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During me and a friends play through Saturday I got to thinking that I feel sometimes power feats are not given out...oh lets say...enough? I feel that more in MM after completing it twice now. Most of the time I feel things are well balanced. But sometimes we get that quest that just has the stupidest or most pointless reward where we feel like "aww still no power up"

Now with this in mind I have two things,

1. does anyone else ever feel the same way?

2. if so, or not, does anyone do any altercations or house rules about more frequent power ups? I am not generally for changing rules unless it is minor convenience tweaks or so. But I was curious if anyone has found a fair and balanced way to make you feel more EMPOWERED I guess is the best way to say it.

Was curious if Paizo was going to release a little spoiler for deck 2 like they did for deck number one. I eventually bought it and love it. But I would love to have a taste of the new heroes before I commit. Just curious if anyone knows if they were going to do so.


I have made alchemist where her third ability is where if you acquire a weapon item or armor you may banish it to draw a random item with the liquid trait from the box.

A friend of mine thinks it may be over powered. Thought? The thought behind it is that she can break down weapons and other things into a potion.

Alternate thought would to draw a random item from your discard pile with the liquid trait.

So a pretty basic question here but I have not seen a clear answer anywhere I do believe but...With the progression that my group has done from the beginning to getting to the end of the hook claw...what will happen to our previous skill and power feats that we have gained once we pick our role card?

For example I am harsk and have wisdom, dex, hand size now at 5, and add a d4+2 to someone else location with a recharge effect. Will these buffs go away when I pick a role or stay on to now be checked off on my new role card?

If so I feel like I would like to make a house rule to re pick because progression seems pointless a bit up to that point to be reset to just get an additional ability, I.E. harsk now having devine under wisdom, and to wipe out your stat boosts and what not.

Thanks for future answers!