dunelord3001 wrote:
buddahcjcc wrote:
Can you use vital strike as part of a Pounce charge (as it allows you to use a full attack at the end and not just the regular a charge allows)?
No, it can't used with a charge. Pounce changes how your charge action works, it doesn't provide you with choices on how to use a Charge, else it would say so. Charge is either a full round action, or a standard action on rounds you can only use a standard action. Vital strike is a standard action. Characters are only allowed one standard action per turn, or one full round action per turn. There are very few ways, if any, to have more then one standard action per turn and most of those involve doing something that would normally be a standard as swift, like a quickened spell.
Vital Strike
Actions in the SRD
buddahcjcc wrote:
When you use Vital Strike, if you have a second attack due to high base attack, can you still use that attack afterwards or are you limited to one attack? As it doesn't seem to say
No. An attack action is one attack which takes a standard action to make one attack. To get more the one attack requires a full-attack action, which is a full round action. Therefore it can not be used with Vital Strike.
Attack Action in SRD
Full-Attack Action in SRD
Wow that makes that feat all but worthless. Thanks for the warning