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Organized Play Member. 12 posts. No reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist. 18 Organized Play characters.


Grand Lodge

Hi my name is Lucas, I am a VL from Nebraska, some friends and I will be there in may for a vacation, can you point us to a local PFS event?

Grand Lodge

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I love free and have audible!

Grand Lodge

I would like to try it out

Grand Lodge

interesting pc idea

Grand Lodge

4 people marked this as a favorite.

So how long tell we can have wayfinders?

Grand Lodge

1 person marked this as FAQ candidate.

So I am wonder how does the feats deflect arrows and snatch arrowd work against the alchemists bomb ability?

Grand Lodge

My group is almost to book 6. In book 1 Nualia escaped and the group has a female aasimar bard that she in the past was the focus of her Nialia's rage. I was wondering if anyone has advanced her before an looking for advice.

Grand Lodge

Hi I'm Lucas Skrdlant. I run the Mid-Nebraska Pathfinder Society. Were always looking for new player and this is a shout out letting everyone in the mid Nebraska area we are here for you!

Grand Lodge

ask him to stop , if he refuses. offer him ur character sheet and say if it matters so much rip it up. if he does well you know what kind of person he is.

or talk to gm or host pvp party, a one on one fights. make bracts this could get it out of his system but stick to legal stuff and say heres ur chance.

if that doesn't work talk to the gm about retiring ur character and build a new one

Grand Lodge

I was thinking one wing is broken, so no flight, or if so super crappy, tail with damage so it can not be used,
I like the idea of it having taken some negative levels and cursed with a neg to dex
Also thought of some existing poison damage.

With neg lvs its spell casting will be effected and any d20 roll and some hp too

I'm planning to have the last defender to be there round one and his last action is to cast energy resistance on the party to protected them and first round of the dragon is to crush him.

There will be a seige weapon near by that the party could use for a shot or two.
There will be cover to protect the group

So I need a cr 10 threat for a group the dragon I would like to use starts at cr16 now to make it a cr 10

Grand Lodge

I would like the size, for hp so it will last, having a wing damage means he can't fly, if I use up a bunch of spells

I like the curse idea will drop his fighting ability

Is there any spells/poisons that drop natural armor / spell resistance?

Also I will be running this for possiable some first timers, so I want everyone to have fun.

Grand Lodge

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I plan on running a quick 2 hour game for a local game day.
And the voters want a dragon fight... I have the big black dragon from back in the day, and I ran a adventure where the final encounter had a bunch of negative levels which imparted it CR threat, also in adventures status effects do the same.
So for fluff the heroes are enjoying some down time, when chaos insues
The beginning is trying to figure what's going on as ppl are panicing as the town comes under attack. While this is going on the towns "protectors throw down with the dragon and they loss but damage has been down" second the dragon believes it has won and no one can stand against it so it heads to the center of town, where the heros are and lands or even just walks there. The heroes are forced to die on there feet or serve on there knees.... to surrender to or slay the Dragon..

I will have the player play with pregen characters 7th level

I can use any and all help

I will have a map set up, dragon and hero figs and I also have some 3-D buildings