
Zulfur's page

Organized Play Member. 11 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 3 Organized Play characters.


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We too did the Gods Market Garden, the DM had us all jumping. We were very into the game and then the chase started. He explained the rules but characters like my Int 8 Samurai didn't have a chance to do anything. I stopped at the baths and took turns chasing the bathers around and falling down from guards. The Bard did all the work.

15 mins later, "Oh lets start the game again for all of you"... yea its getting late and there is no redbull vendors here.

We were never into it again. He had lost us all. Its unfortunate as the module is very good.

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Kydeem de'Morcaine wrote:
Another concern with a large weapon bonded item is that you may not be allowed to take it everywhere. If you are asked to attend a posh diplomatic luncheon, it will look bad if you walk in with a long spear and insist on keeping it with you during the meal. ;)

This I never thought off!! Thank you

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Thanks Everyone!!

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I think the concept is sound, kinda. I was thinking that he would be a pretty rare mage, as a dwarf who likes to tinker and craft, but he could lend a hand through the use of a reach weapon instead of a crossbow or sling and use Craft (Alchemy) to throw things into combat. I was reading the forums here and had some inspiration.

In our weekly games we can only use the core rule book for classes.

With Universalist, he gets the Hand of the Apprentice and I thought to bind the spear.

We rolled stats. I rolled amazing. Here is my idea.
Level 3 with a progression of Wiz, Fig, Wiz. Don't know if I should do anymore fighter as I advance. This is the first time I have tried to play a Wiz in 10 years but I am a good role player and know how to use the skills and abilities. I just want to make sure the character is well put together. The majority of the group are min/max. With a few of us trying to do different things to add flavor.

Fritz DeAmazin'
Dwarf Wiz 2, Fighter 1

STR 14
Dex 16
Con 13 +2
Int 18
Wis 10 +2
Cha 12 -2

Feats: Scribe Scroll (free) and Throw Anything

Anyone have any ideas to make him better or on what I can do as I advance? I was considering Elf also.

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He already has Point Blank listed.

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Kajehase wrote:
Based on what I've seen on TV... vampires and werewolves ;)

Good one!!

How about aligators, giant rats (called Nutrina down there), and car sized mosquitos!

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Trinite wrote:
I prefer my armors to be realistic in their design, regardless of how magical they are.

So you don't let your mages wear bracers +3 since they are unrealistic? they only cover a small band around the arm, they would not offer any protection to the legs, so do you consider them unarmored?

In my campaigns, we use only offical equipment. you won't find any glowsticks or microwaves. So a bikini, that was invented in 1946 would be out of the question.

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wraithstrike wrote:
I think Zulfer's point was to negate auto-wins not to always trump a player's hard work at making a PC.

Thank you Wraith, yes that ws my point.

No game is fun if its all auto wins. Do you play without dice? Do you still fight rooms of Level 1-2 Kobalds at 15 and find it a challenge? They cannot even hit except on a 20.

I currently have a person playing that has a trip maxed character, all he does is trip. As a good DM, its my responsibility to the group to add flying creatures and snakes and multi-legged creatures to amke it a challenge, which the poeple here on the boards helped me to find good ideas with how to do.

A Level 15 character is supposed to fight things around their level or higher, which means they have trained as long as the PC and should use tactics.

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Crysknife wrote:

Just one consideration.

You have to beat a stealth check with your perception check. (43 vs 20-ish)
The enemy have to beat your group stealth check (at most the lowest of the group) with his perception check. (20-ish vs -5/0 due to paladins/fighters)

Unless you have a stealthy party the enemy still notice you first in most cases.

I agree with CrysKnife.

Remember that if you and your group are Min/Maxing to this level, the GM will need to also just to make the game interesting, (unless your just paying a Monte Hall game of I walk over everything and we dont really roll anymore). In my group when a person starts to metagame the system or thinks they find a way to gain advantages, the NPCs also Min/Max. So they have +45 to stealth and you hear and see nothing because they are just as good as you. Yes, they trained just as hard, maybe harder, and are at your level (or higher) with magic items and just as much ability to get and gain advantages. Thay also hit just as hard and are just as hard to hit. This keeps our group from just walking into everything thinking they will make it out without any implications. Their diviner even knows your abilities so they block them and know ahead of time where you will first see them, maybe they plan for you to see them at that spot and have things prepared for you at that spot, waiting for you to spring the trap on yourself.

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thanks for the ideas!

I don't want to kill him, I want him to do something other then trip everything and make the combat to easy.

I love the snakes and rushing him ideas. Archers are going to be fun!

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I am looking for ideas on how to best deal with a character that uses a whip to give him a 15' reach and he trips everything in combat. He never causes damage really, but he trips everything so the others can get the reap the creatures -4 AC for prone and the free AOO on standing which takes a move action.

Basically he trips and everyone cannot not get hit at all for the rest of combat as the creatures try to stand and get beat down by the group with AOOs. Rinse and repeat for the next creature.

Currently I have resorted to keep the intelligent monsters attacking from the prone, animal INT would make a boar or bear keep trying to stand to attack. But I need better alternatives. At the higher levels I will have multi-legged creatures and floting or flying creatures, but I am having troble now at the lower levels.

Thanks for any replies.