demigord's page

Organized Play Member. 7 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.



Can you please cancel Order 4096414 and also cancel my subscription?



Can you remove the Wrath of Righteous Base Set from my order and tell me how much the new shipping charge will be for just the Add-On deck?


Thanks everyone, especially coriolis for the relevant rules references!


Smuggler: Before you act, display a random card from your hand. If defeated, discard it; if undefeated, bury it.

Seltyiel: Choose a weapon that doesn't have the 2-Handed trait and a spell that has the Attack trait. When you play one for your combat check, you may recharge the other to add 1d6 and that card's traits to the check.

Cards in hand:
Force Missile, Rapier

Random card chosen by Smuggler was Rapier. Played Force Missile and recharged Rapier to add 1d6 to check.

After the check the Rapier was not in my hand to discard or bury. Did I play this correctly?


Character Name: Seelah
Role Card: Crusader
Skill Feats: Str +3, Wis +2
Power Feats: +2 hand size, +3 to check when discarding top card of your deck, if top card is a blessing or spell, recharge it instead
Card Feats: Weapon +1, Spell +2, Ally +1, Blessing +2
Weapons: Flaming Ranseur +3, Shock Greatsword +2, Impaler of Thorns, Mokmurian's Club
Spells: Cure x2, Mass Cure
Armors: Demon armour, Elven Breastplate, Invincible breastplate
Allies: Bear, Mountaineer, Pyromaniac Mage
Blessings: Abadar, Iomedae x2, Lamashtu x2, Nethys x3
Deaths: 0

Character Name: Harsk
Role Card: Sniper
Skill Feats: Dex +4, Wis +1
Power Feats: +2 hand size, recharge card to add +4, recharge instead of discarding when playing a weapon with Ranged trait
Card Feats: Weapon +1, Armor +1, Item +1, Ally +2, Blessing +1
Weapons: Acidic Sling +3, Deathbane Light Crossbow +1, Returning Frost Spear +2, Shock Longbow +1, Venomous Heavy Crossbow +2, Giantbane Dagger
Armors: Lesser Bolstering Armor, Snakeskin Tunic
Items: Belt of Physical Might, Magic Spyglass, Staff of Minor Healing, Revelation Quill
Allies: Archer, Jakardos Sovark, Shalelu Andosana
Blessings: Abadar, Erastil x2, Lamashtu, Shelyn, Blessing of the Gods
Deaths: 1

Character Name: Kyra
Role Card: Exorcist
Skill Feats: Wis +4, Cha +1
Power Feats: +2 hand size, Weapon proficiency, shuffle 1d4+2 random cards from discard into deck, add 1d8 to defeat a bane with Undead or Outsider trait, when playing Blessing of Sarenrae, recharge or place on top of your deck
Card Feats: Weapon +1, Spell +2, Item +1, Ally +1, Blessing +1
Weapons: Flaming Icy Axe +1, Fanged Falchion, Karzoug's Burning Glaive, Ordikon's Staff
Spells: Augury, Dominate, Find Traps, Raise Dead, Sign of Wrath
Armors: Invincible Breastplate, Shield of Fire Resistance
Items: Headband of Inspired Wisdom
Allies: Merchant, Sacred Killer
Blessings: Gorum, Gozreh, Norgorber, Sarenrae x4
Deaths: 0

Character Name: Ezren
Role Card: Evoker
Skill Feats: Int +4, Wis +1
Power Feats: +2 hand size, add +3 to check to recharge, add +4 to check to acquire a spell
Card Feats: Spell +3, Item +3
Weapons: Chellan, Sword of Greed
Spells: Disintegrate x2, Haste x2, Incendiary Cloud x2, Lightning Bolt x2, Scrying, Swipe x2
Items: Robe of Runes, Robes of Xin-Shalast, Sihedron Medallion x2, Staff of Hungry Shadows, Wand of Enervation
Allies: Lizard, Monkey, Pyromaniac Mage
Deaths: 0

Character Name: Sajan
Role Card: Drunken Master
Skill Feats: Dex +3, Con +2
Power Feats: +3 hand size, use Dex die instead of Str die and add the Magic and FIre traits, when dealt damage other than Combat, when playing a boon with Liquid trait, succeed at Fort 6 to recharge
Card Feats: Spell +1, Item +2, Ally +1, Blessing +2
Spells: Summon Monster
Items: Amulet of Fiery Fists, Belt of Physical Might, Potion of Healing x2, Ring of Energy Resistance, Emerald Codex
Allies: Black Arrow Ranger x2, Charmed Red Dragon, Vale Temros
Blessings: Abadar, Calistria, Erastil, Gorum x2, Gozreh x2, Norgorber, Pharasma x2
Deaths: 0


I just noticed that my ACG subscription for September is incorrect. The Skull & Shackles Base Set has been automatically added, as well as the Character Add-On Deck which is currently pending. Please remove the Base Set and Add-On Deck from my September subscription shipment.

currently pending
1x Pathfinder Adventure Card Game—Subscriber Promo Card: Ranzak~
1x Pathfinder Adventure Card Game—Promo Card: Mogmurch~
1x Pathfinder Adventure Card Game—Promo Card: Goblin Keelhaulin'~
1x Pathfinder Adventure Card Game—Promo Card: Goblin Weidling~
1x Pathfinder Adventure Card Game—Skull & Shackles Character Add-On Deck, $15.99
$15.99 Standard Postal Delivery: $7.21 $23.20

Payment method authorized: September 4
Should ship by: September 26
1x Pathfinder Adventure Card Game—Skull & Shackles Base Set, $47.99
1x Pathfinder Adventure Card Game—Skull & Shackles Character Add-On Deck, $15.99
1x Pathfinder Adventure Card Game—Promo Card: Owlbeartross~
1x Pathfinder Adventure Card Game—Skull & Shackles Adventure Deck 2: Raiders of the Fever Sea, $15.99
$79.97 USPS Priority Mail: $50.44 $130.41



I got a message that my payment method was declined for order 2985314. However, I have checked the payment method and contacted the credit card company and there should be no issues. I sent an email to customer service yesterday but received no response. Can you check my order 2985314?
