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im making a blood rager: untouchable/primalist and i have acouple questions on how class features get picked up when they are progressive.

primalist allows you to replace your bloodline power with 2 rage powers; the verbiage states "At 4th level and every 4 levels thereafter, a primalist can choose to take either his bloodline power or two barbarian rage powers."

my question is: do i only take ONE official level of bloodrager(primalist) at level 4 then i just get the replacements at level 8, 12, 16.....etc. or would i have to take a level of bloodrager(primalist) at level 4,8,12...etc to get the replacement or would i have to take 4 levels of this archetype to replace the blood line power, then another 4 to replace the other bloodline power?

my thought process is that i only have to take a level of primalist at the specific 4, 8, 12... to replace the bloodline power cause its not like im considered a lower level bloodrager thus not able to replace it.

then again, if i just take one level of primalist at 4, then every 4 levels of bloodrager would just replace my bloodline power..

level 1: untouchable
level 2: untouchable
level 3: untouchable
level 4: primalist
level 5: untouchable
level 6: untouchable
level 7: untouchable
level 8: primalist


level 1: untouchable
level 2: untouchable
level 3: untouchable
level 4: primalist
level 5: untouchable
level 6: untouchable
level 7: untouchable
level 8: untouchable