ask him to stop , if he refuses. offer him ur character sheet and say if it matters so much rip it up. if he does well you know what kind of person he is. or talk to gm or host pvp party, a one on one fights. make bracts this could get it out of his system but stick to legal stuff and say heres ur chance. if that doesn't work talk to the gm about retiring ur character and build a new one
I was thinking one wing is broken, so no flight, or if so super crappy, tail with damage so it can not be used,
With neg lvs its spell casting will be effected and any d20 roll and some hp too I'm planning to have the last defender to be there round one and his last action is to cast energy resistance on the party to protected them and first round of the dragon is to crush him. There will be a seige weapon near by that the party could use for a shot or two.
So I need a cr 10 threat for a group the dragon I would like to use starts at cr16 now to make it a cr 10
I would like the size, for hp so it will last, having a wing damage means he can't fly, if I use up a bunch of spells I like the curse idea will drop his fighting ability Is there any spells/poisons that drop natural armor / spell resistance? Also I will be running this for possiable some first timers, so I want everyone to have fun.
I plan on running a quick 2 hour game for a local game day.
I will have the player play with pregen characters 7th level I can use any and all help I will have a map set up, dragon and hero figs and I also have some 3-D buildings |