
draco_nite's page

Organized Play Member. 46 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.

Two-Weapon Charge (Combat)
Prereqisites: Dex 15, Two-Weapon Fighting
Whenever you charge, you may draw an additional weapon as part of the charge if your base attack bonus is at least +1. In addition, you may make a melee attack against a single target with both your main and off-hand weapons. Doing so incurs the normal penalties for two-weapon fighting.

I have someone playing a TWF ranger in an upcoming game, and I'm wondering if this feat is overpowering in some way. (He is new to the game, so he I don't expect him to break the game too much anyway)

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So, rather than having CR adjustments for each race tier, why not allow different point buy totals for different tiers? (In campaigns that allow point buy, that is.)

10 RP - Campaign's standard value
20 RP - Campaign's standard value -5
30 RP - Campaign's standard value -10
40 RP - Campaign's standard value -15

with a minimum of 10 points.

So, a High Fantasy campaign (20 points) would allow Standard (10 RP) races to have 20 points of ability scores, while Advanced (20 RP) races could have 15 points of ability scores, and Monstrous (30 RP) races could have 10 points of ability scores.

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Is there anything official on which APG weapons belong to which Fighter Weapon Training Groups?