Activation Cube

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im waiting to see a build utilizing a grapple guardian with a weasel. the weasel's attach ability allows it to auto grapple if it hits, which feels like it has a lot of potential.

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Ravingdork wrote:
Chess Pwn wrote:
He was saying taking toughness on the bird, and that wont help at all. the player taking toughness and the player taking Mauler's Endurance are feats the player can take that have an effect on the familiar.

Actually, I was trying to take them on both. There's no doubt that any increase to my own hit points benefits the bird, and the bird would still get 3 HP from his feat if nothing else (which is what I was assuming since they don't have too many actual hit dice).

Actually if the MBC is allowed to take and benefit from toughness he should have it equal to the masters level. as per the below rule his Hd = Master's level if its better then his base HD.

"Hit Dice: For the purpose of effects related to number of Hit Dice, use the master's character level or the familiar's normal HD total, whichever is higher."

Assuming worse case scenario and your familiar dies, is it replaceable? The flavor would seem to say no,but there doesn't seem to be anything mechanically that prevents it.

if thats exactly how they worded it? my gm would probably make them a barbarian.

one of our players recently wished to become celestial (the template) my gm made him a cassisian.

joe kirner wrote:

Humanoid form in a large flower. Has 4 vines.

I would say no. What gear does she need? Could give her class lvls I suppose.

when a druid wildshapes, the new form would need to have appropriate appendage, etc for gear , magic items. Also need someone to put it on you.

i would assume the humanoid form would have hands and fingers, so a ring which requires activation such as a ring of invisibility. it has a body and could put on armor.

why would it need someone to put it on for them? assuming they do in fact have hands it should be able to take care of its own needs of dressing itself if it so chooses.

bumping it for the morning crew

subject pretty well spells it out, while it is a plant it also does have a humanoid form which would theoretically allow it to do so, or rather a druid via wild shape to polymorph and then gear up.

scooby doo.

crime solving dog that can make a sandwich cant beat that

anyone have a link for the cartomancer archtype? im intrigued at the prospect of playing my fav x-men.

Do these two stack? Thus making a heavy shield do 2d6 damage.

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"The barbarian can make an attack of opportunity against a foe that moves into any square threatened by the barbarian"

But this isnt like the normal AoO for moving out of a threatened square, as this happens when you enter it. the rules state you only provoke once from the same creature for moving out of a threatened square.

from my opinion it would work.

a ninja's ki pool states it adds in levels of other classes that gives a ki pool to count your total amount of ki points.

now if you dip 2 levels of monk, do they add in since you havent yet received a ki pool?

not to be nitpicky but classifying the proposed multiple version an AoE is a bit off, if it was it would be a good compliment to use against swarms, which can be quite a pain for a non-blaster caster.

and i dont think those who are asking it to remain closer to idea of a all on one foe attack is derailing the thread at all. everyone's input is valuable, even the ones that may run counter to semi-popular belief.

so reading over deft strike, it seems it may have some compatability issues with your monk levels.

"A swordlord cannot use this ability if he is wielding a shield or an off-hand weapon, including armor spikes, unarmed strikes, or natural weapons.""

been watching this discussion for awhile now and finally decided to pipe in.

maybe its just us but the amount of dice rolled was never an issue with our group. but then again it sounds like people are talking about rolling out each hit one at a time. rolling all or even half the attacks at once and then comparing to AC, then saving for what hit all at once, etc.

when you have to target multiple enemies is where things can get tricky. each one will potentially have different AC, saves, penalties, dr, etc.

so while sure it may seem like a cumbersome amount of dice rolls, its only as bad as you make it really. and really it isnt like there arent other occasions which can call for a lot of dice rolls from the use of a single ability.

Edit- a few thoughts that i forgot to put in.

1) allow for stacking on a single target but limit how many can be stacked. "a single target can be effected by up to x words generated from the same performance"

2) allow full stacking but make it 1 attack roll/1 save. allows for the larger hits but puts more of a risk into putting all your notes in the one basket.

3) honestly just let it hit multiple words on the same target and otherwise leave it as it is. each word is subjected to DR, and a fort save. Leaving in the CHA to damage and even allowing for interaction from various feats/spells will allow this to stay on an average footing not surpass other offensive modes available to the bard.

The book it is coming out of is "stoneheart valley"

ill need to double check which book it is, i believe it was one of the supplemental books that they released, though it may not have been a part of the kickstarter offerings.

our group is playing through rappan athuk, and one of our players is looking into going into the justicar prestige class included in the bonus material.

the question is this: you only need 3 lvls of paladin to go into the class which provides full spellcaster progression. since he doesnt currently have spells does he gain the benefit of this progression?

i say yes he should, others say that since he isnt currently a spellcaster there is nothing to gain.

But saying you can't swap out an ability you don't have yet isn't exactly correct as there are archetypes that do exactly that.

there was some debate here on the boards awhile back that since it doesnt specifically say "at 4th level you get X" that it defaulted to 1st level.

there is precedent to receive abilities that swap out for something you gain at a later level (ex: fighter archetype brawler).

as of right now those of us at our game have been going with spontaneous healing swapping in at 4th level, but having come across said old posts it got us to wondering.

Mojorat wrote:
Would need an example. witch-archetypes/hedge-witch

ask and ye shall receive

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there are a few examples out there where an archetype doesnt specify what lvl you would gain a certain ability. ive read some threads where people stated a dev weighed in and stated that unless it specifies a certain level you get it at 1st, but they never provided quotes our any citation as to where that statement came from.

anyone happen to know if and where an official statement was made and could point me in the right direction?

ok so i have relented to my DM and decided to not have my old pc raised, so ive decided to make a zen archer.

my question is about the ki pool ability.

do my bow shots bypass DR as per the ki pool ability?

if not, when i use the ki arrows ability will the DR breaking ability kick in then?

or, will it only matter when i decide to kick someone?

i'll answer to the best of my understanding. (playing a chronicler myself right now).

1) no, the wording is a bit wonky on this one but the key point is here:

"At 3rd level, a Pathfinder chronicler gains this ability, which functions like the bard class feature of the same name, except that the chronicler's effective bard level is 2 lower than her class level"

It does go on to say that levels in this class stack with other classes but it would be the effective level that got added on which is still class level-2.

2) as it is a type of performance, i would say yes, yes you can.

3) yes:

" A Pathfinder chronicler may apply the effects of any feats that affect bardic music to her epic tales."

4) no, afraid it is just spells or feats to get masterpieces.

Choon wrote:

I'm not sure, honestly. As you're not going for optimal I'd say take it whenever you feel it appropriate. With that backstory it sounds like he already qualifies (by fluff)

I think I would wait just because 3rd lvl spells seems like it would be very useful.

As a side note, you are my hero. Every time I try to present a Chronicler concept on here there is a resounding "you will suck" from everyone. You have bucked the trend and given me hope that I will also, one day, have deep pockets. :)

i am currently playing a cavalier 5 (inspiring commander archetype) chronicler 4. the two synergize ridiculously well (my aid another bonus is a +9)

so tonight our alchemist died and got reincarnated. the question is what racial traits stay and what does he gain when he trades races?

in fact could he not also trade out racial traits form the new race for other traits as per the ultimate race guides alternate traits?

and as a follow up to that lets say there is an ability he wouldnt get from the new race but it can be traded for one that would qualify, could he make the trade?

i keep seeing dragon/orc cross blooded and then admixture wizards.

would an orc/elemental cross blooded work as well? you would get unlimited swaps to the element of your choice and then you could also potentially chose a different arcane school?

Marthian wrote:
I cannot think of ANYTHING outside of mythic rules letting you get two turns in one.

pathfinder chronicler PrC gets a performance to give other people an extra standard action, which with lingering perofrmance nets them 3 rounds of extra standards.

RtrnofdMax wrote:

I agree that Lingering would apply to both, but the rules say you can't have more than one Bardic Performance in effect at once.

ya, was mainly thinking that since they are different pools and and different abilities (sermonic performance) that you might be left with a little bit of wiggle room.

RtrnofdMax wrote:
Channel from Cleric and Paladin don't stack, but give separate pools so I would say that extends to this situation as well. You could only have two performances at once with Lingering Performance as you need to maintain a performance. As soon as you stop performing, the effects end.

right, but maintaining is a free action, so you could theoretically maintain them both.

and lingering performance would apply to them both.

lets say ive got a few levels in evangelist and then take a level dip into bard, how do the two sources of "bardic performance" interact?

the performance from evangelist isnt necessarily the bardic performance so do you end up with both abilities with separate pools of rounds per day? would this then allow you to have two performances going at once as they are technically different abilities?

or, would it simply stack together and count combined levels for the progression of the performances? and if this was the case would the evangelist then get the bardic performances that had been previously denied them?

blackbloodtroll wrote:

For it to work, you need to create a spell-like or supernatural effect, and Rain of Blows is a Supernatural ability.

Yeah, what you mean john?

sorry i was referring to the character i am currently playing. i am using the inspiring commander archetype for my cavalier. it gets a limited amount bardic performance, but it is considered an extraordinary ability as opposed to supernatural.

the battle dance of dawnflower dervish or dervish dancer both retain their supernatural quality so you should be peechy keen to get the extra sonic damage.

Azaelas Fayth wrote:
Discordant Voice seems to apply to all weapon damage.

whoops, ya discordant voice. was going to take it with my inspiring commander but it quite specifically changes the bardic performance away from supernatural

Azaelas Fayth wrote:

Yeah those feats do seem good.

Though you might look for a Bard Guide.

discordant song gives those under the effects of your performance d6 sonic damage.

Darkholme wrote:

Also: Is there a magic item that gives insight or dodge bonuses to AC?

Thanks Guys

in ultimate equipment there is a new helmet jingasa of the fortunate warrior gives +1 insight to ac and once a day can turn a crit or sneak attack into a normal hit.

i am currently a human inspiring commander 5/chronicler 1. the gm modified it a wee bit and removed the rapid tactician class ability (something about starting with a +11 initiative at first lvl didnt appeal to him)

my feats so far are:

lingering performance
combat reflexes
combat expertise
flag bearer
escape route (free teamwork)
precise strike (free teamwork)

i plan on picking up swift aid at 7, and of course the banner of ancient kings the moment i can find one.

i do believe that intelligent items get to activate themselves. so a ring of invis would allow you to take an offensive standard action, it could then activate itself and you could then move to a different square to throw off anyone trying to find you.

Lobolusk wrote:

you used to be able to not any more derCompanion/v5748btpy8dmf/discuss&page=12#550

UC has the Emei Piercer, which states can be used with unarmed strikes and converts your damage to piercing otherwise everything else is the same, would that not work?