bigtuffal's page

Organized Play Member. 6 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 2 Organized Play characters.


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Today, on the Ides of March, we release our first issue of The Journal of Dungeoneering for Hip and Attractive Professionals for free on our website and on Drivethru RPG. This issue contains an interview with a psychotherapist who uses TTRPGs in youth therapy, a memoir essay about joining a Pathfinder table, discussion about PFS Organized Play, the introduction to our GMs’ advice column (hosted by a Flumph), cats, maps, book reviews and more!
Check us out here:

or on DrivethruRPG!

Hi gang, I already put this up on twitter and some other places but it was suggested I post here.

My GM is saying that since Parry (main gauche, bo staff, etc) is listed as an interact/manipulate action, it provokes Attacks of Opportunity. While the RAW do seem to suggest this, I'm betting it isn't intended to provoke and that it is just missing the "this action doesn't trigger reactions" text. I think it would be made clearer in the text if it were supposed to be read as baiting an attack.

What do you guys think?

This show is worth a twitch sub IMHO

Getting it free on youtube is really cool

kaid wrote:
masda_gib wrote:

I'm more bugged by the fact that using a tower shield still counts as unamored.

A monk can't do tricky stuff as soon as their wear a leather armor but jumping around with a door strapped to their arm is fine. :D

Jackie chan could do it with a ladder a shield is probably childs play.


This is really encouraging to hear!

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Dude great job!