Character Name: Seelah
Role Card: Crusader
Skill Feats: Str +3, Wis +2
Power Feats: +2 hand size, +3 to check when discarding top card of your deck, if top card is a blessing or spell, recharge it instead
Card Feats: Weapon +1, Spell +2, Ally +1, Blessing +2
Weapons: Flaming Ranseur +3, Shock Greatsword +2, Impaler of Thorns, Mokmurian's Club
Spells: Cure x2, Mass Cure
Armors: Demon armour, Elven Breastplate, Invincible breastplate
Allies: Bear, Mountaineer, Pyromaniac Mage
Blessings: Abadar, Iomedae x2, Lamashtu x2, Nethys x3
Deaths: 0
Character Name: Harsk
Role Card: Sniper
Skill Feats: Dex +4, Wis +1
Power Feats: +2 hand size, recharge card to add +4, recharge instead of discarding when playing a weapon with Ranged trait
Card Feats: Weapon +1, Armor +1, Item +1, Ally +2, Blessing +1
Weapons: Acidic Sling +3, Deathbane Light Crossbow +1, Returning Frost Spear +2, Shock Longbow +1, Venomous Heavy Crossbow +2, Giantbane Dagger
Armors: Lesser Bolstering Armor, Snakeskin Tunic
Items: Belt of Physical Might, Magic Spyglass, Staff of Minor Healing, Revelation Quill
Allies: Archer, Jakardos Sovark, Shalelu Andosana
Blessings: Abadar, Erastil x2, Lamashtu, Shelyn, Blessing of the Gods
Deaths: 1
Character Name: Kyra
Role Card: Exorcist
Skill Feats: Wis +4, Cha +1
Power Feats: +2 hand size, Weapon proficiency, shuffle 1d4+2 random cards from discard into deck, add 1d8 to defeat a bane with Undead or Outsider trait, when playing Blessing of Sarenrae, recharge or place on top of your deck
Card Feats: Weapon +1, Spell +2, Item +1, Ally +1, Blessing +1
Weapons: Flaming Icy Axe +1, Fanged Falchion, Karzoug's Burning Glaive, Ordikon's Staff
Spells: Augury, Dominate, Find Traps, Raise Dead, Sign of Wrath
Armors: Invincible Breastplate, Shield of Fire Resistance
Items: Headband of Inspired Wisdom
Allies: Merchant, Sacred Killer
Blessings: Gorum, Gozreh, Norgorber, Sarenrae x4
Deaths: 0
Character Name: Ezren
Role Card: Evoker
Skill Feats: Int +4, Wis +1
Power Feats: +2 hand size, add +3 to check to recharge, add +4 to check to acquire a spell
Card Feats: Spell +3, Item +3
Weapons: Chellan, Sword of Greed
Spells: Disintegrate x2, Haste x2, Incendiary Cloud x2, Lightning Bolt x2, Scrying, Swipe x2
Items: Robe of Runes, Robes of Xin-Shalast, Sihedron Medallion x2, Staff of Hungry Shadows, Wand of Enervation
Allies: Lizard, Monkey, Pyromaniac Mage
Deaths: 0
Character Name: Sajan
Role Card: Drunken Master
Skill Feats: Dex +3, Con +2
Power Feats: +3 hand size, use Dex die instead of Str die and add the Magic and FIre traits, when dealt damage other than Combat, when playing a boon with Liquid trait, succeed at Fort 6 to recharge
Card Feats: Spell +1, Item +2, Ally +1, Blessing +2
Spells: Summon Monster
Items: Amulet of Fiery Fists, Belt of Physical Might, Potion of Healing x2, Ring of Energy Resistance, Emerald Codex
Allies: Black Arrow Ranger x2, Charmed Red Dragon, Vale Temros
Blessings: Abadar, Calistria, Erastil, Gorum x2, Gozreh x2, Norgorber, Pharasma x2
Deaths: 0