
Zulekia's page

Organized Play Member. 16 posts. No reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist. 1 Organized Play character.


We just started to play Skulls & Shackles. I am trying to find a good 'Ship Sheet' that is editable to help keep up with the ship we now have in our possession.

Here is the scenario.
Player A can cast see invisibility on himself.
Player B can cast Permanency.

So can Player B make See Invisibility permanent on Player A?

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Just received my case today. Had a total of 12 broken miniatures. That's a 10% failure rate. I have never had that. I can live with one or two, which I can usually fix. No big deal. This is the first time I was missing a miniature in the set. Not a fan of the clear bases. I want to be able to read the writing on the miniature.

Broken miniatures were:
-1 Leucrotta (got 4 so 3 were fine)
-1 Allevrah Azrinae(R)(only got 1)
-3 Skavelings (only got 3)
-4 Fleshwarp, Drow Abomination (only got 4)
-3 Leng Spiders (got 4 total and 1 was fine)

First time I was disappointed with a case of miniatures.

I am running the End of Eternity module soon. I have read the rules on planar connections but am not sure on how it will affect my player who is a Summoner. Mostly his Eidolon.

A. If the Eidolon has not been summoned when the players enter the scroll will the Summoner be able to summon the eidolon in Kakishon?

B. If my player already has the Eidolon by his side when they enter the scroll what happens when it is time to dismiss it?

I am running the End of Eternity module soon. I have read the rules on planar connections but am not sure on how it will affect my player who is a Summoner. Mostly his Eidolon.

A. If the Eidolon has not been summoned when the players enter the scroll will the Summoner be able to summon the eidolon?

B. If my player already has the Eidolon by his side when they enter the scroll what whappens when it is time to dismiss it?

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Benefit: A rogue with this talent gains a +4 circumstance bonus on all Sleight of Hand checks made to conceal a weapon. Furthermore, if she makes a sneak attack during the surprise round using a concealed weapon that her opponent didn’t know about, she does not have to roll sneak attack damage, and the sneak attack deals maximum damage. A rogue can only use the underhanded talent a number of times per day equal to her Charisma modifier (minimum 0).

This is a rogue talent that I could take on any even numbered level with a rogue.

Question: If I'm invisible, and I sneak up on a creature, does that count as a concealed weapon that the opponent didn't know about, or do I still have to make a slight of hand check to conceal the weapon? Question 2: When I use this, does it count for just the first sneak attack, or all attacks if I get mutliple attacks in the round? Situation: I'm invis and I sneak up on a creature. I wait a round to attack, thus getting all my attacks. BAM, do I get one max'd attack, or will all my attacks be max'd?

Ah, I see. Thanks. Just was starting to worry.

How long to things remain as 'pending'? I placed an order about a week ago and it has yet to change status nor have I received any emails saying there is problem. When can I expect my order to ship?

All good now! It finally arrived.

Ah..standard mail. No wonder I have not seen it! I work for USPS so I fully understand why it has not arrived. I need to make sure I pick first class next time.

Any way to find out what happen to a missing order. I have not received my GameMastery Module J3 or Pathfinder Map Folio, order #889262. It shows it was shipped on Feb 26 by USPS but I have not gotten it. I am wondering because and order that was shipped on Feb 29 has arrived while the one shipped on the 26 has not.

aww....the emails only said subscription and right next to my name it says 'Subscriber' no where did it say 'charter' subscribers only! nor did it say that transition subscriptions didn't count!!

I got my first issue and it looks great! But I did not get a copy of the Player's Guide to Rise of the Runelords! I want the player's guide!

When will the PDF version be available to subscribers?