Grick wrote:
hahahaha :) Hope not :) Goblin will be casting fireballs and lightningbolts... they better chase them or run. Ignore won't be a smart move :)
Let's say my players will be envolved in a fight. They will be watched by a crowd of goblin-like creatures that will be laughing, dancing, eating, jumping, singing... a crowd of crazy-like small goblinoids. These small dudes will be short on HP, like 4E minions, posing no treat to the party. They're crazy, but not crazy enough to jump in the middle of the fight and die. Problem is: among them something like 3 or 4 are spellcasters that will find funny hit players with spells. Now, if players are smart enough maybe one of them will stop, find casters and deal with them. But goblins don't look so different each others, so the guy who will chase them will need to make a Perception check to find them. As I'm not a bad DM these spellcasters have some items that will make possible to say who is who, like, let's say, a staff. So... how I do this Perception check? What would be DC? Stealth (because they are in the middle of a crowd) vs Perception?
Hi! I'm gonna DM a Pathfinder game in a few days. I'm working with a friend of mine's book, as I don't own the Core Rules (will be my first PF game, I'm a seasoned 3.5 DM tho). Problem is the book will be away from me for a few days and I need to set up a challenge: Party's way is blocked by a massive iron door. This door opens lifting up, using some mechanism on the other side, which players don't have access. They can lift up this door using a STR checkm, I guess. There's space enoug under the door and stone floor for two of them put their hands and try pulling it. So, how do I set STR DC for this? Based on weight? Is there any table for it? This should be handled as one player doing the check and other aiding (+2 bonus?) or both do STR checks? Thanks in advance :)
I'm running a multi edition multi system cosmology Planescape game. On next session players will be able to choose going to a few cities who have a straight portal to Sigil. Among them is Armun Kelisk. I own The Great Beyond but I'm looking for a bit more depth... is there any place I could find what's in each of the seven layers of Armun Kelisk?
I think this is the best Manual of the Planes so far, except for one thing... the subtle changes on Sigil. AD&D and 3E put Sigil on a higher place, it always feels like the center of universe. Now, for 4E, Sigil is a "microcosm" and "The World" feels like the Center of the Universe... And City of Brass now is the "oldest city" and the biggest commerce hub which, IMO, makez zero sense. I suppose this reflects some of designer's love for 1E and not liking Planescape too much. Sigil was always a place of mystery. Being the eldest city make sense... it has some hidden purpose... now why the oldest city of all creation is some Efreet place? Why Efreets have of so special? As may other 4E fluff choices I am ignoring it at full... /rant...
trellian wrote: How about dual-wielders? Is that still possible? Yes, as some other guys said, rangers and tempest from MoTP. I had the same surprise as you, like "#$*, when we get more attacks?", and then, after DMing 4E I started loving it. All that time lost adding and subtracting bonus from high level Rangers... :)
Todd Stewart wrote:
In fact... according to some dude who got the 4E MoTP at Enworld, "Shemeska" now is a "Raavasta", anothe race. If they don't plan to make Loths back, that solution is less worst than trow them as lower demons...
awp832 wrote:
No, thanks.
Gene wrote:
I like Golarion goblins a lot too, but would buy them only if made of plastic... if minis are going to stay metal I'll buy only monsters I can't find on DDM... |