
brandon iajecznyk's page

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The best i've seen was similar to an old Dragon Ball Z episode with freeza...

The PCs, as a group, wished that everyone who has died by the hand of the big demon bad guy was alive again.
Mind you, the wish was granted by a Pleroma Aeon (the floating guy holding the sphere of creation and oblivion in bestiary 2)

Liz Courts wrote:
I think it's too coral for your complexion...Thread title fixed. :)

I always mess that up when spelling Rogue/Rouge! Thanks :P

Back on the topic....

Andrew R wrote:
If one routinely commits evil for their own benefit what are they but evil?

I agree with this ^^^

But, if i were to convert the PC's alignment now, i wouldn't know where to go with it other than NE. Because when i think CE, i picture mindless slaughter just for fun.

So i find this PC is stuck between CN and NE somehow.

Maybe even LE would make sense? because lawful could represent following a personal code, not the laws of the world itself.

Thanks for all the advise!

To be a little more specific, the Rogue actively seeks out wealthy NPCs, uses diplomacy to convince them to bring her home with them, and proceeds to rob them...using the money she finds to buy herself a shiny new crossbow.

As far as the laws go, i don't think they are relevant because I'm wondering about the morality of the PC, not their lawful/chaotic nature.

I like the idea of adding bluff checks to the diplomacy to make the task more difficult for her. Also, "Lord Pendragon" had a good idea about gradually changing her alignment until she starts being affected by spells/effects that harm evil.

In a game that i am currently running, there is a CN rouge/shadow dancer who fancies herself as a prostitute. She coaxes male NPCs (with plenty of successful diplomacy checks) into the crime, and then proceeds to rob them of their valuables before sneaking out the following day.
Is this evil? and what should be done if so?