I am season magic vet of 18 years and I highly disagree about the corrections. They are ORACLE changes that are changes LONG down the road. My example is that when I buy a set then see that "x" card needs to have "strength die changef to strength skill" and that's on alot of cards, in a relative sense, thats a little ridiculous. I should not have to pay or go through materials to fix cards or pieces of a product that a company has sold. Accepting that is just being a general consumer sheep. But don't get me wrong I understand typos and a few errors but there are WAY too many. And it's a minor annoyance at that.
For example I bought the rouge class deck, on wu shen, one of her roles has a power to add 2 to there checks against x (cant remember what) and it shows no check box. But in the faq it says to add it. Thats a huge deal since it affects power feat consumption. So instead of seeing it as a free buff it's actually not and my group would have never have known, or the guy playing her. I feel that's a bit unacceptable when you deliver a product. Not trying to be an ass or anything :)