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Organized Play Member. 7 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 9 Organized Play characters.



I was wondering where we can find stat blocks for names NPC's if there are any. If not, should a DM just make them up?
For example, in Blakros matrimony, where would we find a stat block for Michelle, and Damian. I know for Eleanor it says to use the Noble Scion, which I guess could also be used for Michelle. Should a DM do the same for Damian (use a hell knight NPC)?

With a bit of research, I have answered my own question. Thank you again John

Thank you John for the quick response, and information. I understand now. Just out of curiosity, are these quests used in society? I ask because I have not seen or heard on them.

This is my first time submitting a scenario. I noticed the 2,000 word limit, with the explaination of a 1 hr adventure. Scerarios are 4 hrs and tend to have about 10k words. So I am unsure how the submitions work. Are we writing part of a scenario, or a synopsis? What am I missing?


So earlier there was a post about cold-iron alchemical bullets, and the discussion went in the direction of blanching which is not allowed. That is understandable. However can the bullet used inside the alchemical cartridge be cold iron?
Mike commented on this and mentioned this as a custom item, but does it have to be custom?
Cold-Iron seems to be a key-word which can be applied to certain weapons. I believe you can get cold iron bullet (not alchemical). I don't see why you can't purchase cold iron alchemical cartridges from a vender. Especially with the Year of the Demon, I would think weapon venders might see it as profitable to make alchemical cartridges using cold iron. It would probably be a hot item.

Again, this is not regarding blanching the cartridge.


Michael Brock wrote:
That's a question for the design team for the overall rules set and not just PFS. We don't allow creating custom items in PFS for numerous reasons. It sounds what you are asking for is a custom item that isn't listed in any Rulebook. Please ask your question a few forums up so the design team can address.

Thanks, I will do that.


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Michael Brock wrote:
I spoke to the design team this morning about this issue. Alchemical cartridges are not meant to have blanch applied to them. I was advised, in a home game, the GM can make whatever call they like. But, for PFS, alchemical cartridges can not receive a blanch.

Mike, I understand that you can not blanch an alchemical cartridge, but about using cold iron as the metal which is being wrapped in paper. Does the paper burn off or is the paper still attached when the target is hit?

If the paper is burned off, couldn't you just wrap cold-iron bullets in paper for alchemical cartridges, and still by-pass the DR of certain creatures?

Also according to the picture shown by RtrnofdMax
it looks like you can have part of the bullet exposed anyways, giving access to cold-iron contact with the creature.