callmedoug's page

*** Pathfinder Society GM. 32 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 24 Organized Play characters.

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I roll a play test character as a Dwarf fighter. Dwarf starts with 8 Charisma. so at level 1 gets a resonance pool of 0.

First combat, gets hit hard a couple times, tried to drink potion - Nat 1. character can no longer be healed without a Cleric casting heal on him.

Ooops no Cleric in party. sorry guys, I am done as a front liner for the day, will stand in the back until we can rest.

In PFS, i can count on one hand the number of times we had a true Healer in the party. Now without one, the game becomes fight - rest for 24 hours, move on, fight - rest for 24 hours - move on. especially at low levels.

Sure at higher levels people say oh you have enough levels that you can use your items, but you can't heal - and at high level games you have to be able to heal yourself in combat. and a single dice roll can ensure you are out of the fight for a full day.

as a single rule, this is enough to not play 2.0.


a few confusing questions about the traps in room 2

Room 2 Trap questions:
1) Does the party have to save every round that they are in the room against inhaling the multi-colored gas - Burnt Othur Fumes. or once they make their first save are they good? If not how does that work if the fail the save in round 1 are they now saving each round at a higher DC and then once they save make another to see if they are poisoned again?

2) it says if the party burns off the gas takes 10 rounds to fill room, so do they get 10 rounds to act before saves start again, or do I assume it is a heavy gas and those on the floor need to save almost immediately again - or light gas and those flying need to save right away again?

3) Eye Beams, how do you get close enough to disable device if they go off at 10ft. do they have to do a reflex save to get close enough, then the disable device to disable?

In room 2, the module talks about a CR10 Poison Gas Trap.

It says Effect is Poison Gas, but doesn't say what the poison Gas does, nor give a reference to where I can find it.

Where can I find a reference to what the effects of this Poison Gas are?

In Room 6 it says the motes move from A to C when the lever in F is pulled. Where does it go from there? whoever wrote this did a terrible job of explaining these traps


So while i got most of what i was looking for, there are a few times like Sat and Sun afternoon that my Son and I don't have games. is there a board or way to find other PFS players and play or GM a game?

in the Lottery information is says

The lottery will not assign you to events that you gave a 0, and it will not assign you to events with conflicting schedules

does the second part mean if I sign up for a regular non-lottery game in a spot that would overlap a lottery game, that the system would ignore my lottery request because of a conflict, or does it only ignore other Lottery Conflicts?

If it does ignore non-lottery, should I be waiting until the lottery concludes before signing up for non-lottery events?

What I mean by this is, if you get drawn are you assigned a random level range you must play in, or do you get to choose?

do you choose at the time you add it to the lottery, and if so what if you are able to play in multiple tiers?

This is my number 1 pick, but if I am randomly stuck at a level that I don't have a character or have to play one I don't want to play, it would affect how I rate this in the lottery.

any insight into how it works?