Cayden Cailean

bluewaterz's page

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ok so you think that having a ranged weapon that can be used for melee lets say a +1 flaming burst thats 18k gold..

having a melee weapon costing 18k
and a ranged weapon costing 18k
thats 36k

i think the weapon designed to 2 things
A: time of swapping (changing from melee to ranged)
B: and not provoving AoO (by changing)

alot of gunslinger builds i seen dont have quickdraw
and even with quick draw, alot of people need to drop the item on the ground and draw the other.

making it so we never need to swap items

that concept is amazing
and a weapon that costs 18k buts true value is worth 36k

so still not over powered?

I assume it's a double weapon. Having a plus +1 ranged weapon and a +1 melée weapon for the cost of 1 item with a duel purpose would be op.

using double revolvers gives me 3 rounds to fire all my shots... i was planning on drawing and dropping changing and keep going pick them up after battle is over... saving a feat and using lvl 11 at lv5 not running into problems

i say keep pumping dexthats your dmg pony. int is also good for the skills i created one at 3 its lv5 atm

14 str +2
21 dex +5
12 con +1
12 int +1
16 wis +3
8 cha -1

my group use's roll 4d6 drop the lowest 7 times drop the lowest number keep 6 plus roll 3 sets pick the best set. not point buy

thats 5 kill point a lvl being human

lv 1 quick draw
human twoweapon fighting
lv 3 point blank
lv 4 rapid shot
lv 5 deadly aim

by 7 i plan on grabbing imp 2 weapon fighting
by 8 craft master (making your own magic pistols owns!!)

hope this helps

i think doubling the weapon dice per atk would be a quick fix 2 that problem instead of 1d12 doing 2d12 so 3 shots landing doing 6d12.

my post was about the lv 5 advancement and it working just fin do avoid single dips. first being pistols at 5 and the riffle at lv9 then i went on to my furture plans on a riffle that was thrown out the window but was relivent to the topic.
but obviously it was the opinion of one person.

I disagree I feel we gunslingers have a great advantage over class's like rangers. With at lv 12 a grand total of 7-8 shots at min 21-max28 a crit max is 112 dmg with exploding dice your 1 shotting dragons. I was planning on getting a +1 thundering riffle of distance and speed. That's 5 shots with dead shot. My only concern is getting bonus dmg at 5 but it's to stop single dips like 1 gunslinger 9 rogue.