
daddlebutt's page

26 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.

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Thought to bring this thread out of hiding once more. Been another month. Any new updates to some updated character sheets? Maybe at least up to hells vengeance?

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I feel there is a lot of "die hard defense" about this subject. Even though I have had multiple players complain about this and even some of the employees.who work the.booth at gencon talk how.It's a problem

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To skizzerz. My point is I bought rise of the rune lords and off release it had a generous helping of typoes and misprints. Tons. Alot of my friends who play magic who are part of my group wwre shocked as well. Like I had to write two handed on some weapons or give it.the magic trait. Mtg does not do that early when something is released. They do it when things change like when enters play got changed to enter the.battlefield. Im strictly talking MISTAKES, TYPOS, AND PRINTING ERROS. Not mechanic adjustments. Yes no game will be without them. My point is pacg has way too many as a whole.

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I am season magic vet of 18 years and I highly disagree about the corrections. They are ORACLE changes that are changes LONG down the road. My example is that when I buy a set then see that "x" card needs to have "strength die changef to strength skill" and that's on alot of cards, in a relative sense, thats a little ridiculous. I should not have to pay or go through materials to fix cards or pieces of a product that a company has sold. Accepting that is just being a general consumer sheep. But don't get me wrong I understand typos and a few errors but there are WAY too many. And it's a minor annoyance at that.

For example I bought the rouge class deck, on wu shen, one of her roles has a power to add 2 to there checks against x (cant remember what) and it shows no check box. But in the faq it says to add it. Thats a huge deal since it affects power feat consumption. So instead of seeing it as a free buff it's actually not and my group would have never have known, or the guy playing her. I feel that's a bit unacceptable when you deliver a product. Not trying to be an ass or anything :)