
draco_nite's page

Organized Play Member. 46 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.

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Gonna vote for catfolk. With fanservice-y picture if you could, please.

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So, rather than having CR adjustments for each race tier, why not allow different point buy totals for different tiers? (In campaigns that allow point buy, that is.)

10 RP - Campaign's standard value
20 RP - Campaign's standard value -5
30 RP - Campaign's standard value -10
40 RP - Campaign's standard value -15

with a minimum of 10 points.

So, a High Fantasy campaign (20 points) would allow Standard (10 RP) races to have 20 points of ability scores, while Advanced (20 RP) races could have 15 points of ability scores, and Monstrous (30 RP) races could have 10 points of ability scores.

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Changeling (Like, REAL changelings, not those half-hag things you call changelings, Paizo.)
Born from the union of a doppelganger and a human, these shapechangers take after their doppelganger parent more often than not.
Type: Humanoid (Shapechanger) 0 RP
Size: Medium 0 RP
Speed: Normal 0 RP
Ability Scores: Human Heritage Mod 0 RP
Language: Linguist 2 RP
Racial Abilities
Change Shape 6 RP
Gift of Tongues 2 RP
Total 10 RP

Created by a forgotten god to fight the horrors of the far realm, these dim-witted giants are unmatched in brute force.
Type: Humanoid (Giant) 0 RP
Size: Large 7 RP
Speed: Normal 0 RP
Ability Scores: Greater Weakness (+2 Str, -2 Cha, -4 Int) -3 RP
Language: Standard 1 RP
Racial Abilities
Fearless 1 RP
Hatred (Abberations) 1 RP
Relentless 1 RP
Stubborn 1 RP
Weapon Familiarity (Flail, Heavy Flail) 1 RP
Total 10 RP

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Breath Weapon (4 RP)
Gain a 30' cone/60' line breath weapon usable 1/day that deals 1d6 energy damage (chosen at character creation) per 2 hit dice possessed (Minimum 1). Save DC = 10 + 1/2 hit dice + Con modifier. Additional uses per day can be bought at 2 RP per use.

Smite (2 RP)
As paladin's Smite Evil, but 1/day, lasts for only one attack, adds total hit dice to damage, and alignment smitten is chosen at character creation.

Also, a version of Claws that can be used by standard races.