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Im looking to populate this for a group of 5 5th level players. Im just trying for a quest thatll give em a level, then they go into the main module. What Im looking for is a hard fight, but not impossible. Also looking to fine tune the timing on the doors, or does it look good as is? https://drive.google.com/open?id=1mGA94T4Uv8uuXPgBNmFGpPujyxaD8bnGWEY0OnpDI Yg ![]()
How does flying a mount in combat work? The DM was confused and has ruled that if youre on a flying mount, you dont make ride checks, that the flying creature has to make fly checks and you maker ride checks to stay on. That makes very little sense to me as for one this is a Crusader class skill's bonded mount (the same DM let me tame and ride a giant eagle as a Crusader mount). For two; you dont have to use your horse's ride check when mounted, right? Need to know how this is supposed to work as per RAW. The DM is fairly new, and we probably made a mistake in letting the flying mount in in the first place, but the rules he's looking at dont make sense either and I want to figure out where to point him to. If I cant have the flying mount, Im actually fine with that, I just dont want to screw it up later for those who CAN. ![]()
Paladins have to be Lawful Good RAW. Does that mean gods that are not lawful Good dont have paladins? How is that supposed to work? Its never made sense to me that say a Paladin who follows Sarenrae would be lawful good when the god is neutral good. Or does the paladin devote himself to following the rules of that god, in fact becoming lawful good as far as the tenets of the church of Sarenrae? That just being an example, the same could be asked of Pharasma or does Pharasma not have Paladins? My main reason for asking is we're running a Kingmaker game in the seven kingdoms and the area is really NOT lawful good in any way, and playing what the DM thinks is a traditional paladin will get me killed quickly as fighting everything bad would indeed be VERY bad as there are criminals we're having to ally ourselves with just to stay alive, but at the same time, a paladin would be incredibly useful to have in the game. Im trying to figure out a way to get that without having to be lawful stupid because tyhats what the class is "supposed" to be -.- ![]()
I am running a dwarf Samurai, and am planning on going Battle Herald at some point by taking a bevel of Bard. I have grabbed up the Fortified Armor Training feat, and with my bard level will gain the mending spell, and I need to know how many HP Tatami-do armor has, as I cant seem to find out where that is, also the same for a large steel shield. ![]()
The Cleric Im playing is a Merciful Healer. Ill include the stats and what not to help but I was wondering what would be the best Prestige class to aim for (or even to aim for one at all). He's built as a healer (obviously) Human (Garundi) Cleric (Merciful Healer), lvl 1 Alternate racial trait Heart of the Sun (we're in a desert climate, Legacy of fire) Domain: Restoration Abilities: Str: 12
Skills: Craft: Alchemy (0 ranks, Ill put one in here at lvl 2 but its for detect poison and such spells)
Feats: Dodge
Traits: Flame of the Dawnflower
Any suggestions on the build as is would be appreciated as well ![]()
Jotungrip says you can use 2h weapons as 1h weapons, but Massive Weapons says you can use weapons too large for you. Does that mean you can use two two handed Large weapons (assuming you are medium)? Or can you just use one Large weapon and use two medium two handed weapons Better yet CAN you dual wield 2h weapons at all? Im trying to build this in Hero Labs but it wont let me dual wield them ![]()
One of these came up in a game, the other was just something I thought of. If the wizard in the group casts light on the rogue's shirt (yeah he was that guy) and the rogue uses a oil of invisibility, what happens? What does invisible light look like? The other was if you have a weapon thats 17-20 to crit, but you need an 18 to hit, what happens when you roll a 17? ![]()
A few questions about mind affecting spells. Spells like Dominate Mind dont stop when the BBEG is killed right? It doesnt end until the spell expires or something stops the spell (Dispel)? If someone is affected by a mind control type spell (like suggestion or dominate person) and then are affected by another mind affecting spell (like charm person or hypnotism) what happens? Does the higher level spell override the lower or what? The DM threw things like this at us tonight, Im the barbarian (and the only melee character in the group really) and when I failed those will saves, the others in our group started trying to mind control me back (also being annoyed when Im doing my utmost to kill the party when I get commanded to do exactly that - which kind of annoyed me given that thats what I HAVE to do; thats what those spells do). I think our DM may not have known exactly how to handle it and I dont either so I figured Id ask. ![]()
Can you use vital strike as part of a Pounce charge (as it allows you to use a full attack at the end and not just the regular a charge allows)? When you use Vital Strike, if you have a second attack due to high base attack, can you still use that attack afterwards or are you limited to one attack? As it doesnt seem to say ![]()
The guy at the table who, instead of creating their own guy copy/pastes a guy from a book/other media and inserts him into the game we're playing. I have a barbarian, couldnt think of a name, named him Cohen the barbarian. BUT - and heres the important bit - he's a half orc. Were I the guy Im talking about here, Id have made him a dwarf and just copy/pasta everything from Discworld into his character background, then RPed the character in the game. For instance, someone whose Halfling rogue happens to be named Tasselhoff Burrfoot and has info copied from the Dragonlance books/Wiki into the background for the guy.
Just doesnt sit well with me
The caster can work for up to 8 hours each day. He cannot rush the process by working longer each day, but the days need not be consecutive, and the caster can use the rest of his time as he sees fit. If the caster is out adventuring, he can devote 4 hours each day to item creation, although he nets only 2 hours' worth of work. This time is not spent in one continuous period, but rather during lunch, morning preparation, and during watches at night. If time is dedicated to creation, it must be spent in uninterrupted 4-hour blocks. This work is generally done in a controlled environment, where distractions are at a minimum, such as a laboratory or shrine. Work that is performed in a distracting or dangerous environment nets only half the amount of progress (just as with the adventuring caster). What is considered adventuring? Would it be the downtime we have between when we get to where we're going and where we're from? In our game; we have a boat we tend to use when traveling. Would working on that boat be considered safe enough not to be considered adventuring or what? ![]()
The GM wants to make it "fair" for everyone - honestly that part doesnt make sense to me being that our crafters create stuff for EVERYONE; we make it "fair" all on our own. Its not like we're muleing one guy with all the stuff and making them a god. "11. Creating Items the official Rule:
Mind you we're running a slow experience game so the main problem Im looking at is the real possibility that we'll get gold capped and have to wait a month or two in real life (if not longer) to get to wear an item that takes a day to craft in game. How do ppl here do crafting in their games?
Is there anywhere that has this chart? Like if Im weilding a greatsword and get enlarge personed where do I find the next size category for the damage the now large greatsword does? I tried weapon size in the ogc and got nothing like what I was looking for.
Someone noted when I was talking about the damage you can do with a lance/spirited charge, someone pointed out that the abilities double/triple the dice as well as the straight damage the weapon does. IE Lance 1d8+17 (friend of mine's character with Dragoon spear benefits, +1 lance and Power attack) so it does 2d8+34 when used as part of a charge attack?
Never played a Bard OR a Cavalier, and Battle Herald seems to be a combination of both and may fill a role in our party later on, also being different enough from the class Im currently playing to peak my interest. Given that Ive never played either of the two classes combining into the prestige class (I love doing new things), what would you, the general forum populace suggest for a build for the thing lol ![]()
Can polearms/reach weapons not normally attack enemies in adjacent squares? I ask as I was looking at Polearm Master Fighter archetype and saw this: At 2nd level, as an immediate action, a polearm master can shorten the grip on his spear or polearm with reach and use it against adjacent targets. This action results in a –4 penalty on attack rolls with that weapon until he spends another immediate action to return to the normal grip. The penalty is reduced by –1 for every four levels beyond 2nd. Because if you can; this ability makes no sense ![]()
Ive only seen one in play once before but he was equally levelled and had more HP than the Barbarian in our group. Is this class typically very powerful in general as compared to the other classes?
Ill post it here since I cant find specific class subforums to post in. Also; is there a site where I can upload a character sheet or build one online so I can link the character rather than have to type it out here? Im starting a game where Im playing a barbarian, and Im playing an Armored Hulk archetype with a +1 keen greatsword. So far what I have for him as far as rage powers/feats/traits is Rage power:
Im looking to make him hard to kill, hence the armored hulk, guarded life, and furious tenacity, and to augment his ability with the greatsword (as we're playing kingmaker and we've been warned that we wont be seeing magic items much by our DM). The next feat I plan on taking will be Vital Strike. What feats should I be looking for? What are known as the "best" damaging feats for the Barbarian? There are so freaking many choices, I tend to get swamped with them and then miss primely useful things that I dont ever find out till later I should have taken and Ive never had the option of a forum like this to be able to ask these questions on. ![]()
Do Brute (Orc)
and Killer
I was playing a game as a Witch, basic build, I really cant remember it right now but the part I DO remember is having picked the Sleep hex. I voluntarily retired the character after we got to the leader of the band of bad guys (the boss fight), I got within 30 feet, Sleep Hexxed him, he rolled a 1 on the Will, the rest of the party walked up and coupe-de-graced him to death Now I get you play as a spellcaster , you can get the Sleep spell, but that has a hard limit of 4 HD. The Sleep Hex doesnt. There was another guy who made a Witch who knew every single first level spell (I cant remember how but it was all legal, our DM went over it with a fine toothed comb when he say how thick his spell list was). This class seems to need some fine tuning to make it in line with the rest. Is that just our limited experiences? Most of the new classes seem to have this issue. They just dont seem to scale well in comparison with the rest of the base classes ![]()
Add to the fact I havent run a game in 8 years or so and then never in Pathfinder.
Also; when figuring XP; a in game NPC joined the party to help, making the group 9. Should I split the xp 9 ways instead of 8 or shouldnt npcs impact xp? ![]()
We werent entirely sure how this worked in the game tonight, and I figured Id ask here, maybe get it cleared up. The dragon in question had bite, 2 claws, 2 wings, and tail slap. It also had multiattack. Does that mean it gets to attack with all its natural attacks at -2 each, or does it get an extra attack at -2 so two total? ![]()
It says in the book that you get two spells per level you can cast per level you ... um level.
Ive always found that rather vague