Tenzekil Braybittle (Bleachling)

Zontipicus Zonidu - Maelwys's page

30 posts. Alias of Maelwys0.

When do you attempt to recover a boon that's been converted?

Specifically, I'm asking in regards to Myrtle's updated power:

When you attempt to recover an Alchemical or Liquid boon, you may instead attempt a Knowledge check with a difficulty of 7 (☐ 5) plus the card's level. If you succeed, recharge it (☐ or shuffle it into your deck); if you fail, discard it.

According to the conversion guide, Alchemical Items that don't have a recovery roll can gain one, which is nice and straightforward. But what about Alchemical non-items?

Anesthetizing Slime says:

After playing this card, you may succeed at a Craft 7 check then discard a card that has the Alchemical trait to recharge this card instead of banishing it.

This is a recovery roll, so I have a choice. I can make a Knowledge 7 check, or a Craft 7 check. But if I use Craft (which is usually easier) I need to also discard another Alchemical card... fair trade off I guess. I believe I'm playing this one properly.

But here's another example that I'm a lot less sure about:
Parade Armor

At the end of your turn, banish this card. If proficient with light armors, you may bury it instead.

It has a banish, with a possible bury instead... so is that a form of recovery? Do I get to make a Knowledge check to keep the armor around later (recharge, discard, or reshuffle), or is it a one-trick pony for Myrtle? At least she's now considered "proficient with light armors" I guess, so it's only a bury instead of a banish. But I'd still rather have a chance to bring it back later.

All of the other alchemists have some version of "During recovery, you may [recharge/discard] Alchemical boons instead of banishing them". How would this work with them? Clearly, this is an Alchemical boon that I'm banishing. But am I banishing it during recovery? It doesn't seem to have recovery text on it, so maybe I'm just banishing it at the end of my turn, and nobody else could save it either? The transition rules for recovery say:

"If a card you banish to play has a check that can allow you to do something other than banish it, put it in a recovery pile and attempt that check at the end of the turn. You should also put it in a recovery pile if you have a power on your character card or on a displayed card that can allow you to do something other than banish that card."

Parade Armor doesn't have a check to allow you to do something other than banish it (since simply being "proficient with light armors" isn't a check, just a change of status). But how does the second sentence apply? I have a power that allows me to do something other than banish it, but only if it's already in recovery... and I can only put it in recovery if I have a power that allows me to do something other than banish it... and now I feel like this is just a catch-22 along the same lines as Varian and his Sword-Cane. ;-)

OR, can I classify the "if proficient" text as "a power on a displayed card that can allow you to do something other than banish that card"? Then it's own text allows me to consider it recovery-able, which allows me to make my Knowledge check (and allows Damiels/Cogsnap to auto-recharge/discard)?

So... anybody know if that logic-loop is valid, or unneeded? Or am I just out of luck here?

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Discussion thread here, for any OOC conversations and planning. I'd also like to have a google hangout or other IM-style chat open, for quick questions (like "Hey, can I borrow a blessing?"), and to alert people when a new turn is posted (so we don't all need to refresh this page constantly).

Does anybody have a platform preference? Facebook Messenger, Discord, or Google Hangout seem to be the easiest and most popular. The other games I play tend to use Google (since not everybody has Facebook), but I'm easy.

The King is Dead, Long Live the Queen!

Korvosa is cursed that none of its monarchs shall ever die of old age or produce an heir. The metropolis teeters on the edge of anarchy. It needs heroes that can face down crime lords, rioting mobs, insane cultists, virulent plague, undead hordes, scheming devils, corrupt nobles, barbarian chieftains, and ancient and forgotten evils that seek to dominate and sacrifice the city.

Full Plate and Half Plate armors appear to be word-for-word almost identical. The only difference I could find was one used a semicolon where the other used a period... but not in a way that appears to change any of the functionality of the card.

Did I miss something, or is one of these cards this a misprint that should have a different number on it somewhere?

Seelah's Honor Shield role has a power feat: "When you encounter a boon, you may reveal a Shield armor to evade it (and you may reload it instead of shuffling it into its location)"

The first part is simple enough, if I don't think I can acquire it, I can put it back to let somebody else try. But if I take the upgrade, it gets fuzzier. My assumption, based on the wording, is that instead of shuffling it in I get to put it back on top, so that the next person knows exactly when to expect to encounter it. The problem is, that's not what it actually says. The rulebook very clearly defines "Reload: Put it on top of your deck." Which means by applying that definition here, I'm not putting the encountered boon back on the top of the location, I'm putting it on top of my deck instead. Which would mean that Seelah with a Shield can auto-acquire every single boon she encounters... which seems pretty strong to me.

Did I miss a rule somewhere that modifies the "Reload" definition when the card isn't one of "your cards"? Or is that just an overzealous application of the new terms somewhere that they probably shouldn't have been used? Or is Seelah's new role really that powerful?

Discuss things here


For weeks the astronomers of the Inner Sea region have been abuzz. Millennia ago, the twin planets Damiar and Iovo exploded, creating an asteroid belt known as the Diaspora. A few of those asteroids orbit the sun more erratically, and one of the more famous of these is called Aucturn’s Tear, which flies through the solar system every 56 years like clockwork. For some reason, the asteroid has flared to life in the night sky, as though releasing vast quantities of gas.

Most would be content to just watch the asteroid and wonder—but not the Pathfinder Society. Agents have been furiously preparing for some kind of expedition that involves portals. Could it be that as Aucturn’s Tear travels overhead tonight, a mystic doorway to a hidden treasure might open? Perhaps that’s why so many agents have gathered around the Spire of Nex, a towering siege fortress rumored to contain untold magical power. Perhaps the Master of Spells Sorrina Westyr will make an announcement soon.

Welcome to the discussion thread. Players for this game are: eddiephlash, Deni, Tomehound, and Matsu Kurisu. So if one of those is you, feel free to chime in here and discuss which characters you'd like to play and other starting information. Any questions, let me know!

Also, please post here with what time zone you're in, and what your most common posting times will be (before work, after work, evening, late night, whatever). Then hopefully we can find a good turn order that will fit the flow best, so we're not waiting 23 hours between anybody's turns.

During This Adventure
At the start of this adventure, choose whether you wish to count the adventure for purposes of tier advancement. If you choose not to count this adventure as tier advancement, you do not gain feats as provided in the Guide, but you do gain scenario rewards and deck upgrades as normal.

This adventure does not use traders.

Do not read any scenario’s villains or henchmen before playing it.

If you are dead at the end of a scenario, you may play another character for the next scenario.

If you fail a scenario, immediately replay it.

The scourge die is 1d6.

Any character may bury a card that has the Healing trait, an ally, or a blessing to give a displayed or buried Reinforcements support card to another Pathfinder Adventure Card Guild table that does not have one displayed or buried.

Actually, two questions. But I'm 99% sure I know the answer to the first.

1st/ If you search a location deck, did you examine a card in a location deck? I'm sure the answer is no, just wishful thinking.

2nd/ If a location deck is now empty, can I play a card that instructs me to examine the top card of that deck? (I think yes) And if I can play that, does that trigger cards that react when I examined a card in a location deck? (I think no, unfortunately)

Basically, I'm trying to force-trigger an Aric/Red Raven switch so that I can retrieve a card from my kit. But the location I'm at is already empty, so I'm trying to figure out if Blessing of the Spy can still trigger that switch or not, when it's on an empty deck. I'm afraid probably not, but really want to find a way to make that work... ;-)

Discussion thread here, for any OOC conversations and planning. I'd also like to have a google hangout or other IM-style chat open, for quick questions (like "Hey, can I borrow a blessing?"), and to alert people when a new turn is posted (so we don't all need to refresh this page constantly).

Does anybody have a platform preference? Facebook Messenger or Google Hangout seem to be the easiest and most popular. The other games I play tend to use Google (since not everybody has Facebook), but I'm easy.

1 person marked this as a favorite.


All hail! The Runelord Karzoug is dead!

It is hard to imagine that such a feat could be accomplished, yet in the high peaks of Xin-Shalast, a band of hardy adventurers defeated the Runelord of Greed. He conspired to bring a realm of nightmares into our world, but the adventurers sealed the Runewell. What this meant for Golarion was salvation.

But what does it mean for the other Runelords?

That, at the moment anyway, is hard to determine. At the very least, the attention of scholars and sages might be called to Hollow Mountain. The massive peak, legendary for its deep-cut catacombs running throughout its rocky walls, bears the visage of Alaznist, the Runelord of Wrath. She fled its refuge several thousand years gone, waiting for the remnants of the Empire of Thassilon to awaken. Rumors of increased activity in the ruins of Hollow Mountain are gaining momentum. Could recent events involving a runelord’s return be the cause of this mysterious and forbidding possibility?

It is impossible to know at this time. But looking upon the lands of Golarion, you can hardly imagine a better time. The lands are brimming with energy. Civilizations are on the rise, competition for territory is at an all-time peak, and monsters roam the countryside. One could hardly script a world more appealing to rule.

For adventurers such as yourselves, the siren song of Hollow Mountain is difficult to resist. That said, you could imagine meeting your doom there. So now is the time for preparation. The heroes who defeated Karzoug began their journey in Sandpoint, the site of a surprising amount of tumult for a town its size. Modeling yourselves in their image, you will head there first. There you will gain supplies, sharpen your skills, and make your reputation.

Because what the killing of Karzoug represents to you is not history or legend. To you, it represents opportunity.

And will it represent an opportunity to the other Runelords as well? Only time will tell.

I just read this card and got really excited... then I read the FAQ and got really disappointed.

At first I thought "Hey, ahhh, I see what they did there! Vika can take 1 spell, but can't ever get Arcane or Divine, so she's meant to take this spell. Because she's a Blacksmith, so it makes sense that she can keep mastercrafting weapons for her companions. Brilliant! It doesn't banish because it's not a scroll like most other spells, it's just good worksmanship"

And then I found the FAQ/Errata for it and was crushed. My hopes and dreams, ruined.

I assume it would be far to much to ask this to be changed to "Unless you have Arcane, Divine, or Craft, banish it; recharge it with an Arcane, Divine, or Craft 12 check", huh? Because I think that would be awesome, and tie in so beautifully with her character. What others can do with magic, she can do with a forge and so much skill it appears like magic. And it would give her an actual spell that she could use (and not immediately replace with a basic, after it's banished the first time it's used).

I've looked and found a couple questions about using Vika's anti-bury Blacksmith power ("When you would bury an armor or weapon, you may discard it instead."). Generally, those questions seem to revolve around combining this with her other powers (to recharge discarded things). But I had another thought today that I wanted to check up on.

I'm currently using Vika through the Season 4 OP content (Factions Favor). Meaning, we have traders. And some of those traders require more than 1 boon as payment, with OP rules saying that anything past the first boon is buried instead of banished.

So, when I get to Tier 4 and become a Blacksmith, will I be able to use her power before the game even starts? If I want to buy something that costs 2 boons, can I banish one boon, and then bury a weapon boon for the second, and then discard that weapon instead, per her ability? That way I'd still be starting with the normal number of cards in my deck, but instead of starting with 1 buried card, I'm starting with one discarded card. I couldn't immediately recharge it, because all the recharge powers specific that you need to be discarding it "for it's power", and in this case I wasn't burying it "for its power", but for another reason entirely. But would this work?

I presume that the reason her anti-bury ability doesn't specify "for its power" is so that you can actually convert those other "bury a card" costs on other cards into simple discards (since she can always repair it, apparently), but I'm just not sure if this works because of the early stage of the game that you're trying to trigger it in, while you're still setting up the scenario.

Any thoughts?

Hi all,
I've just moved to Salem and am looking for an Pathfinder ACG organized play in the area. There are like 4 game stores nearby, so I figured it shouldn't be too hard to find something. Unfortunately, so far at least I'm not having much luck. And all of the "local" volunteers are up in the Portland area (45 min+ north), so less than ideal for a regular weeknight game. Is there anybody else in Salem that's interested in trying to get an OP campaign started? Or that's already running one that I just haven't found yet? Let me know!