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taig wrote:
Jason Nelson wrote:
taig wrote:

** spoiler omitted **

Readerbreeder wins the roll off by 3, and APOPHIS1989 joins the repeat tiebreaker club with Uncle Teddy and Hellder (sorry about that, everyone!).

I'll be in touch with Readerbreeder soon.

Viva la losers! Readerbreeder gets a PDF of... roll...

Fort Scurvy!

Yo ho ho, email me and get yer piratey swag!

That would be bhampton, yes?

I win? Woohoo!!!'s because I lost :D :D :D

alright, sorry I've been out of touch the last few days, busy moving and internet sucks at new place...boooo

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J4RH34D wrote:

Bhampton rolled an 18! Keeping him in the position of luckiest least lucky person! Average of 16

He has also now edged himself into the average highest placing at 6.6

so is that unluckiest lucky, or luckiest unlucky? :D

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I would love to be on the receiving end of some free stuff, count me in!

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diemythtruth wrote:

ah i do see, thank you! - so just to repeat if i'm reading you correctly bhampton: he needs (at lvl. 5 Ranger) one more level in e.g. Ranger to get the BAB = 6 and then a further level in Wizard/Bard/Sorcerer to satisfy the final Arcane spell prerequisite. So essentially he has to level up 2 more times it seems? thank you again!

At the basic level, yes. He could also do, for instance, 2 levels of Bard which would give him the +1 to BAB as well as the first level spells. I don't think there are any classes that will give a +1 BAB and access to first level spells at 1st level, but I could be wrong.

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So Arcane Archer is a prestige class, that means once you have the pre-reqs, you can level up in that class rather than your other class(es). So in your son's case, he needs a BAB of +6, and the ability to cast Arcane as he's a straight Ranger, he only has the ability to cast Divine spells, so he would need to multiclass in something that adds the ability to cast Arcane spells, Bard, Sorcerer, Wizard, etc.
Does that make some sense?

Well, since people are still adding. I made one as a boon for my campaign for the party. It is the demi-plane of a retired wizard, who runs it with his family as a magic shop for adventurers. It is accessed via 1 of 2 portals, located in closets in the small magic shops his family runs (sell magical supplies and limited magic items, up to level 4).
Once an adventuring party has gained enough reputation, they are invited to the shop and brought to the demiplane. The plane itself is a wooden building, 3,000 sq feet (10 foot ceilings, 2 castings of create demiplane), a 2000 sq foot workshop area, with the features of an alchemy lab, artisans workshop, magical repository, storage, and storefront. A secure door leads to a staircase and a second story where the shop owner and family members have living quarters, a kitchen, dining areas, as well as a scrying room. The light is always a dull sunlit room, unless the shutters are closed in which the dull light ceases. The rooms are furnished to a high standard.
Not much, but I liked the idea of a high level magic shop only being accessible by owner invite, and accessed from a number of cities that the party may visit.

Java Man wrote:
A divine caster with a light shield so you can hold your weapon in your off hand while casting. I believe oracle and shaman are the usual preferences for melee on a full caster.

Create Reliquary to make your shield your holy symbol as a cleric?

Needs two feats though.

Morbid Eels wrote:

Please quote/link source if there is one?

Im not disputing them not being able to use combat expertise, but the other two feats dont have intelligence as a prerequisite - I cant find where it says you actually lose access to related feats that you still meet all the prerequisites for. The prerequisite of each style feat is having the combat expertise feat, not being able to use it.

Prerequisites wrote:

Your character must have the indicated ability score, class feature, feat, skill, base attack bonus, or other quality designated in order to select or use that feat.

A character can't use a feat if he loses a prerequisite,but he does not lose the feat itself.

You answered it yourself, I've bolded the appropriate part. The feats have Combat Expertise as a requirement, and they no longer have access to Combat Expertise.

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Yeah, I hear you. I think the same, personally, I love having the option of all the sourcebooks and companions, it gives so much flavour, but then I loved all the FR stuff from 3.x as well. I think give PF2 the same time and success that PF1 had, and it will end up being just as big.

Cuup wrote:

I did enlighten you - I thought I was very descriptive and thorough in citing my sources, but I guess I'll try to break it down further.

Based on all my quotes in the above post, here are the facts:

One of the things I found when talking about this on another thread, was that certain undead specifically talk about needing souls for their creation

Mummy wrote:
Although most mummies are created merely as guardians and remain loyal to their charge until their destruction, certain powerful mummies have much more free will. The majority are at least 10th-level clerics, and are often kings or pharaohs who have called upon dark gods or sinister necromancers to bind their souls to their bodies after death—usually as a means to extend their rule beyond the grave, but at times simply to escape what they fear will be an eternity of torment in their own afterlife.
Gravebound wrote:
Gravebound are hateful creatures formed when the souls of people who were buried alive return

Fuzzy-Wuzzy wrote:

also profession: tanner, trapper, woodcutter

(unclear how much these differ from craft: leather/traps/carpentry, but they're in the common professions list)

The way I see it, tanner is more of the production to get the base materials (tanned leather) that the leathercrafter uses, same as woodcutter (wood) for carpenter.

Just found a nice little line that sums it up

prd wrote:
A Craft skill is specifically focused on creating something. If nothing is created by the endeavor, it probably falls under the heading of a Profession skill.

So, the crafting is to make a specific item(s), where as the profession is just making money whilst not necessarily making anything (at least not making anything game mechanics wise).

craft: woodwork, leathercraft
profession: herbalist, forester
are some of the more obvious choices.

1: Do the characters have any magic rings or such? If yes, than why wouldn't they suspect that everything the prisoner has might be magical.
2:Have the characters been in combat before? If yes, than again, this is something they may foresee and as such would be fine.
3:It is meta-gamey, but that's quite easily solved by you roleplaying the ask "Hmm, my sword broke, can anyone fix it?" and cleric going "well, I am a cleric of you-know-who, let me pray on it and see if divine blessings can be given for our righteous fight", then resting and praying and next day casting.

There are a few archetypes in Ultimate Wilderness that might fit it, Cartographer or Natural Philosopher.

I'd say that's totally GM call. If there wasn't a lot of algae, I'd go with 12, if the rocks were covered I'd say 15.

I'd agree with LordKailas, they don't specify that you take a -4 unless proficient, and the Mystic Bolts doesn't say you need to gain Weapon Proficiency (Mystic Bolt) first in order to qualify for Weapon Focus. Also, the +1 bonus on Ectoplasmic Lash would be a bit redundant if it was at a -4.

Saffron Marvelous wrote:

I mean, if the character is illiterate, taking a level of wizard is basically just them calling themselves a wizard and gaining no benefit. Literacy is a given with any character in Pathfinder, so I'd imagine a character being specifically illiterate to also be low int, meaning they wouldn't be able to cast anything even if they could read.

Who is asking to suddenly make their illiterate character specifically into a wizard? Why? This example seems unrealistic to the point of being silly.

There is a barbarian archetype that is illiterate, not requiring low intelligence, he could still have high int to cast spells or to use school powers if that's what he wanted it for, for instance Divination school allows you to act in the surprise round even if you fail perception check (and adding +1 to init).

Yes, it was an unrealistic example (thought the correspondence course for a wizard heavily implied that), but it served my point that there are times when a level dip is unjustified and as a DM, after talking to the player, wouldn't allow it.

blahpers wrote:
Counterpoint: Is it so different from taking a rank of Linguistics on level-up and suddenly knowing ancient Thassilonian?

Not particularly, and I'd want to know some backstory on that as well, did he have a book he was working on translating, reading during rest time in camp, etc.

But, as a player, I'm the guy who takes coffee pots and such on adventures to add flavour (pun intended).

Triple necro....nice

As a GM, it would depend on the campaign, the player, what they were looking to achieve, and if it made sense. If we were in the middle of a 5 level dungeon crawl and the Barbarian suddenly said "I want to take a level of Wizard!" I'd want to know how he planned on doing the required Quik-Spell wizard correspondence course given that he was a) in a dungeon, and b) illiterate. If the party were in the middle of a wilderness campaign and the Barbarian said "hey, the ranger in the party is pretty awesome, and there are some handy things that a level in Ranger would give me, I stick to her side and learn a few things" and took a level, I'd be happy as a pig in....well, you know.

So yeah, context.

Sort of depends on what level you're thinking for them, and whether you want them to have NPC classes.
The obvious choice (for at least 1 level) is Aristocrat, gives Martial Weapon Prof as well as a good number of skills.
Otherwise, for Tara, Swashbuckler might be a good fit, sort of like Arya's lessons in Game of Thrones.
For Alester, depending on how you want the magic, a level of Wizard seems to make sense.
And for Kei, seems like Druid is an obvious choice if he takes regular class, otherwise maybe Adept instead of Aristocrat.

Just watched Boxtrolls again earlier today, you could have someone in town kidnapping the pets and pinning it on the goblins (as they've already met goblins, it won't be much of a stretch to make them think it might be them)...but on talking to some goblins they realise it wasn't them, and need to figure out why the person is doing it.

I just started a new campaign a few months ago with a new player. 1: Make sure they fit in with the group, both in terms of inter-personal dynamics, and character choices. If the group plays hyper-optimized characters, it may not be the best place for a new player to start, especially if they are filling in a key roll.
2: On that note, Fighters make good starting characters, with the caveat that the group is not expecting fully optimized damage. I started off our new player with a fighter, our group was ok with having a fighter who may not do the most damage any time. One thing about fighters though is there is a lot of feat choices, so it can be daunting for a new player to look through the books and try and pick what is the best feat for them. I talked to my player to get a feel of what kind of fighter he wanted to play, did he want to use 1 weapon, weapon and shield, 2 weapons, 2 handed weapon, ranged, then gave him a few feats to choose from that would bring about that and explain the feats to them. And be prepared to do this for multiple levels.

Let the other players help him out as well, but limit the meta-gaming.

On that note, accept a little meta-gaming from the new player, but let them know and what the limits are.

Be prepared for longer turns as they try to remember what everything is and does.

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As per Combat in the CRB; no

PRD wrote:

Direct or Redirect a Spell

Some spells allow you to redirect the effect to new targets or areas after you cast the spell. Redirecting a spell requires a move action and does not provoke attacks of opportunity or require concentration.

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Reverend Keaton wrote:

The building already had fire damage from a prior attempt.

Funny enough, this would actually mean the building would take longer to catch fire than had it not had fire damage. Charring on the wood acts as an insulator and protects the remaining wood underneath from catching fire.

Looks interesting, next campaign I might see if the GM will let me play it, otherwise I'll see about making an NPC.

The one thing I'm not too sure about is the Alignment restrictions, I see no reason why someone of a CG or NG couldn't advance beyond 10th level. I've known a few academics who would be on the side of LE and they tend to be harder to work with than one who is CG or NG.

As an aside, the Library reminds me of the Library of Babel by Jorge Borges.

I don't know if I have a usual starting varies by the encounter, I try to make it believable, rather than the 30' away and combat starts. I've had some start at 300 feet (which can be hard when maps top out at 150 or so), I've had some where the enemy was almost on top of the party before combat started. Indoors can vary as well, depending on the environment, short hallways with lots of corners make for close combat, but large halls make for better distance.

blahpers wrote:

Huh....I stand corrected. I guess if you're not dependent on a bow it makes more sense to just get +3 arrows then, you can use any bow to fire them, and they would count as Cold Iron/Silver.

Pink Dragon wrote:

ZenN has a good list. However, a +3 bow does not bypass DR/ cold iron and DR/ silver so you will want these arrows nevertheless.

Also, get the clustered shot feat.

Are you sure?

PRD wrote:
Ammunition fired from a projectile weapon with an enhancement bonus of +1 or higher is treated as a magic weapon for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction. Similarly, ammunition fired from a projectile weapon with an alignment gains the alignment of that projectile weapon (in addition to any alignment it may already have)...Weapons with an enhancement bonus of +3 or greater can ignore some types of damage reduction....cold iron/silver +3

I think a +3 bow does add it's enchantment bonus for DR bypass to the arrows, and the +3 qualifies as Cold Iron/Silver.

ENHenry wrote:

Beefore this thread goes all abuzz with swarms of suggestions from the forum hive-mind which could break the economy, I would also suggest the standard profession rules for economic returns - after all, the focus should be adventure and not a 9-to-5 grind making the most money! Your GM should not feel like you're pollen a fast one at the table in some sort of fly-by-night scheme.

In the end, don't let too much attention to bee-tail drone out the sounds being made by a fun game beeing played.

(Is that enough puns to make a punster Jelly, I wonder?)

Missed two :D

Crexis wrote:

Let's say I have 16 STR and 18 DEX and I have a Composite LongBow (+3).

I know that for damage it gets a +3 but how bout the attack roll? Does it use dex and be a +4? Or same as strength +3?

How about if I wanted to make it a masterwork weapon, does that just increase the attack roll by 1?

And if I wanted to spend 2000 gp and make it a magical +1/+1, the masterwork would do nothing, but would I have to spend the extra 300 gp for masterwork before spending 2000 gp for +1 enchantment?

Thanks for any help

You use Dex to attack.

Masterwork increases the attack roll by 1, correct.
Magic applies to both attack and damage but doesn't stack with masterwork quality (but you need masterwork to make a magic weapon). Masterwork cost is added to the base price to determine price. So if you were after say a Magic Composite Longbow +1 (with a +3 str rating) it'd cost you 2700 GP (2000 for the +1, 100gp for the composite bow, 300gp for the +3 str, and 300gp for the masterwork). are right, and so is the player. Yes, in combat everyone should roll initiative, but there is also the surprise round, in which only aware combatants can act (how ambushes develop....even if you have a 30 initiative, you cannot act as you are not aware of the guy hiding in the bushes. One way to do it to avoid a player who has a high initiative from meta-gaming ("I glance back to see what the others are doing") is to roll initiatives in secret, though in my experience, players like to roll things themselves whenever they can. The other way to do it is to do the surprise round first and only have those who are aware roll initiative, then the others can roll when they become aware and slot in.

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Pizza Lord wrote:
I think your GM will have to choose a beelievable and realistic amount of honey that can be produced per week based on the size of your hive. ...Again, I don't know the size of your hive or whether that's even beelievable)...I think the item's purpose is to allow the use of the Profession (beekeeper) skill by giving you a beelievable way to be tending bees as you move around and are offering your services to farmers and herbalists and such by allowing your bees to pollinate their crops and plants rather than as a honey-production method, similar to how a herder or farmer would...

Fixed for you :D

Also, I second that the travelling hive's purpose is to pollinate crops rather than focus on honey production. I agree with Judy's comments regarding production, but selling your services to crops (especially orchards) can be just as valuable as selling honey as a trade good.

Couple questions. What size of ship was it? I'm assuming a rather large ship if it has a broadside of cannons available. If so, you're looking at a pretty deep draft, so the ship would have to be a far bit off-shore. The perception check (and spellcraft to know a spell was being cast) increases with range. Even hearing them talking can be difficult (a range of 3000 feet from a beach is not impractical for a ship galleon size).
As others have pointed out, how did the crew know which person to target. If you had say 12 cannons on the side, and 3 targeted to each member of party (assuming a 4 person party) that would be reasonable...but having the commander shout out "fire at the dude in the funny hat on the left who is waving his arms!" would be more than a free action. Aiming a cannon takes a full round action so as others have stated cannot be used as a readied action.

I'll add in here, just cause it's fun to add to a 7 year old thread :D
We started a PF game as 1st level commoners, which is pretty close to 0. Had a fight against Kobolds (I believe) in a bar to start off the adventure, they abducted a few townspeople and we had to retrieve them. Then we went off adventuring, got to level 4 before half the party was killed in an alchemist-related friendly fire accident. Retired the 2 surviving members and hoping to place them as NPCs in the new campaign to have some reminiscing.

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blahpers wrote:
What doesn't have a purpose? You've named a whole bunch of stuff that has a purpose. Calling it "fluff" is on you, not the rules.

The same could be said for Bedrolls, Blankets, and Tents as well. Not needed to get rest, yet most adventuring kits have a blanket or bedroll at the least.

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Talonhawke wrote:
blahpers wrote:



...I spy with my little eye something . . . green.


Gelatinous Cube with several goblins in it?

Wildborn archetype for Barbarian gives unarmed strike as bonus feat. What about Brawler as a class? There are a few archetypes for fighters in Ultimate Wilderness that seem like they'd fit your campaign perfectly, namely Tribal Fighter.

You could have the church send her a holy warrior or two to serve as meat shields as well, make it clear that they are favoured of the church so any shenanigans on her part would be highly frowned upon by the church and possibly the god/ess as well. And NPC a couple fighters or Barbarians or whatever, make them useful to her so she doesn't want to just abandon them, make them save her life or make one her brother, give her a reason to want them around.

Brawler wrote:

Unarmed Strike: At 1st level, a brawler gains Improved Unarmed Strike as a bonus feat. A brawler may attack with fists, elbows, knees, and feet. This means that a brawler may make unarmed strikes with her hands full. A brawler applies her full Strength modifier (not half) on damage rolls for all her unarmed strikes.

In addition to what Wonderstell said, if you did a TWF you don't necessarily have to use two 'hands' to attack, you can punch, or kick, or knee, or elbow, I'd even go so far to say headbutt too.

So, there is a forum for recruitment for online games, I'm pretty sure it is this one.
There is play by post, and also online in terms of using a virtual tabletop (VTT). I'll talk about VTT as that's what I use.

There are a few different VTT out there, two of the most common ones (that I know of) are Roll20 and Fantasy Grounds, I use Fanatasy Grounds so I'll talk more about that, there are a few on here who use Roll20 and they can fill you in on the details of that one.

For Fantasy Grounds, if the DM has the Ultimate Version anyone can join the game with the free version, otherwise everyone needs a copy of the regular version of Fantasy Grounds (either a one-off or a monthly payment). It has a basic version of the Pathfinder ruleset preloaded, and the community has done a great job adding additional rulesets (like advanced classes and several bestiaries). It does take a bit of use getting use to, and for the DM it is a little more work trying to set up encounters and the like, but it can be a great fun.

djdust wrote:

1 dose of black powder is 10gp. A keg of black powder is 1000gp. I don't know what that means in Golarion economic terms, really, other than it costs 11gp for every bullet you fire from your pistol, which seems pretty expensive, especially at low levels. Firing a cannon costs 100gp+whatever a cannonball costs.

Black Powder has no Craft DC, so it cannot be created using Craft(Alchemy), so who knows where it comes from.

Unless you're a Gunslinger or have Gunsmithing feat

Gunsmithing wrote:
Crafting Ammunition: You can craft bullets, pellets, and black powder for a cost in raw materials equal to 10% of the price. If you have at least 1 rank in Craft (alchemy), you can craft alchemical cartridges for a cost in raw materials equal to half the price of the cartridge. At your GM's discretion, you can craft metal cartridges for a cost in raw materials equal to half the cost of the cartridge. Crafting bullets, black powder, or cartridges takes 1 day of work for every 1,000 gp of ammunition (minimum 1 day).

Funny thing about that though is it takes 1 day to do 1 does or 1 might as well make a keg of it. Which means somewhere there is a stockpile of blackpowder just sitting around from people who made a whole keg when all they really needed was 5 charges.

I was going to answer your other question when I got home as well, does this one cover it?
Yes, you can just construct a simple building and add on to it later. If you went with a storage and pit, you'd just get the bonuses from those two buildings. You can add to it, so if you later build a stall and hire a driver, they would just be added on to your existing building (or you could house them separately if you wanted).

Dasrak wrote:
If you're just using iterative attacks, there is no need to even have the double weapon property. You're just making two separate attacks with the same weapon, and making different decisions about how you're using it.

True, if you have iterative attacks, you should be able to swap between them no problem. I think you could use TWF with it as two regular weapons, at -6/-10 or -4/-4 with TWF feat.

Hmm, as far as I can see, the Musket Axe isn't a double weapon, it's treated as a double weapon only for crafting magic items. I'm torn on how to treat it for switching between the two. I don't think you could switch between the two, otherwise it'd be a true double weapon. Even a quarterstaff gets penalised as a light and one handed weapon for TWF

Was in a similar situation not too long ago. We settled on Fantasy Grounds as our VTT and it works pretty good. It does cost money, either a one time fee or monthly. If someone has the Ultimate version everyone else can use the free version, otherwise everyone needs regular. As posted above a few forums dedicated to finding groups

If he's out of passion for his character, maybe at a convenient spot have him retire, he can spend some time making his retirement plans (perhaps opening a tavern or inn). If you still have some grand plans on the campaign, you could offer him an NPC to take control of, or if you have time, he can roll up a new PC. Or if the campaign was coming to an end, end it early and everyone roll up new.

Owlbear wrote:

Adult owlbears live in mated pairs, and hunt in small groups, leaving their young behind in their lairs while they search for prey. A typical owlbear lair contains 1d6 juveniles, which can fetch a price of up to 3,000 gp apiece in many city markets.

While it is considered impossible to truly domesticate owlbears due to their feral natures, they can still be used as guardians if contained within an area but allowed to roam and hunt freely there. Professional animal trainers charge up to 2,000 gp to rear or train an owlbear into a serviceable guardian that can obey simple commands (DC 23 for a juvenile creature; DC 30 for a fully grown adult).

It's a pretty tricky Handle Animal check, but doable.

I'd say no, given that the Spellcraft skill specifically calls out being able to see the spell as it is being cast and has the same modifiers as a Perception check with regard to distance, conditions, etc.. Asleep is a +10 to the DC. Drunk, maybe give them distracted as well, +5. If the spellcaster was right next to them casting in a normal voice, it'd be a DC 15. Move the caster and it increases +1/10ft. So if the caster was 30ft and cast Charm Person it's be a DC 18, not too hard for most adventurers.
Unconscious, I'd say you're not able to perform a perception check, as unconscious are unable to perform any actions.

Volkard Abendroth wrote:

Quickened Fly + Hungry Pit on round 1. Cloudkill on round 2.
Dead Paladin. Even if he makes his first few saving throws, he still takes CON damage every round.
If you really want to be a bastard, drop a wall across the top. Even if he maxed his climb skill, he cannot use his two-handed sword while climbing, so even a low-level wall will be unbreakable for him.

Ohhh...that's evil :D

Also, don't forget his lovely -5 armour check penalty on climb checks, so even if maxed (judging from his feat choices, probably 0), he'd have a +17 only, from his feats I'd say at least 1 of 3 skill/level went to a craft skill, possibly 2/3.

Does the buckler add the +5 to AC during an attack? The shield itself will not add to AC if he's attacking, so if it doesn't is his AC only 29?

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