Villamar Koth

Einarr Alfasson's page

27 posts. Alias of Whiskey and a Bonesaw.

"I am Kintargo's lord-mayor, yet Kintargo is not my city. Nor is it Cheliax's city. Kintargo belongs to no one person, but to all who live here and make it the greatest city in Cheliax. We call it the Silver City not only for the gleaming waters of the Youbilis, but for its purity. Kintargo is unique in the nation of Cheliax in this way. We are not the nation's largest city, not its strongest. We may not have Westcrown's history, Ostenso's naval superiority, Corentyn's trade dominance, or Egorian's power, but nor do we have Westcrown's decay, Ostenso's violence, Corentyn's slaves, or Egorian's damnations. Kintargo is our own, and as Cayden Cailean is my witness, I intend to do all that I can to ensure that our silver shall never tarnish under Thrune's touch!"

- Lord-Mayor Jilia Bainilus, two days before her disappearance


The dregs of last-night's rain aren't enough to discourage the dozens of Kintargans gathered at the front-doors of the opera house to protest the new Lord-Mayor, High Inquisitor Paracount Barzillai Thrune. Despite the early hour, the protest already fills half the square and shows no sign of slowing; as they enter most look for like minded souls to join. Along the edges of the square enterprising vendors have set up stalls, wafting mouth-watering smells of roasting nuts and heavily-spiced meet over the nascent crowd and tempting murders of crows and other pests from out under the opera's eaves. The closer to the gates you walk, the more a jumbled mess of factions the protest becomes and, though they flow together and break apart like the flocks of birds overhead, a few moments of observation suffice to show that there are five major movements represented here.

- The Partisans, largely well-to-do citizens who want an end to foreign rule of any sort and despise the tightening of House Thrune's iron grip. Here and there, you can see members of this group holding high soot-stained rocks and timbers - relics of last-weeks Night of Ashes.

- The Merchants, the tradesmen guilds (plus a bar or three's worth of stevedores and teamsters) who feel the squeeze of Barzillai's new mandates and taxes.

- Lord-Mayor Bainilus’s Supporters, who wanted a democratic election of the next Lord-Mayor instead of an appointment by the Thrice-Damned House.

- The Anarchists, mostly younger folk who are here in the hopes of a decent riot.

- Finally, scattered liberally through the crowd are small groups of four-five dour-looking men and women with scarred hands, wearing the red armbands of the "Chelish Citizens' Group". These are Barzillai Thrune's supporters, and they alternately try to shout down other groups and stand there in gloomy silence, waiting.

At the doors to the opera house stand a thin line of a dozen dottari and Nox, Barzillai's personal bodyguard.

There's really no way around it, Nox is just plain ugly. Pupil-less, heavily-scarred, and with stringy black hair, she's not a local - she showed up along with the new Lord-Mayor and hasn't been seen to do much save scowl menacingly in the background. Those few that have had the misfortune to speak with her come back shaken; all agree there's something wrong there.

Though they look nervous, fingering the hilts of their swords and sweating in the early-morning chill, the guards are staying put and no fights have broken out - yet. As for Barzillai himself, he's nowhere to be seen.

What are you doing?

Discussion thread should be open

Sorry folks, this is a private game for some IRL friends. We won't be looking for alternates - best of luck continuing your search elsewhere.

The quiet groaning and sloshing of a ship at sea drills into your head as you come to. The world is tilting and whirling; saltwater and less savory smells clog your nose and a sickly, bitter taste fills your mouth. Distantly, you can hear the shouts of working men and, more immediately, the creaking of the steps down into the cargo hold you're lying in.

Before you can do more than stand up and feel for weapons that aren't there, a hatchet-faced man and several cronies appear. Grinning savagely with a mouth full of gold teeth, he cracks a whip above you all before bellowing: "Still abed with the sun over the yardarm? On your feet, ye filthy swabs! Get up on deck and report for duty before Cap’n Harrigan flays your flesh into sausage skins and has Fishguts fry ye up for breakfast!"

Knowledge (Nature) DC 10 or Craft (Alchemy) DC 15:
You recognize the taste on your tongue - like oiley nutmeg, mixed with peaches gone bad. It's a telltale sign you were poisoned with Oil of Taggit - the Oil causes unconciousness if eaten.

Intelligence DC 10:
Somewhere in the still-muddy haze of you're mind, you remember that face. The gold-toothed man was at the same tavern you were last night!

What do you do?

For OOC questions and conversations longer than a sentence or two.

A bit of pseudorandom gibberish so I can create an actual campaign thread. Apologies to those of you wandering in here who missed the [CLOSED] tag, but this game is not currently recruiting.

5 people marked this as FAQ candidate.

Hey all,

Is the stated DC for the Magus Arcana 'Vision-Clouding Strike' correct? As written it's 1/2 Magus level + Int mod, which seems extremely low - at level 10 you'd expect a DC somewhere in the range of 11. Is it intended to be 10 + 1/2 Magus level + Int mod?

Hey all, I hope I'm posting this in the right area. If I'm not just let me know and I'll take it down.

Anyway, on to the meat of the problem: My FLGG is starting a new campaign (Kingmaker, if it matters) and I've decided to try something a bit more complicated. Hunter always looked thematic and when I read the Feral Hunter archetype my eyes lit up a bit (especially having recently seen The Revenant). This is what I threw together (Note on syntax, 'R' denotes a racial feat and 'C' denotes a feat gained through a class feature. The Hunter's 3rd level teamwork feat can be swapped as a standard action, thus the variance):


Human Feral Hunter


1 - Dirty Fighting
1R- Improved Trip
2C- Outflank (Teamwork)
3 - Power Attack
3C- Varies, Paired Opportunists will probably be the default
5 - Natural Spell
7 - Combat Reflexes
9 - Topple Foe (Teamwork)
11- Harrying Partners (Teamwork)
13- Pack Attack (Teamwork)
15- Spell Focus (Conjuration)
17- Augment Summons
19- Superior Summons

Dirty Fighter
Rostlander (Campaign)


The core of this build is using Summon Nature's Ally with the teamwork feats and Aid Another to gain massive bonuses to combat maneuvers, with Trip being his preferred (he's very wolf-themed).

Specific Questions:

First off, is there anything I'm missing? Largest possible point of friction seems to be the bonuses from the Teamwork Feats stacking, but I can't see any reason why they wouldn't.

Do Dirty Fighting and Outflank stack (I assume so, but my magic 8-ball says ask again)?

Can anyone who's played Kingmaker say if this build stays reasonably effective throughout the campaign? I worry about reaching level 7-8 and then suddenly becoming irrelevant with such a niche build.

I have some concerns about action economy, specifically the potential need to wildshape and summon every few combats. This looks like it'll become a larger and larger concern as we go to higher levels, as my summoned monsters will be one-or-two shot. Thoughts?

Finally, can anyone recommend any general improvements? I don't doubt there's something I'm missing that would make this simpler or more effective.

Thanks in advance for the help.