
brother ehhnnzioh's page

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Full round action your place in the initiative order, 1 round action continues until the start or your next action.

You get the AC bonus when using a bow, the "you can use a bow or crossbow without penalty" covers you here

Why would you say there was going to be a dragon, also Kobolds without some form of dragon? What's with that?

I have managed to find a replacement through friends who's last game just wrapped up so I should be sorted to continue on the epic adventures of the dragonborn

I finally grew a pair myself and had the difficult chat with player who has decided to drop out.

Darth Grall wrote:
Now that said, you should talk to the problem player out of game like a responsible adult. Explain how the Dragon wasn't a big threat by CR, show him the stats on the thing so he can see how things were. Explain how the Wand would let you guys get around its acid. And explain, that if you guys decide to fly around invisibily while the others are forced to fight the thing; yeah you're going to lose.

They know the stats they are experienced players, I had a post game chat with two of the players(including the disruptive one) to which their argument was they don't have a tank to deal with melee threats(the party's highest ac being 21 pre-buff) and the wand means nothing as they didn't know what kind of dragon they were facing despite the hints left for them. The group is just used to being able to stroll into encounters unbuffed and at most cast a haste or drink a potion once the combat begins.

DM_Blake wrote:

Look, you knew before you posted it that this was a reasonable challenge. CR is +2 above the party APL which makes it a nice challenge but not unreasonable, especially since the party can prepare in advance with resist energy and wasn't resource depleted.

Your real question is what to do about a whiny troublesome player. That's a whole different question.

Me, I would take him aside and talk to him, one on one, about what he wants from the game, what you want from it, and figure out if you two can game together or not. Then you'll have your answer.

That was the real question yes spurned on by the events of the game. I guess it was more an attempt to vent a little as I felt the encounter that caused the "incident" and to see if other DM's would think this encounter was within the powerscale of what they would expect their own parties to cope with.

The magus is a hexcrafter with the healing hex and alchemist has the discovery where he can dish out his concoctions so they have enough healing after wand supplements

Turin the Mad wrote:

Barf on 'em all, death roll the rest 'neath logs to marinade.

This is a difficult, but doable encounter - especially if they're on the higher end of the point buy spectrum or its equivalent.

Players are on 23 point buy so well above what the bestiary CR is based on

Kolokotroni wrote:
APL is essentially 6 (level 7 3 people). The monster is CR 8. How is that unreasonable? Difficult? Probably, but not unreasonable. Was the party out of resources or something? I mean everyone but the rogue has limited use abilities and without those they are not particularly useful, but if the alchemist still had bombs, and the magus spells it should have been a managable encounter.

Everyone was close to full hp, Magus had all spells slots, alchemist still had about 4 bombs left

The area was relatively wide and open, the players and dragon had access to the full cavern system.

I should also add that before the combat began the dragon offered 2 options, the first being go home tail tucked between your legs or go after the artifact that had been moved from the dragons lair that the party were tasked to get, and die for their efforts. The dragon gave a bit of plot about who currently has the artifact so if the party took option one they could plan and regroup to get the artifact another way. The party unfortunately took option 2. There was nearly a TPK until one party member offered his life in exchange for some information. (The magus was flying invisibly outside after escaping) The dragon flew him close to where the magus was and dropped him from a great height causing a dramatic scene where the player dropped was caught just above the tree canopy by the magus. Yet still the players still think the encounter was too powerful for the group, except for the player that was dropped who thought it was an epic amazing encounter.

This has lead to me wanting to drop one of the player due to the way he was arguing about it. But if I drop him then it would damage a friendship and cause the game to be dropped as I couldn't replace him(there aren't any other free players in our gaming circles).

So in a dragon focused campaign with subtle warnings of a dragon dwelling cavern, my level 7 party of 3 (Magus, Alchemist and Rogue)found it unreasonable to find a juvenile black dragon waiting for them at the end of the cavern system. This was meant to be an epic encounter as this was their first major "boss" encounter. I had given them a wand of resist energy and had quite a bit of acid around the cave to lead them more to to ward the dragons type to being black.

Do you guys on the boards think this encounter be unreasonable as most of my group seemed to think?

Included in the treasure horde were 2 scrolls of raise dead (party has high UMD) incase things went sour and only one survived.

You'd also be able to tell if Terry the Fighter is evil even though he is a level 1 Tiefling disguised as a human

Samsung Galaxy S3

As far as I recall the rending claw feat doesn't actually give you a rend attack, it just adds 1d6 extra to the 2nd claw if the first claws hits. Very similar to rend but technically not a rend.

What about humanoid human for punishing those evil necromancers that create those foul beings?

Lots of questions there

1) any randomizer where every outcome has an equal chance, coin toss, names in a hat, dice roll. So long as every outcome has a fair chance of occurring.

2) You heal 1 HP per character level over night using the heal skill this would increase to 2 HP per level.

3) Yes.

4) I thinks its in the game master guide not sure where sorry :(

5) Page 195 of the core rule book will have your answers.

6) It's not wrong to do this so long as you are prepared for the character to not be at his best for future encounters until they retrieve it. It will ensure he makes a back up or protects his current one better. My wizards tend to use their spell books as pillows, very hard to move it without him knowing.

6.5) Everyone needs 8 hours rest, I play it 6 hours sleep 1 hour either side for making camp eating, relaxing etc. casters can use one of these hours for prep time

Your Favoured Class is any class that you take, chosen at level 1 (though it doesn't need to be the class you take at level 1) The +1 HP/Skill point is on top of those you normally receive.

Yes, all stat increases are retroactive in pf so going int 13 to int 14 will grant you the extra skill points

Anything from the "core line" is allowed, if playing in golarion all splats are accepted too. Only thing not accepted is summoners and gunslingers are on a case by case.

Walking up the waterfall, no. Using the waterfall as an elevator, yes. Just my 2cp

They cast arcane spells, don't see why they can't qualify

I would say yes to the +10, the focus is not a favoured enemy bonus, its a misc bonus which will stack.

An addition to 5) when you take more non lethal than your total health, any additional non lethal becomes lethal.

3) you can coup de grace with an unarmed strike though not a grapple.

I believe its in the climb skill description

CRB Page 91 said wrote:
Catch yourself when falling: its practically impossible to catch yourself on a wall while falling, yet if you wish to attempt such a difficult task, you can make a Climb check (DC = wall's DC + 20)

At my games there are slight memory gaps for the returning soul. It's a bit more flavourful instead if I've paid my gold now I'm back from the dead, all in a days work attitude some people get.

I'm thinking a lot of npc's may have the advanced template whacked onto the and gestalt'd on the fly as the encounters play out

I think it will be interesting to see it in action, I have my first characters decided upon and I'm looking forward to seeing how they have been mixed. I have a gnome druid/cavalier and a possibly human ninja/sorcerer which will be interesting.

I have almost the opposite problem with my groups rise of the runelords party, we are full of ranged combatants and I'm stuck in melee on my own as a Kensai bladebound magus. I take a lot of hits.

Thanks for the advice, I knew from the get go I would be in for more work with a gestalt party. I am fairly confident that my party will be highly optimized as they tend to be.

This is purely an experiment on my part as I've never been in or ran a gestalt game before and wanted to see how it plays. I don't think that encounters should be massively bumped up as the parties HP and to hit shouldn't be massively affected by the power boost. It's more they have a higher pool of resources to play with. So maybe add in a few encounters to manage that aspect.

I agree about not adding gestalt to npc's as I believe it may become an exercise in optimization between me and the players, which neither of us would enjoy.

Hey all, I'm running my first ever gestalt game, planning on doing council of thieves as a basis for the game, I'm in need of advice on how to modify encounters to factor in for the power increase the pc's will have. Do I make the npc's gestalt as well and up the CR of monster encounters? Or is there more to do than that?

The most you can alter a spell is making the spell the highest you can cast, so a 1st or 2nd level wizard can only have effective level 1 spells.

You get the maximum for your associated hit dice from your class and add your con modifier, then any conditional modifiers from feats or favoured class this is your starting HP

I'm of the school of thought her SR would increase with her hit dice so her SR would be 10+hit dice to give her her initial 18 raising it to 24 with the sorcerer levels.

Cowjuicer wrote:

There is a better way than merciful item sundering.

1. Be a Drunken Brute barbarian (APG archetype). Every round you drink an alcoholic beverage, you can rage without spending a round of rage.

2. Get the Flask of Infinite Sake (I believe that's the name), an item that can be found in one of the Jade Regent books (I'll go check to see which one).

3. Muzzle yourself with the Flask of Infinite Sake.

4. Drink constantly. (Perhaps combine with a Ring of Sustenance to obviate the need for breathing and eating.)

5. Infinite rounds of rage.

Wins the game!

Aranna wrote:


I will never forget the horror on my players faces when they discovered the field of purple flowers. That and plant people with class levels are fun too.

Assassin Vines!!!!!!!

3)Undead as long as its not incorporeal
4)Evil Outsiders

My goals would be similar to Dosgamer, nothing longterm, live for today get a well earnerd rep as the baddest mother on the planet, your day consists of eat sleep and pillage. Party members are there to help you in your goals but as soon as they arent pulling their weight, they are slowing you down.

There was a greatbow in 3.5, it was an exotic weapon IIRC and did a d10 base damage range 130ft cost 115, this is from memory though.

Diego Rossi wrote:
brother ehhnnzioh wrote:
blackbloodtroll wrote:
Yes, you get the +2 from charging on all attacks during a pounce attack.
If you get the +2 to all attacks when charging why wouldn't you get the +2d6 to all attacks when charging? Each attack is a charge attack therefore each attack should get the +2 to attack roll and +2d6 to damage.

Why these questions are related?

You get the +2 to attack when charging because the rules about charging say that:

Attacking on a Charge wrote:

After moving, you may make a single melee attack. You get a +2 bonus on the attack roll and take a –2 penalty to your AC until the start of your next turn.

A charging character gets a +2 bonus on combat maneuver attack rolls made to bull rush an opponent.

Even if you have extra attacks, such as from having a high enough base attack bonus or from using multiple weapons, you only get to make one attack during a charge.

You get +2d6 to all attacks when charging if you are wearing rhino hide and its magic work, because that is the magic item power.

Rhino Hide wrote:

This +2 hide armor is made from rhinoceros hide. In addition to granting a +2 enhancement bonus to AC, it has a –1 armor check penalty and deals an additional 2d6 points of damage on any successful charge attack made by the wearer, including a mounted charge.

Note that the magic item don't give any to hit bonus when charging.

I wasnt implying the +2 to hit was related to the armour, merely the +2 is an active part of a charge attack. The +2d6 from a charge because of the armour should apply to any attack on the charge because all of the pounce attacks are part of a charge, they are each given that +2 bonus to hit because of charging rules.

In my eyes because the attacks get the +2 to hit they should each be modified by anything that affects a characters charge, such as RAGEPOUNCELANCE, I don't see why the rhino hides modifications differ from that.

blackbloodtroll wrote:
Yes, you get the +2 from charging on all attacks during a pounce attack.

If you get the +2 to all attacks when charging why wouldn't you get the +2d6 to all attacks when charging? Each attack is a charge attack therefore each attack should get the +2 to attack roll and +2d6 to damage.

We have had similar issues in the past within my group, we're of the same age group and our solution was the GM telling those involved he didnt want to GM for them if this style of play was to continue. Players checking rules is fine by me, if and only if, it affects gameplay at the time and is a matter of character life or death. I expect my players to know all the rules that are relevant to their character including spells if they are casters so they arent looking up their own abilities every 2 minutes within a session.

If they take issue with one of your calls tell them of 5 very important rules


I tend towards either CG or CN chaos beckons me.

I suppose putting it that way isnt too bad then lol.

Plus as he is summoning his stats arent too important for the most part and is doing very well for his spell durations (summon monster 1 lasts 3 rounds just now)

My Sorcerer has finally seen play :)

Stats were rolled (poorly)

Str 10
Dex 14
Con 12
Int 12
Wis 10
Cha 18

AC 12

HP 8

Spell Focus Conj
Augment Summoning

Younger Sibling Amiko
Precocious Spell Casting

EDIT the character played well despite being worried about amount of spell I could cast

We had a similar story line in an Ebberon game where the child was the enbodyment of the silver flame and had to protect her from the people that wanted to hurt her, she also had a demonic invisible friend who would maul people who hurt her feelings. We couldnt leave her alone. Most of the party wanted to palm her off as soon as we could but she kept on turning up as part of our destiny. Its a long story arc of protecting her you have

Im a great fan of having bait.

In a game of Iron Kingdoms last night there was a discussion of who would get some steam armour between me (the fighter) and the party rogue who is a bit of an idiot. I let the rogue have it because he thought looks cool. We go into a known combat (as opposed to those pesky unknown combats) all of the enemy archers target him which I was very thankful for being extremely low on the HPs.

Bait is the best thing to have if your low on anything.

I do it one of two ways; first if its a new campaign I think of something that would be "cool" to play two of my favourite and longest lasting characters have came about this way Daedelus Greatness a 3.5 human bard who was destined to be great at everything he endeavoured to do. The other my sig character Brother Ehhnnzioh a half orc monk with the drunken master archetype, a brutal personality and an angry drunk centred on self perfection through alcohol.

The other method is to see what an established party would need and filling that niche and finding a fun way to do it. Both methods involve some min/maxing for abilities and feats but I dont see the harm in that as you dont want to be bad to mediocre at something you should be good at.

You have a +13 when jumping excluding ranks etc

Im going to be playing as a Tian Tattooed Sorcerer (Celestial Bloodline) once my CC game wraps up

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