Man in Mask

crthesis's page

Organized Play Member. 30 posts (333 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 6 Organized Play characters. 2 aliases.

I'm aware of the fact that Pathfinder Society characters receive a 50% discount on the purchase of a Wayfinder (which makes it 250GP), but my question is whether or not the discount applies to Magic Wayfinders (i.e. Wayfinder of Revelation, Wayfinder of the Planes, etc.)

Any precedence on this?

So, I'm fairly new when it comes to the concept of PFS GM'ing. I've played a fair share of scenarios as characters, but I've begun to feel the desire to try my hand at running a scenario or two as well.

The scenario I was looking to run was #5-08: The Confirmation.

The means for running it would most likely be Play-by-Post given my schedule and availability.

I was hoping to tap into the collective here and maybe get some pointers?

Just over the weekend, I had the pleasure of playing a scenario of PFS with a rather large variety of people. We had a kind-hearted Nagaji Paladin, a whimsical Halfling Bard, a sword-and-board secondary Paladin, a switch-hitting Ranger and his fuzzy wolverine, and even the iconic Ninja everyone knows and is ambivalent towards.

Oh, and me, the Samurai/Hellknight.

But by far the most useful member of our party was the quiet Musket Master. Sure, his damage output was great. And sure, he did his job quite well. But the crowning moment of awesome was when he said that he was going to ready an action to shoot the scary Summoner at the end of the scenario when she began casting.

When he took her down to nearly dead with just a single Ready Action, it got me thinking: is it possible to do the same with a melee PC?

I'll admit, my PF-fu is fairly weak. All I can think of would be to create a character with Lunge, Patient Strike, and Vital Strike. By RAW, it seems like the attack action you ready with Patient Strike can reap the benefits of Vital Strike. Couple that with a high damage weapon, and I figure it might be a fun little Counter-focused build.

Anyone willing to offer their two cents on this?

Dark Archive

So I've begun to play Pathfinder Society, a choice I'm enjoying quite a lot right now, and while my Sword Saint is loads of fun, I had a quick question about a mechanical thing:


My main concern is how they would level. In the case of the Druid's Animal Companion, you have the level of the animal set equal to however many levels of Druid you may have. But with the case of a hired animal, you never really get that clarification on the matter.

If anyone could clear up the confusion I'm having regarding this particular point of the game, then I would be extremely grateful :)