
brightknight's page

Goblin Squad Member. Organized Play Member. 27 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


Liberty's Edge

Cleric! I don't get the question. Are there any other classes?

Liberty's Edge

Thank you Paizo for saving my kind of D&D.

Liberty's Edge

* Counter:
* ========
* - Austria: 2
* - Germany: 7
* - Switzerland: 0
* Place of residence: Saarland / Germany

Liberty's Edge

Stebehil wrote:

I recieved my pathfinder beta today, and the package did not contain any padding for the goods within (only one book, in this case). The damage to the book is very minor, but still, with a little padding, this could have been avoided entirely. As I also had this with the PFCS and the other books included in that shipment, I ask you to look into your standards of packaging the books if they come in a box.

I don´t need a replacement or anything, but if I get new books, I want them to look new, as I´m very fussy about my books.

I noticed positively that the PF beta needed just under two weeks to reach me - quite speedy, I think.


Same book, same problem.

I don´t need a replacement either, you were more than generous with the replacement of the Campaign Setting.

What I just don’t understand. Why do you invest hundreds of dollars in replacement books instead of some cents in padding material to prevent all the damage?

Liberty's Edge

Dryder wrote:


Still awaiting a response to my eMails...

btw here are some pics of my book!


bump again

I am still waiting and praying.

Liberty's Edge

Ditto. Pictures sent.

Liberty's Edge

My box was not opened by the German customs, but all books are also damaged, the Campaign Setting HC is a very sorry sight.

Liberty's Edge

hogarth wrote:
brightknight wrote:

Just great!

Now I have to buy the English stuff for me, and the German translations for my wife.

You and your wife don't share a language in common? I don't know whether to say "Poor you!" or "Lucky you!".


Who cares for languages of RPG's as long as we share the language of love. ;-)

I consider me a "Lucky you" as long as I don’t have do fight with my wife over the rules of the game.

Liberty's Edge

Just great!

Now I have to buy the English stuff for me, and the German translations for my wife.

Who pays my mortgage now?

Liberty's Edge

I agree whole heartedly with the OP.

Pathfinder is the best D&D money can buy!

Liberty's Edge

Dragon 327 p.37

Hauling methods and treasure weight

Dragon 341 p. 61

Speeds and carrying capacities of mounts

Liberty's Edge

Germany, 66386 St. Ingbert

Liberty's Edge

# 9 was already enough

Liberty's Edge

Padraig wrote:
David Marks wrote:

Hmm. Is there anyway to spell grognard with a 3?

(I prefer pro-4E and anti-4E when I am forced to categorize positions, myself. I think it is human nature to band together into tribes, and no matter what we call the those who refuse to let DnD go silently into 4E, I suspect it will come to possess negative connotations given time. More than DudeMonkey implies, I'd chalk this up to the natural inclination in us all.)

Cheers! :)

How about grogn3rd? then you kind of get "nerd" for free... just a thought.

I'd like to see and wear a "grogn3rd!" T-Shirt.

Liberty's Edge


The soul of D&D will rise again!

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder: the best D&D that money can buy!

Liberty's Edge

Can someone please tell me how I can cancel my membership at ENWorld?

Liberty's Edge

I've pre-ordered one Beta print and one Final print.

In late 2009 I will probably order four more Hardcover.

Liberty's Edge

And a third Happy Birthday from Germany

Three German rebels? That’s not just like us.

Liberty's Edge

Happy birthday!

Is any piece of Pathos cake left for me?

Liberty's Edge

Kobold Cleaver wrote:
brightknight wrote:

1) Forgotten Realms (Recently destroyed)

2) Planescape (No longer supported)

3) Spelljammer (No longer supported)

What did I do wrong?

Are they destroyed/not supported, perhaps, due to the edition change?

Sorry Kobold Cleaver for the delayed response.

Keveras is right. The Realms are technically not destroyed, but modified in a way, that I consider them destroyed.

Liberty's Edge

1) Forgotten Realms (Recently destroyed)

2) Planescape (No longer supported)

3) Spelljammer (No longer supported)

What did I do wrong?

Liberty's Edge

Another German volunteer.

Liberty's Edge

I would like to subscribe to Pathfinder if you could offer a cheaper
shipmentrate for European/German subscriber.

USD 6,95 for a single Issue is not tempting, even considering the 30%
discount off Pathfinder's cover price.

So I have to support my FLGS.

Liberty's Edge

Second try, first one vanished

1)My alignment stays lawful Anti-4E.I wont convert.

2)Well, you know. My alignment stays lawful Anti-4E. But I will buy non-4E Paizo products

3)I will even buy socks full of dirt if you label them 3.5

Liberty's Edge

1)My alignment stays lawful Anti-4E.

2)Well, you know. My alignment stays lawful Anti-4E.

3)I will even buy socks full of dirt if you label them 3.5

Liberty's Edge

Congrats from babaric Germany :-)

Have a happy Christine Schneider Day!