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*** Pathfinder Society GM. 32 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 24 Organized Play characters.

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Thanks James, that was what I was hoping, it made sense it was a single attack, just need to confirm.

I have to say, the party is loving this AP. Probably my favorite to run so far.

well done to the writers and team.

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In encounter D3. Jandelay Forgotten (CR 18)

it says: Severing Time Anchors: As a full-round action, a PC can
use a magic weapon against the portal to physically damage
the temporal anchors that connect it to this timeline.

The portal has AC 36; on a hit, the PC deals a number
of points of damage equal to 2d6 plus his Dexterity or
Strength modifier (whichever is higher), regardless of
the actual weapon used for the attack. Critical hits and
precision damage do not apply to this damage.


Is this considered a SINGLE ATTACK, or does the PC get to make MULTIPLE ATTACKS based on their current BAB and active spells (Haste etc.)?

I read it as a single attack, but it is not super clear.

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As I prep the Realm of the Frozen Tears, I see that once the party enters the White Death Diadem, there is a statue with Black Diamond Eyes. If the party takes them, it will summon Inkariax in 1d6 rounds.

Now I am 100% certain my party will take the diamonds - they simply can not pass up on any treasure - they literally loot anything that is not bolted down, and even them they will unbolt it and take it (weight and size restriction applying).

So what happens with Inkariax shows up. Obviously this is a TPK encounter, but also a learning experience for the party.

Any suggestions on how to run this?

My thought was he appears in the form of a libitinarii kyton and demand that the PCs return the diamonds to their rightful place or that Inkariax himself will strike them down. If the party doesn't comply, the first one to back talk, or to take an aggressive tone gets hit with the unnerving gaze, as he tells them to stop their aggression.

If they persist, on the next round he transforms into his normal form, and full attacks the one with the diamonds - in all likelyhood this will kill any one person in the party (except the bloodrager as he has 270HP).

after that round I would again tell them to stop hostilities, and now not only shall they leave the diamonds, but that he would demand a tribute to not kill them all. my though is a tribute of 50,000gp of items and gold. at this point they had 3 chances, if they don't take the hint, he would attempt to wipe the party. - of course that is not what I want to happen, and I would make it clear to the party at this point they are in the presence of a demigogue and know they are way over matched.

any thoughts or other suggestions how to handle this

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I was building how a new player who wanted to play a regular character of a certain race would build. It was NOT a min-max build.

Can people stop calling anything below 10 a dump stat - it isn’t. Only when you deliberately drop a stat so you can raise another one is it a dump stat.

Even if it were a 10, tell me once when anyone have played a full scenario when the front liner only required a single heal. Cause after that you are SOL anyway if you roll bad

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Dire Ursus wrote:
Also it sounds like you're a player but you're looking through the bestiary and scenarios? That's kinda cheating.

I am both a player and GM (3 Stars). I am looking at the play test from both sides for that reason. Hard for me to run a game as a GM without reading the Bestiary and scenerio

Never dumped Cha - I rolled a character like someone who would as a new player - and a Dwarf starts with 8 in Cha. It is only considered dumping when you deliberately reduce the stat to raise something else.

The point is a single roll stops you from healing through potions for the rest of the day, and in PFS most scenarios take place in a single day. So in PFS a character who hits that 5% chance of a 1 is SOL for the rest of the Scenario.

I agree that as a GM I can add up the points, but without a RP count to start with, I have to count what they have for gear, and figure out their starting point based on what they are wearing then track the RP for each NPC as the fights go on. So thus the question is RP for PC only or for both PC and NPC?

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Should also point out, in looking through the playtest scenarios and bestiary i didn't find a single instance of NPCs or creatures being affected by resonance. Does this only affect PCs? is it assumed that an NPC always makes their roll to use a potion or a wand? if i missed resonance in the bestiary where do I find it in the statblock?

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I roll a play test character as a Dwarf fighter. Dwarf starts with 8 Charisma. so at level 1 gets a resonance pool of 0.

First combat, gets hit hard a couple times, tried to drink potion - Nat 1. character can no longer be healed without a Cleric casting heal on him.

Ooops no Cleric in party. sorry guys, I am done as a front liner for the day, will stand in the back until we can rest.

In PFS, i can count on one hand the number of times we had a true Healer in the party. Now without one, the game becomes fight - rest for 24 hours, move on, fight - rest for 24 hours - move on. especially at low levels.

Sure at higher levels people say oh you have enough levels that you can use your items, but you can't heal - and at high level games you have to be able to heal yourself in combat. and a single dice roll can ensure you are out of the fight for a full day.

as a single rule, this is enough to not play 2.0.