used to. Luck of the Bold: I still think that this works best as a 20% miss chance, but perhaps I could drop the concealment part? Thinking on it, there is quite a few huge benefits to having even partial concealment. Perhaps keep it as a continual 20% miss chance as long as she has 1 grit point remaining and then keep the ability to increase it to 50% by spending 1 grit point? ![]()
Here was my idea for an archetype for the gunslinger. The River Kingdoms tie-in might be a little weak, but I am curious as to how he stands up mechanically. I was attempting to capture the essence of the movie action hero gunfighter, such as Antonio Banderas is Desperado or Clive Owen in Shoot 'Em Up. Desperado (Gunslinger)
Reckless Gunfighter (Ex): At 2nd level, a desperado may choose to take a -1 penalty to AC and CMD to gain a +1 bonus to ranged attack rolls. For every four levels beyond 2nd level, this penalty increases by -1 and the bonus on attacks increases by +1 (to a maximum of +5 at 18th level). This ability replaces nimble. Deeds
Return Fire (Ex): At 7th level, a desperado can spend 1 grit point as an immediate action to make an attack of opportunity against a target that has attacked her with a ranged weapon. A desperado must be wielding a loaded firearm to use this deed. This does not allow a desperado to make any other attacks of opportunity. This deed replaces the Startling Shot deed. Shoot 'Em Up (Ex): At 11th level, as long as a desperado has at least one point of grit remaining, she gains the ability to make a flurry of shots at multiple targets as a full-round action. She may make a single ranged attack against each target within 40 ft., regardless of how many attacks her base attack bonus grants her. She must use ammunition as usual, but may reload her weapon as free action during this attack. Roll each attack separately, taking into account normal modifiers for range, cover, etc. A desperado gains a -2 penalty to AC until the beginning of her next turn whenever she uses this deed. This replaces the Bleeding Wound deed. Luck of the Bold (Ex): At 15th level, as long as a desperado has 1 grit point remaining, she gains partial concealment (20% miss chance). As a swift action, she can spend a grit point to gain total concealment, increasing the miss chance to 50%. If she does, the increase last until the beginning of her next turn. This replaces the Menacing Shot deed. ![]()
I'm curious as to what you guys thought of my entry. Looking forward to tightening up my ideas for next year. Thanks for the comments, and the chance to participate! The Coat of the Lone Wanderer
Midnight_Angel wrote:
Enlarge Spell only works on spells with close, medium or long range unfortunately, so it won't work with cone of cold. ![]()
I'm sure this question has come up before but I haven't been able to find a solid answer. Would a cone shaped burst spell, like cone of cold, become a 120 ft. cone when you apply Widen Spell to it? It seems like the increase to 120 ft. would add more than double the spell's area, as described in the feat description. And as far as I can tell, since the spell is a burst, it would be affected by the feat. |