My Elven Wizard as started adventuring as part of her magical university's "mandatory study-abroad program" (they want students to go out and develop a proper understanding of the outside world, and in my elf's case to learn some humility while she's at it). As a roleplay thing, I'd like to be able to list of her knowledge rolls or other things she knows as "Oh yeah, I read about/studied/wrote an essay collection about [sting of knowledge here]" Please help me come up with names of some of the courses she took! Ridiculous liberal artsy sounding names would be hilarious. "Normal" sounding classes are needed as well. Everyone has to take their basics like Magical Laws and Ethics.
Background: One of my good friends and I were discussing halfling feats, especially the one allowing halflings bonuses against foes of larger size categories. "Too bad this is a race exclusive feat, or else you could make, like, a pixie barbarian or something." Of course, this idea sounded ridiculous and I NEED to build it. The Idea: "Name's Glitterpuff Snoweye. Call me Puff. Call me 'Cute' and you die." I need a tiny bloodrager that can back up her "don't call me cute" attitude as strongly as possible. Here's the race (DM approved) for 15 RP
This yields a bonus spread of -2 STR, +2 DEX, +2 CON, -4 WIS, +2 CHA.
Do you guys have any advice on feats, magic items, or other ways for this pixie to punch a guy across the room?
zanbato13 wrote:
the DM has crit/precision/flanking immune monsters coming up. I'm looking forward to it, and I've already started preparing for it. (Free Weapon Finesse + Light Mace = i can do something other than piercing damage!)
Rogar Valertis wrote:
they only have one set of dice and it stays on the table throughout.
Alex Trebek's Stunt Double wrote:
Bro, you weren't sitting there, watching crit after crit after crit being rolled, laughing at the implausibility of it, lacking any other reaction. This situation has happened several times. he swashbuckler literally got three 20s in a row once (the poor assassin got three 1s in a row.) No, they don't have loaded dice. Once out of combat I swear its a minor miracle for them to roll above 10. It hurts the soul watching an encounter end before your character can even move to be in combat range...
Hate to dig up an older post, but I'm actually another player in this little "team", as the rogue pilot who really can't get to the fight before the main two have kritzkrieged the thing to oblivion. I also run the cursed dragon. 14 racial hit die and few spelllike abilities made me a BIG fan of playing martial characters ( I now will sing the praises of Two Handed Power Attack until my dying day). I'm also the least experienced player in the group. Some Updates: 1) After the DM granted a free rebuild after the introduction of the unchained classes, I'm slightly stronger overall, especially with those skill unlocks. He offered this option to any player with an unchainable variant (I was the only one to take him up on this, since the other two with the option didn't see what was mechanically different... *group sigh of disappointment*) 2) Before the campaign began, but with the main plot chosen, we on Team Couch developed a pretty decent team built around being on an airship. I don't remember why we didn't coordinate with the Dragonborn, but our fifth member was quite opposed to both airships and developing a completely new character concept (It takes them a really long time to develop a character, and is not happy until they have a biography of their character's backstory. Just roll with it. They're now happily playing an Assassin's Creed assassin, and as the other rogue I get in on some the fun) So 3/5 of the party show up to the first session with a airship crew, and 2/5 did... not. Great cohesion. 3) Party cohesion has greatly improved since our most recent session. We raided a ship carrying 250,000 gp aboard. Our Assassin wanted this shipment stopped due to backstory reasons, and the rest were in because that's a LOT OF MONEY. After brutally slaughtering a bunch of innocent, lower-level guards and incapacitating their captain, we're all filthy rich and have a much better sense of team unity. It was out first time actually coordinating an attack since the raid to assassinate the princess/succubus in our first campaign! I don't remember the last time my rogue actually got to attack something before the enemy got destroyed or did a ton of damage to an ally that scared me off (I swear I will never leave a 10 in CON ever again.) So, all's well until we have the Assassin/Templar conflict rise to a head and my character is forced to face her fiance once more. Plot twists, ho!
I would see if your local gaming store hosts a group, and if they will let you sit and observe (or better yet, play)! The best way to learn is through experience (I started with ZERO experience and only knowing the DM, and I've been loving the ride!) there are websites around that list all of the free standard content for pathfinder, such as weapon stats, class description and features, monster builds, lore, and more. My group mainly uses online material from established websites since books can be a pain to lug around. Starting to DM is really fun, but time consuming and a challenge at first. There are also countless threads, websites, random generators, and such to help you create a campaign's story. With a little imagination and a fun party, this can be a great passtime for you and your friends! Welcome to Pathfinder!
I would go with a dagger for thematic reasons. Give it a Really Impressive Title. Try "Blade of Magic's Bane" or something intimidating-yet-simple like "The Dispeller". Something your players will easily recognize as important, powerful, and slightly intimidating. Make it from a special material and give it more description than "its a dagger". If your a bit more artistic, draw it out to show your players, or find a ceremonial or other fancy blade via Google. Nothing makes players more interested than a GM's focus and extra effort, unless your party purposefully ignores whatever you deem important.
I faced a swarm in my first ever session (hence the username). Cleric cantrip of Create Water got them off of me. We fixed the problem by having them all attack the half-construct dwarf, dowsing said dwarf in loads of alcohol, then setting him on fire. Besides the cleric being nearly dead (that was me, hello!), IT WAS AWESOME.
Qunnessaa wrote: Or maybe, and this is something I've been toying with for my heretics, for people as focused on magic as elves, it's strange that magic isn't a larger part of Calistria's portfolio, though Knowledge is one of her domains. Adding Chaos and Trickery into the mix, perhaps Calistria does know a great magical secret, but she seduced Nethys to get it, and the god of magic hasn't noticed yet, which is just how Calistria wants it, so she's keeping it very secret indeed. Or so your character believes. Now THIS is something I (and my DM) could really work with. |