
chrids's page

Organized Play Member. 167 posts. 6 reviews. 1 list. 1 wishlist.

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i cannot scream this more than enough: LESS MODIFIERS PLS!!!!

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i'm 100% on board to tear the vancian wall down

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agh random

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ProfPotts wrote:

Whilst there's really no good reason why spellcasters charge the outrageous prices listed in the books to cast spells, the basic assumption of the game is that they do... and, as previously stated, the cost of getting even cantrips cast on your behalf is way, way, higher than any mundane costs to get the same result. Unlimited cantrips and orisons only break the game economics if you decide to ignore the game economics built into the rules in the first place - and if you do that, then you're happily into house rule territory anyway, and probably do need to make further, knock-on, adjustments to help keep things internally logical.

I think this is what it boils down to: if you ignore the actual rules (like create water only lasts 1 day, the cost of casting spells, etc.), the spirit of the game and world, AND rule 0, then...I was going to say ruin the game, but that's not even the case. Then your players can do some mildly unbalancing and ultimately boring stunts. Bad design? Hardly. IMO.

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Probably cheaper for a farmer to drill a well than pay a caster to cast create water everyday.

Water isn't free in our world...why would every orison caster be doing it for free in PF?

I think this problem boils down to "OMG if you are a laydown sally GM, your players can totally abuse a sort of useful but ultimately boring and not-at-all powerful aspect of the game!!!"

I'd probably slap a fatigue penalty on a spellcaster who cast 20 create waters in a row.

Hey if the wizard really wants to open that tailor shoppe. Have fun roleplaying that. I hear the experience rewards are never ending :)