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Organized Play Member. 76 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 10 Organized Play characters.


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Liberty's Edge

My half-elf ranger received a cooshee as an animal companion. I used the PFSDR to get the specifications and the level four advancement. I took boon companion to raise its level to that of my ranger.

In last weeks game we freed a genie from the trap it had been in for 1000 years. He gave each of us one wish and the cooshee wished to be large. The GM agreed and now I need to figure out how to go from a medium cooshee to a large. I have been looking at the monster advancement but I am not sure I have it right. Any advice would be appreciated.

Level 10 -> Large
Str - 15 -> 23
Dex - 17 -> 15
Con - 17 -> 21
Int - 3 -> 3
Wis - 12 -> 12
Cha - 7 -> 7
Natural Armor - 6 -> 8

The monster advancement talks about increasing the hit dice and related items but I don't think that applies since it is still my companion and would use that progression for hit dice, skills and etc.

Liberty's Edge

As I moved from playing PFS to being a GM, I would get the same questions over and over. How do I get a member number? Where do I go to get help? How do I find out what I can and can't use?

Those of us that have been around a while know where to find all of this information on Paizo but what about new players. The last thing we want someone to stop playing because they could get the information that they needed. To help with this problem I have created a Google site which I hope will make things easier for new players. The site contains only information about getting started and where to get information. It will not help you create a character (there are plenty of guides to do that).

Anyway, I hope someone finds this useful and if you have any suggestions let me know.

Bowawa's Guide to PFS

Liberty's Edge

Here is how I see AoO in combat:

You are in a fight and swing at the opponent, he blocks and stabs forward you turn to avoid the stab and see someone trying to move past you, you stab out at the by passer and then turn bringing the sword back toward your main opponent. You don't know if you hit or did damage to the other guy and don't really care. Your focus is on the main opponent.

Later as part of your training (since you are always in training) you learn to expand you field of vision in a fight and improve you reflexes giving you the ability to control your sword better. Due to these two improvements you are able to see more opponents try to get by you and have the skills to take a swing at them. You are still not concerned if you hit them or do damage but you have the skills to do so.

I don't know if that helps but that is how I see it. Personally I think there should be penalties to AoO's due to the fact you are swinging at a moving target while in a fight but that is a personal feeling.

Liberty's Edge

I'm surprised no one has said Sense Motive. I have been in several scenarios were you needed to know if they are telling you the truth. Heal is also a good one. Being able to stabilize someone for questioning without wasting a cure comes in handy. Finally see what skills the group you play with has and fill a gap. I have a ranger with several ranks in disable devices because the group doesn't have a rouge.

Liberty's Edge

Munoz0926 wrote:
clparis wrote:
I recently joined an online game that uses maptools and skype. I find that it is easier to get together with them as all I have to do is turn on the computer and I am rpging, instead of packing up everything and driving someplace. The members are from three different states and have been doing this for a while (I'm a new member). It might be a way to keep gaming (assuming you want to) without have to find a local group.
How did you find this group? Interested in the same thing myself...

I meet the GM at a convention and play with a couple of the guys once a month at PFS. They suggested me to the GM and that was that. I asked the group how they meet and it was mostly at conventions. I understand that there are several web sites dedicated to getting gamers together both online and in person. I don't know what they are as I am maxed out and am not looking for an other games, but I can ask around. Doesn't Paizo have a board for players looking for a game?

Liberty's Edge

I don't know some of those old menageries from middle ages include things that we consider mythological. It is possible that something we think is newly created has been around for a long time.

Liberty's Edge

1 person marked this as FAQ candidate.

I must have done something wrong last time I posted this so I am trying again.

I have a 5th lvl ranger, archery based and decided to add a lvl of Alchemist to the mix. I was mainly adding it for the extracts and mutagens as I do a lot more damage with my bow. However, I started to think about my favored enemy and its pluses to damage. Which made me wonder does it apply to the bombs as well. Lets say I hit a human (+4 FE) with a bomb within 30 feet. Does that mean I do 1d6+1(INT)+1(point-blank)+4(FE) and if so does that mean the splash is 7 points (always the min damage). Thanks in advance.

Liberty's Edge

I have a 5th lvl ranger, archery based and decided to add a lvl of Alchemist to the mix. I was mainly adding it for the extracts and mutagens as I do a lot more damage with my bow. However, I started to think about my favored enemy and its pluses to damage. Which made me wonder does it apply to the bombs as well. Lets say I hit a human (+4 FE) with a bomb within 30 feet. Does that mean I do 1d6+1(INT)+1(point-blank)+4(FE) and if so does that mean the splash is 7 points (always the min damage). Thanks in advance.

Liberty's Edge

I recently joined an online game that uses maptools and skype. I find that it is easier to get together with them as all I have to do is turn on the computer and I am rpging, instead of packing up everything and driving someplace. The members are from three different states and have been doing this for a while (I'm a new member). It might be a way to keep gaming (assuming you want to) without have to find a local group.

Liberty's Edge

Okay, I will let everyone in my group know. Thanks.

Liberty's Edge

I overheard, lets call it a discussion, at our monthly PFS game night about upgrading a Headband of Vast Intelligence to a Headband of Mental Prowess. One guy was saying that since it was X+ upgrade of a mental stat that you could pay the difference to go from one to the other. The other guy said that they were two different things so you have to sell one at half and buy the other at full. I offered to look it up and bring the answer back at the next game night.

I did some looking in the guide, FAQ and boards. I don't see anything that supports the difference upgrade option. Everything I found says that you have to sell one and buy the other. However, before I go to the game night on Saturday I thought I would post it and make sure I was right. Thanks for the help.

Liberty's Edge

I have three gnomes PFS characters.

Bowawa (Bowawamadamatamightagoay) and his riding dog companion Ruffus (Ruffustallusbarkus). Bowawa is shades of Green from his forest green hair to his pale green eyes. He even colored his compound bow green. Bowawa is a gambler by trade but can't get anyone to play with him. He keeps getting thrown out of gaming dens because he gets so excited that he uses his skills and magic to help the other players and the owners toss him out. One day he heard about how the Andorans are all about freedom and since he thinks everything should be free he joined them. Only later did he realize that they were talking about slaves. He is level 8 but plays at the 9-11 tables because of the damage he does. The other players keep him in the back for his own safety.

The Amazing Sollertalica is the worlds greatest illusionist (at least in his mind). Dressed in the latest of Taldorian fashion which highlights his bright red hair and blue eyes. He was encouraged to explore the world as a pathfinder by his master, who claimed that knowledge of the world would make his illusions more believable. The truth is that Talica's arrogance was driving off other students and master got tired of him. He has been known to both hold enemy's attention with his illusions and sit on the sideline firing magic missiles while everyone else fights. He is almost level 6 and despite his arrogance very popular at the table.

Wa-Chan samurai of the Lantern Lodge has porcelain white skin with pitch black hair. He looks like a Asian doll dressed as a samurai. He has no memory of his life before being found by a samurai on a trade mission. He was taken in by the samurai and the masters family. They named him Wa-Chan which means beloved small one. He trained as a samurai and holds the ideals of honor above all else. His master asked him to join the Lantern Lodge as a favor to Amari Li and to send back information about new trade possibilities. He works as a translator and is always looking to learn another language. He is only a level two and has yet to make a name for himself.

Liberty's Edge

If you are not using the advance race for races then I would suggest a gnome. With obsession (+2 craft) and the Master Tinker from the APG (+1 knowledge (engineering and disable device) you have a start. Plus the idea of a gnome riding its construct has all sorts of possibilities.

Liberty's Edge

Here is the Heighten Spell (Metamagic).

Core Rule Book wrote:

Heighten Spell (Metamagic)

You can cast spells as if they were a higher level.
Benefit: A heightened spell has a higher spell level than normal (up to a maximum of 9th level). Unlike other metamagic feats, Heighten Spell actually increases the effective level of the spell that it modifies. All effects dependent on spell level (such as saving throw DCs and ability to penetrate a lesser globe of invulnerability) are calculated according to the heightened level. The heightened spell is as difficult to prepare and cast as a spell of its effective level.

My questions are how many spells does it apply to (I assume one) and can it be taken several times for different spells?

Liberty's Edge

I don't play wizards to often (I only have one) and I am looking at feats for level 5. One of the feats I was considering was Improved Familiar. While looking over the list I was interested in the Pseudodragon, however when I looked it up in the Bestiary I got the wrong book and found Dragon, Faerie which would work better with my character. Which leads to my questions,

1. Is the Faerie Dragon legal for PFS?
2. If not, I currently have a Hawk Familiar can a take the Improved Familiar and get a Celestial Hawk even if I am level 5?

Liberty's Edge

Cylyria: The rest of the group is lvl 10+, so, I am really playing up. The only reason I get away with it is that they keep me in the back so I don't get hit. They keep me around because I can do massive damage if everything hits. The bad guy was an oracle that was possessed by a pit fiend. I don't remember what the third DR was but the first two were evil and adamantite.

Euan: I do have an Efficient Quiver and I carry normal, silver and blunt arrows. I could get a second one but I was looking for a more creative solution. Does Cluster Shots overcome all DR? In other words if you have normal arrows would it overcome evil for example?

Liberty's Edge

My main PFS character is an 8th lvl archery based ranger. Due to the lack of high level characters in my gaming group I end up playing up so the other players have enough for a table. In my last scenario I ended up setting out one battle because I didn't have any arrows that would overcome the DR of the evil character that attacked us. Granted he had 3 different DR and no one in the group had a weapon to overcome all of them but the others were able to overcome some of it.

Anyway, I don't want to have to purchase arrows of every known DR (my gnome couldn't carry them) so I am looking for another option. Any advice?

Liberty's Edge

To Draxx:

"It is true that I have not been here long and have just returned from our homeland where I aided in a quest. Thus, I will bow to your knowledge and experience in this matter. For me, honor, duty is the cornerstone to all. However, as the a ronin may have lost their lord and still walk the path of honor, those who have not had the path shown to them may find their feet upon it. I will watch for those who walk the path and hope to show others the way."

To Lokan:

"I to miss the food of home and would set at your table should you open your doors."

Liberty's Edge

A gnome with white skin and black hair dressed in traditional Silken ceremonial armor over Lamellar Cuirass and wearing a Katana walks into the room. He bows to the group gathered.

"May I join your table. I am Wa-Chan and serve the Lantern Lodge at the direction of my master. It was one of his samurai who found me starving and without memory. I know nothing of my past only of the teaching and training from my master. When the message asking for aid came from the honorable Amara Li, my master selected me to go and serve. Here I observe and report on this new land while completing the tasks assigned me by the pathfinders."

He looks around the room and lowers his voice.

"I do find that some of those I have traveled with to be lacking in honor. It does make me wonder about the pathfinders of this land."

Liberty's Edge

I just want to make sure that I have the steps straight. My character is a ranger with a wand of gravity bow and a spring loaded wrist sheath with the wand in it.

Immediate Action: Spring wand into hand
Standard Action: Use wand
Move Action: Put wand in pocket

Since my character is basically artillery, I stand in one place and fire a lot of arrows at the target. The only advantage using the process above would give me is that I would not limited to 2 uses of gravity bow per day. However, if it going to take more then one round I don't want to spend the gold for the wand and sheath. Also, I don't want to have to drop the wand after every use. So, can someone help me make sure I have the right process above, Thanks.

Liberty's Edge

I won a Corvid-Blooded boon at Diecon this weekend allowing me to create a PFS tengu character. I was not aware that this was a option but I will take it. Anyway, I have looked up the stats and am looking for some suggestions for the character. The tengu get a +2 to Dex and Wis and a -2 to Con. This leads me to ranger or cleric but I already play with those classes and what to do something special with this great option. So, any advice on the class and maybe a back story.

Liberty's Edge

Thanks that is what I needed.

Liberty's Edge

I am getting ready to level my illusionist wizard to the 4th level and according to the people I play with I don't have the correct number of known spells. However, they can't seem to agree on how many I know. So, I need a little help. Here is what I came up with.

I have a Int of +4 and put all of my new spells into the highest lvl I can cast each time I level. So, this is the progression that I have come up with.

At 1st level:
0 lvl spells - All (pick 4 to use)
1 lvl spells - 3 + Int (4) + 1 school = 8
At 2nd level:
0 lvl spells - All (pick 4 to use)
1 lvl spells - 8 + 2 + 1 school = 11
At 3rd level:
0 lvl spells - All (pick 4 to use)
1 lvl spells - 11
2 lvl spells - 2 + 1 school = 3
At 4th level:
0 lvl spells - All (pick 4 to use)
1 lvl spells - 11
2 lvl spells - 3 + 2 + 1 school = 6

This is the only wizard I have ever played so I strongly doubt I have it correct. Thanks in advance.

Liberty's Edge

Potion of Virtue
I have been in several spots where one hit point was the difference between standing to get away and falling to the ground. Of course, with enough healing it might not matter.

Sell it to a gnome, they will take just about anything.

Book of Forging Mythril
Depending on your GM, you could check if he would let you study the book and get a bonus to your appraise with regards to mythril items or a plus to crafting mythril items. Maybe a bonus to attacks against mythril armour. Of course, this is up to the GM and what type of character you have. All that said, if it is in dwarven and that's not one of your languages you might try to see if the GM will let you learn to read dwarven by studying it.

Liberty's Edge

HorsemanDeath wrote:

So I've got a few questions. This is my first time building a pathfinder charecter and I decided to choose a archer style ranger and was wondering if you guys (and gals don't wanna discriminate ) could give me really good builds for my charecter I've decided to go with a half-elf as the race with my free bonus feat of skill focus of stealth.

Also a side note I wanna make him a straight ranger no multi classing just wonder what feats and weapons and armor to give him. Any advice would be soooo very helpful thank you.

Lets start with Treantmonk's Guide to Rangers in Pathfinder because it is going to always come up with talking about rangers. It's a good start but if you have the option check out some of the feats in the Ultimate Combat which are not in guide.

Weapon is easy longbow, compound as soon as possible with a str rating equal to you character str. Might as well get the most from the bow. If you don't plan to get up close and personal, leather armor and a buckle of darkwood are good options. Especially if you are considering a mobile or hit and run build.

Which leads us to how do you see you character being played. Hit and run, quick from the shadows, artillery? A little more info would be helpful.

Liberty's Edge

Keshaun1222 wrote:

Hey. I need some advise on my character sheet.

Are you asking about the character build or the layout of the sheet?

Liberty's Edge

I am only playing gnomes in PFS and my main character is a 7th lvl ranger with a riding dog companion. I won't go into all the stats but if all four arrows hit he does 8d6+18 add 16 more damage if it is human. He has a reputation as a boss killer. My other characters are a wizard, barbarian and samurai. Each has a back story (some more detailed then others) as I don't play any character if I don't have a back story (even back in my 3.5 days). Sure there are situations where the big guys have to take the front and hold the line but I have been in fights where my gnome was the only one standing. It all depends on how you work out the stats, skills and feats. You have to look outside the "normal" build. Maybe you focus on a fighter that hits every time with a high dex even if they aren't doing as much damage due to the low str, that is until you can add some feats and better weapons.

Liberty's Edge

I would also suggest the feats of Hammer the Gap and Cluster Shots from the UC if damage reduction rules are in play. Yes, I know Hammer the Gap is a monk feat but according to the boards it can apply to arrows as well. You didn't post equipment so I would suggest something to raise your dex if you go with Hammer the Gap to make sure you hit with each arrow. Manyshot, Rapid Shot and two attacks if they all hit with Hammer the Gap you would add another 6 points of damage which only goes up as you add more attacks. Don't for get to put an element on the bow for some extra dice when doing damage.

With a +1 bow with +1 str, gravity bow, add in many shots alone you should be doing 8d6+28 if everything hits against favored enemy. Add element and Hammer the Gap and you add 4d6+6 for a total of 12d6+34. That's a lot of damage per round.

Edit: should have double checked my math.

Liberty's Edge

I just finished a PFS samurai but I haven't played it yet. What I did was download the pregen and read the UC several times. The pregen gave me a basic framework and a starting place for stats. I then posted several questions about exact things that I needed to know. If you search the boards you will find two basic paths bow and sword. Mounted or not for both. I went unmounted with a katana but you can to which ever way you want.

Liberty's Edge

I don't know much about the fighter archer but my main character is a gnome ranger and he has become the go to guy for damage. Assuming everything hits I do 4d6+18 damage add another 4d6 electric and if it is a human (favored enemy) add another 16 points of damage. If I remember the gravity bow spell (the only spell I use) it becomes 4d8. He is a lvl 7 with str of 12 and dex of 16 so I almost always hit with something. My companion is a riding dog (I took boon companion) and while he doesn't do much damage the trip has help end many a fight. I always care a cure light wounds wand, because you always need a extra healer. Plus with the high number of skill points it is easy to work in disable device and slight of hand in case you don't have a rogue.

Of course, this is with a gnome, since you are going with the taller cousin you will have higher str and some other options like arcane archer. All in all I like the ranger as I don't have to dip into another class to get what I want out of it.

Liberty's Edge

I like the idea of the genie vanishes then returns with +3 equipment. Then somewhere down the line someone shows up and says "that's my ____ that was stolen." Then the PC get the fun of playing with their equipment but end up having to face the fact that the genie can't make anything and if they want to keep it they will have to defend it.

Liberty's Edge

I have 5 registered.

Dwarf cleric lvl 1 (first character and only played once)
Gnome Ranger lvl 7 (my main character)
Gnome Wizard lvl 3 (made of DieCon haven't played since)
Gnome Barbarian lvl 0 (registered for a lvl 1 credit but not playable yet)
Gnome Samurai lvl 1 (just finished and will be playing at the next game)

My personal goal is to do all of the classes with gnomes, but we will see if I can pull it off.

Liberty's Edge

Count Buggula wrote:
You have my sword...

And my Bow.

Liberty's Edge

Okay, I was planning on wielding it two-handed anyway. Since samurai are considered proficient with the katana (as well as the naginata and wakizashi)as a class feature, does that mean I have the choice of one- or two-handed?

Liberty's Edge

I am working up a samurai for my next PFS character and went with the Katana as the weapon of choice. I looked through the two-handed Asian weapons in the UC and I looked through the two-handed exotic weapons only to find it in the one-handed exotic weapon list. Now like most american's my understanding of Japan's culture comes from the movies in which the Katana is almost always wielded two-handed (yes I have seen the original Seven Samurai). Still movies are not the most reliable sources of information, so, I did several internet searches over the last few days. It was quite amazing the vast amount of information available on samurai and the katana. However, no where did I find that the katana is used one-handed. So, who decided it would be one-handed and (more importantly) can it still be wielded with two-hands?

Liberty's Edge

I would love to see something like Mouse from the Dresden Files. Although calling him a dog may not be the most accurate description. Mouse is a Caucasian Ovecharka Mountain dog if you want to believe the Dresden wiki.

Liberty's Edge

TOZ wrote:
Man, I totally thought this thread was about something else.

You should have seen my original thread this one branch from.

Liberty's Edge

samerandomhero wrote:


3: In the Advanced Players Guide on page 15, there is a gnome racial option that allows you to drop your defensive training and hatred racial abilities for one that gives you two languages for every point spent in linguistics along with a +1 on bluff and diplomacy checks.

Is this option playable in PFS? Because that would work well with my character.

Liberty's Edge

Andrew Christian wrote:
No you can't drop a racial language in PFS. You have to take the feat or the gnome book had a trait called etymology which grants extra languages

Okay, can I put a rank in linguistics and get Tian?

Liberty's Edge

Samurai start with a loyal mount. In PFS is it assumed that the mount comes with saddle and barding or do you need to pay for that out of your 150 starting gold? I include the barding as the mount gets light armor proficiency at start which would be pointless without the barding.

Liberty's Edge

I have a personal goal of doing all the classes with gnomes. I currently play a archery ranger, illusionist wizard and just worked up a samurai for next months PFS. I am also working on a barbarian (still trying to decide on feats and other things) and a bard (have the back story but no stats). Not sure where I will go from there.

Liberty's Edge

Thanks to everyone.

I will drop sylvan and take Tian instead that should meet the language issue (I have yet to use sylvan anyway). I like the idea of him speaking gnome when he gets upset and no one knowing what he is saying and you can't really drop common.

I like the name Wa-Chan and will use it for the char.

Okay, so the Samurai is part of a trade group sent by the old lord to the main land in order to find new trading locations. This also fits in with my thoughts on why the new lord would send him to the inner sea. At some point I will have to decide what the goods are but that is for another day.

Again thanks this helps a lot.

Liberty's Edge

I am working on a new character for PFS it is a gnome samurai. The back story has him crossing over the mountains into Tian Xia. However, what ever happened to him to get over the mountains caused him to lose his memory. Once out of the mountains he is found by a samurai who takes him and trains him. Fast forward a number of years and the samurai master and his lord have passed and the gnome is now a full samurai loyal to the son of the original lord. When the new lord receives Amara Li request for adventures he send the gnome to Inner Sea to learn about the "other" pathfinders and to make contacts for the future. The gnome is hoping to learn where he came from or why he crossed the mountains.

That's the back story, now here are the questions.

First languages, as a gnome he starts with 3 known languages common, gnome, sylvan. However, in the back story he would have had to learn Tain. Since my INT isn't high enough to get a bonus language do I have to drop a language or do I just add the fourth?

Next question, I don't have access to a book on Tian Xia (if it is out) so I am needing help with a name. A normal (if gnome names can be called normal) name would not work as he has no memory of who he was or what he was called. I need a name that would fit who he is now. The character is LG and takes honor more seriously than any normal person. He is very white with solid black hair and blue eyes. He basically looks like a 3 foot porcelain china doll dressed as a samurai. If you are feeling inventive a name for the new lord would be helpful.

As always thanks in advance for any and all help.

Liberty's Edge

Both of these are good ideas to "fix" the Titan Mauler. Sadly, I play PFS and can't use any home rules. It's to bad this didn't workout the way it was planned.

Liberty's Edge

So, what you are saying is that the line "taking up weapons from her fallen foes that no lesser warrior can lift" is not an option. Did they just not think this archetype through or could they not make it work within the core rule set. Seems to me that this should not have made the UC.

Liberty's Edge

I have read several of the postings for the Titan Mauler and there seems to be a lot of confusion about what can be wielded one and two handed. Of course, everyone is talking about medium players and large weapons (or bigger). So, lets take it down a level to figure this out. What if the barbarian was a gnome or halfling? Since in the UC it is written as "weapons too large for her size", there is no reason it has to be a medium character. Since we all know the medium and small weapons maybe going this route will help. Then we can take it up to medium.

Let's start at lvl 1, what is the largest weapon a small Titan Mauler can wield one and two handed? And what is the penlty?

The same at lvl 2, then 3, 5, and 14 (the levels where you get more abilities).

Personally, I love the idea of a gnome with a great axe that is wider and taller then he is.

Liberty's Edge

By the numbers:

1. I am still working on the stats. I am looking at high str and dex but I want to make sure I don't need something later that I thought was a throw away. Still reading over the UC to make sure I understand the class.

2. I am thinking straight forward swordsman with a Katana and light armor (until I can afford better).

3. I am playing PF Society. I have to travel a ways (no game shops here) to play, so, I only play once a month with a society group.

Hope that helps.

Liberty's Edge

I am working on making a samurai and would like some advise on what people would take for the the first three or four feats. I don't often play fighter classes so any advise would be helpful.

Liberty's Edge

My gnome ranger would work. A riding dog companion and feats of Point-blank, Precise Shot, Rapid Shot, Manyshot and Hammer the Gap. Plus you would get another feat at lvl 7 I would go with Clustered Shots from the UC. My stats are all +1 except dex at +3 and wis at +2. Armed with a +1 str composite bow you could be doing 4d6 + 18 if everything hits. With the two favored enemies at lvl 6 it would be additional +4 or +2. For your one spell take gravity bow and change the d6s to d8s. At lvl 7 he should have gotten enough gold to add magic to his bow so include fire or electricity. For equipment include a wand of cure light. This little guy has taken out some major players and is getting a reputation as the go to guy for playing up.

I have a gnome wizard I have played a couple of times and gnome barbarian which I haven't played with. I am working up a gnome cleric but haven't got all of his stats yet. So, I don't know if they will work for you. The barbarian is hard build as you have the -2 on the str so to get it to a respectable level (for a barbarian) you have to really cut back on the other stats. I assume you have the gnome companion because there are some special groups that work on stopping bleaching that you could include.

Hope that helps.

Liberty's Edge

David Thomassen wrote:

Ranger Manyshot Rapid Shot Point-blank Shot

It comes down to the Manyshot - is the Single dice roll for the two arrows counts as one or two hits. Given that Damage Reduction applies to both arrows, I would say yes they count as seperate hits.

Hammer the Gap

Damage 4d6+18 assuming all hit and a strength of at least 12 and within 30' of the target.

Thanks for the confirmation.