blakbuzzrd |
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Our campaign is terrifically juvenile, in the way that 8th-grade boys are juvenile: full of horribly offensive humor that hits pretty much every possible button for insensitivity. Sometimes it feels like a dare to see who will manage to actually offend the rest of us first. No one has yet succeeded.
There isn't any zone of humor that is off-limits. At one point we made a bunch of bingo boards to meta-game our sessions with: the squares contained most of the recurring tropes in our humor. We actually can't play at the married fellas' houses, because we don't want our spouses to hear the paint-peeling language and dialog.
In terms of campaign effect, this layer of immaturity helps us banter and keep the action light. OTOH, because we aren't deadpan "roleplaying," sometimes we aren't paying close enough attention to solve necessary puzzles. Bungling is a way of life.
In sum, my campaign is the story of possibly the most ineffective party of adventurers ever, who spend most of their time ridiculing one another and everything around them.
It's like Arrested Development in Golarion.