
blakbuzzrd's page

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Our campaign is terrifically juvenile, in the way that 8th-grade boys are juvenile: full of horribly offensive humor that hits pretty much every possible button for insensitivity. Sometimes it feels like a dare to see who will manage to actually offend the rest of us first. No one has yet succeeded.

There isn't any zone of humor that is off-limits. At one point we made a bunch of bingo boards to meta-game our sessions with: the squares contained most of the recurring tropes in our humor. We actually can't play at the married fellas' houses, because we don't want our spouses to hear the paint-peeling language and dialog.

In terms of campaign effect, this layer of immaturity helps us banter and keep the action light. OTOH, because we aren't deadpan "roleplaying," sometimes we aren't paying close enough attention to solve necessary puzzles. Bungling is a way of life.

In sum, my campaign is the story of possibly the most ineffective party of adventurers ever, who spend most of their time ridiculing one another and everything around them.

It's like Arrested Development in Golarion.

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I painted her for my RotRL campaign. Comments and criticism welcome!

Nualia of Burnt Offerings

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After casting around in search of the right solution for battlemat condition markers, I realized that there wasn't anything out there that was both immediately legible and completely unobtrusive. I like the Litko markers, but I don't like that the text of them is hidden by the mini. I like the Dark Platypus magnetic flags, but it seems like a lot of rigmarole, and it puts more clutter on the map. I have no desire to use those stacking magnet rings I've seen used elsewhere, and the pipe cleaner/rubberband options just looked bad IMO.

Yeah, I'm picky. Your point?

So I fired up Photoshop and made my own, as I'm sure many before me have done.

As I am currently just getting into the WorldWorks Games paper terrain, cardstock was a natural choice. That said, I wanted something that could be used either as a flat cardstock tag to slide under a mini, or -- in the case of close melee -- in such a way as to show the condition without it being hidden under the bases of surrounding minis.

I made a page of counters to include all possible states (many of them only rarely needed, but hey, it's paper, and I had room). In fact, the only condition left off was "broken," because I couldn't foresee ever needing that on a map.

Here are a few pics of what I came up with: pics of Pathfinder Counters

Here's how they work:

1. Print the .pdf page on 80 lb cardstock or similar. Regular paper works fine, too, but if you want them to last longer than a session, cardstock is a nice choice. NOTE: make sure your print page is set to print at 100% size (no scaling).

2. Grab some scissors (or if you are a papercraft adept, reach for your cutting mat, steel ruler and snap-off blade).

3. Decide whether you want the counters to lie flat on the map, or for the colored tabs to stand up vertically.

3a. If you choose the former, cut just below the colored tabs.

3b. If you choose the latter, cut just above the colored tabs.

That's it! So have at it by clicking the link below: cheap as free, peeps:

Pathfinder Condition Markers