
Zulekia's page

Organized Play Member. 16 posts. No reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist. 1 Organized Play character.

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Just received my case today. Had a total of 12 broken miniatures. That's a 10% failure rate. I have never had that. I can live with one or two, which I can usually fix. No big deal. This is the first time I was missing a miniature in the set. Not a fan of the clear bases. I want to be able to read the writing on the miniature.

Broken miniatures were:
-1 Leucrotta (got 4 so 3 were fine)
-1 Allevrah Azrinae(R)(only got 1)
-3 Skavelings (only got 3)
-4 Fleshwarp, Drow Abomination (only got 4)
-3 Leng Spiders (got 4 total and 1 was fine)

First time I was disappointed with a case of miniatures.

6 people marked this as FAQ candidate. 1 person marked this as a favorite.

Benefit: A rogue with this talent gains a +4 circumstance bonus on all Sleight of Hand checks made to conceal a weapon. Furthermore, if she makes a sneak attack during the surprise round using a concealed weapon that her opponent didn’t know about, she does not have to roll sneak attack damage, and the sneak attack deals maximum damage. A rogue can only use the underhanded talent a number of times per day equal to her Charisma modifier (minimum 0).

This is a rogue talent that I could take on any even numbered level with a rogue.

Question: If I'm invisible, and I sneak up on a creature, does that count as a concealed weapon that the opponent didn't know about, or do I still have to make a slight of hand check to conceal the weapon? Question 2: When I use this, does it count for just the first sneak attack, or all attacks if I get mutliple attacks in the round? Situation: I'm invis and I sneak up on a creature. I wait a round to attack, thus getting all my attacks. BAM, do I get one max'd attack, or will all my attacks be max'd?